Thursday, April 14, 2016
What Alice forgot

It is a coincidence, otherwise, it is all because of age.

It was my birthday last month and I was looking back a decade and more to what I have achieved. I just finished a book yesterday night and it was about this lady who lost a decade of her memories. That decade happens to be one that has went through plenty of changes for her. In that decade, she gave birth to 3 children of which now, she has no idea who they are.

I love getting books when I travel. Its like a piece that I bring with me how that after spending some time in that country, I would be able to appreciate the stories of that place more. It works sometimes. It is good that I can put a picture to the description in the story but sometimes, it doesn't work that way and I got to know more about the place that I have just visited.

Being able to forget is a skill. Being able to time travel is impossible. Perhaps, it should never be made possible otherwise, it will get pretty chaotic. Don't you think so?

This is a book that makes you think back about your life. It makes you recall. What happens if you meet the younger you? Will your friends still love you? Will your friends stay the same? Will feelings change? What goes up comes down, will that be the same for the feelings? Do they also go through the same business cycle?

FORGET is a big word. It is always a crossroad to whether should you forget or remember. Everyone seems to think that if I can forget then I can move on but the memories and the emotion might just keep gushing, you do not bear to forget. Reminds me of the Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind. As you go through the things once again that you have been dying to forget, would your decision stay the same?

Oh oh oh, it is just a book that I have read, it doesn't mean that I am trying to be emo. I used to write about the books I read so that I can remember them better. I miss reading and writing about them so, this post is that. It is still the school holiday!

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JOanne thought hard on 4:35:00 PM.