Sunday, August 30, 2009
Yes, its coming. Time files and it is getting scary.
I had a super packed Saturday and tomorrow I have got work to do. Bloody hell, I sms-ed my GM to rant about things and he did not reply. Ok, what was he supposed to reply then?
Great, I forgot what I was going to say. I think time for bed.
Oh ya, there will be sales for Kate spade bags and my cousin is sort of consolidating the orders so you can visit www.bagsloft.blogspot.com =) You can email her and ask her about the prices. =)
Yea, 堕落. I have used this term like 187592385 times today.
Joanne vs Partner
Joanne Did pedicure - Checked Visit The Arts House to look at the Dead Sea Scrolls - Nope Go cycling at East Coast Park - Nope Go bowling - Nope Go movies - Checked but watched Bruno. OMG! Dont even remind me, I mean THE SHOW IS TOTALL TOTALLY EXPLICIT!! WhAT has become of R21?!?!?! No more sex scenes? No more boobs and women??? OMG. 堕落. 堕落. 堕落.
Totally not in the plan but I went back to work in the morning. Dangz!
Partner Did manicure - Nope, did pedicure instead Visit The Arts House to look at the Dead Sea Scrolls - Nope (anyway, this is not in her initinery. I somehow have already figured out her expression had we really went ahead. Her mind is only on hmmmm...wanton meee???) Go cycling at East Coast Park - Nope Go bowling - Nope Go movies - Checked and she was the one who gave the go-ahead for Bruno. Enough said.
So Joanne 1, Partner 0. =x
Oh my, now I am really tired and time for bed. I have got a strong feeling I will not be able to wake early tomorrow.
Nights.Labels: emo elmo, Random post
JOanne thought hard on 1:53:00 AM.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Its Monday tomorrow.
I like this picture, in the picture, the lady seems trouble free and if she is moving, she will be spinning, without troubles, without worries, without fear and she will be smiling.
Its another weekend survived. =) I finally finish my dvds, the last 5 episodes in one afternoon. Do I have some sort of a claustrophobic thing? Why so I feeel ants crawling all over me when I am in my room? *Rolls eyes* yeah, tell me about it. I still got 4 movies to do and I have many many weekends!!! Yeah!!!
It was 3 siao char bo watching the bowling pins and swinging around. Yup yup, when the hubby is not in town, the wife brings 2 ladies back. the games were fun, the rabbids especially, super duper cute. We were laughing at the things we have to do, like talking on the handphone in the cinema without gettingn caught and apparently, the girls said real sounds came out. I was especially good at throwing papers at teacher while he is not looking ang playing with the chair when the boss is not around. Thats was super cute. Ms XJ got hit a couple of times coe she threw papers at the teacher when he is looking. =p Now you know, who is the good student in school but then looks can be deceiving. =D
Here is the bride for your viewing. =D
The hong bao boxes? =)

Now it looks like it is Xj and my wedding because you noticed how that heart was placed between us? It says "Our Wedding" hahahah! By the way, I finally finished Snow. Its a book about how a turk who was exiled to Germany and then how he went back to Turkey again. It was also about religion and politics. I bought it in Istanbul airport last year but took so long to complete. =p The subject was kinda heavy so I needed time to digest. =) I still have couple of books to read. My bedside story, "The Goddness and the bull" barely reach the 4th chapter. =p Work was so tiring that everyday when I reached home, I lie flat on my bed. The maximum I can go is 4 pages and off to lalaland I go. Last Friday, I cannot resist but I bought another new book. =x Incorrigible. My colleague was so amazed that I can managed to read different books at different time of the day. If my boss know about it, he probably think that I am too free and will dump more work on me. =x Okie dokie, off to read my new book before I head to Zhou Gong's. =) Nights! Labels: monday blues, Random post
JOanne thought hard on 10:33:00 PM.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
A: Can you stop charming me? M: Ehhhh... don't say I never warn you, dont, dont ever fall in love with me because should that day when you feel like I am god send, I will tell you Devil send me. A: HAHAHHAHA!!! You are super thick skinned. M: You know how you feel about me. Dont hide and dont surpress. I love underground, I promise things will work out and your bf wont even find out. A: HAHAHAHHAH *speechless*
I have been getting TLC from my colleagues recently and they are all females! Weird. One of them just sms-ed me telling me she got me lozenges cos I have been coughing and she reminded me to take my medicine. Awwww...
BUT Oh please, take my medicine? Huh? What is medicine? I was describing to her how hard it can be for me when you ask me to take medicine. I do what I do best, I stare. =) Hahaha. Two things that will totally knock me out - medicine and cats. Of course, recently, I have added the third thing. Aint telling what is it... *whistles*
I had a very fun conversation the other day with another colleague who is considering marriage. Ahhh!!! These days I dont know why but everyone is getting married. I just found out yesterday that to get married, for the good hotels, you will actually need 1.5 years earlier! Gosh, this is crazy and I cannot actually imagine that marriage can be such popular thing to do nowadays. Oh one more thing, ROM only costs $26. Hah, to buy someone's life legally is actually so cheap ley!
A: I am thinking next year, haha, actually I dont know when he will propose. M: Next year? No good. A: Huh? Why? M: Tiger year. No good. A: Huh? I got hear that before but why? M: Cos tigers fierce, they will eat up your marriage. A: Are you sure that is what they mean? Means rat year best lah? Harmless... M: Also no good. A: How come ley? M: Rats are classified under pest so no good. A: Then which year good? M: Hmmmmm...I dont know. But I got a suggestion. You marry me, every year good cos I promise to make our marriage work. A: Ehhh, they said you ki siao, I dont believe. Now, I think hearing, seeing is believing. You need help anot? M: Need, so you marry me. A: . . . . I think I need to ask your boss to send you for counselling ley... M: Thank you arrr...No need, I always get that so you marry me. Your bf no need to propose, I can guarantee my proposal will be the most romantic of all. A: *walks away* I think you really abit something wrong liao. Tell your boss dont stress you so much lah~
Then another group of colleagues were eating some biscuit and apparently, the sticks have got meanings on them so they decided to decipher the meaning. USEYBT got this:
She passed it to me and said it is best suitable for me. She meant the mouse portion. Unfortunately/fortunately, I cannot find the courage to go and pursue. I do not dare to go and find out what I want to know. I am a little timid mouse who indulges in being one at times and believe me, I can even find 1001 exuses for being one. Yes, incorrigible but unfortunately/fortunately, I do what I do best. I stare.Labels: emo elmo
JOanne thought hard on 11:01:00 PM.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
I have wanted to post my holiday pictures but there is some problem with blogger. I supposed it is ok because I will have plenty of time to do so. My weekends, =) I can spend all of it posting.
Yes, this time I really want to try. I think I need it to clear my mind and know where I am heading. I've made a pact with the girls that I am determined to make it work this time. I still havent managed to find ONE person who think I can do it but Me believe in Joanne. Me, myself and I believed that I can live with being alone to think through what I really want.
=) Yeah, so much so for saying that but...hmmm... Ms XJ, can I see you on next Wed, Fri, SAT and SUNDAY?!?!?!?! =D How about the next next and next next next?Labels: emo elmo, new chapter, Random post
JOanne thought hard on 4:00:00 PM.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
oI oupeah ouuay ereia aeviongh ea oundeirfualw iofeil iothouuatw eim.
aeppyh ioxs ounthioveirsaerym.Labels: emo elmo
JOanne thought hard on 12:24:00 AM.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
If Someone is punctual like he said, I will have 15 minutes more but I doubt so. I like this, I am at MOS burger now after a super packed day, blogging aka talking to myself and listening to my MP3. The song on it now, The One (Crying like a baby) by Utada Hikaru. Nice song.
I am still coughing, wonderful. Everyone has shunned me because they associate me with you-know-what, they called mine the H10N10. Because of that, I have been getting attention from Someone (who is obviously not punctual since I have not receive his sms). There was this day after Sing dollars, I got on the car with Ms XJ and there was this bowl of weird stuff which is for me. Hah, Someone actually cooked bird nest for me. It was so much effort that now I am getting instant bird nest instead. =) BB X actually associate him to being my chauffeur too. HAHAHAH! On a typical raining morning, he will ask if Someone is coming to get me because he is worried that I get caught in the rain, awwww, so sweet.
Speaking of Sing Dollars, OTOT and Sing Dollars were funny and I am comtemplating to go to The Extraordinary V conference and The Hossan Leong talkshow or something. We shall see how. =) Anyhow, I am so amazed that they managed to incorporate Michael Jackson's death and Mingyi Fa shi's case on Sing Dollars, that is like so current!
Its August, time passes so fast, dont you agree? Was it because everyday is as busy as shit or because I have aged? It feels like everything was just yesterday yet many have happened. That is what will happen if you leave a woman by herself with an avenue to talk. You get all the weird weird thoughts on writing.
Ok, other than words, this is what I look like now. Played with the webcam.
Ok, I looked like one completely bored woman talking to myself. =) Have fun everyone and take care. I am off for a little getaway this long weekend. The weather will be great and I heard its freezing cold up there.
Tata~Labels: Random post, vacation
JOanne thought hard on 5:56:00 PM.