Sunday, May 24, 2009
Its never ending and I am super lazy. My feeling is next week is going to be worst. If it is any comforting, at least the training date has been put forward and there will be one item less soon. Shopping with XJ was good yesterday, at least something off work. Its 2 weeks to the marriage and I hope I will have the time to meet up with LP to do up her Guest book and the box.
Speaking of box, what does the above look like? Hahaha, Someone was exceptionally nice to stock up a box full of food for me. =) Its filled with cookies, sweets, chocolates and I havent been able to be able to look whats inside yet. Speaking of chocolates, the chocolate buffet at Fullerton was kinda disappointing for the price that it was charging but I also make it worth by spending the whole night there =p The sofa was so comfy, I wish I have that for my office chair.
I dont know why something as nice will become like this. The hot chocolate was nice and it was interesting to see chocolates being cooked with milk.
I have realised over the weekends that I REALLY LOVE my job. I have fun touching each and every flower in Fullerton just to see if all the flowers are real. I have fun playing with some toilet bowl while shopping also. Yea, just short of taking a shot together with the toilet bowl. Tsk, just like how my lecturer used to put it, "I just cannot resist but take off my shoes and feel the floor with my feet because those granites are so expensive."

Thats AKG (Ang Kong Gong) entertaining me for the whole Sunday afternoon. Once you are tired, you can hug it and you feel much better. The best thing about it is it is a free gift I have bought back from Su Zhou. =) I just realise the person accompanying me is also wearing red like AKG. =x Ok, back to work. =) Labels: emo elmo, work
JOanne thought hard on 6:10:00 PM.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Alright alright... The clinic was in a frenzy and people who walked in with high fever were given the stares. The Doc was especially uptight when she realised I just came back from China.
It was a good day off but it was also today that I was "assuming" my new role at work. I wasnt even at work and 70% out of my emails were for my new role. Tsk tsk tsk... Not ready, not ready...
Yeah, while the top people are trying to set everyone ready for my new role, my colleagues trying to figure out what is going on, I am at home surfing for stripper, yea, literally...Well done, come what may...
Take care everyone, keep yourself healthy! =)Labels: Sick
JOanne thought hard on 6:36:00 PM.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
I woke early today because I have got work to do. Boss talked to me yesterday because he has other plans for me. My jobscope is going to change and I said I will only accept a temporary arrangement and I hope it is not going to be permanent. Seriously, I dont know why I agreed. Sometimes, I just cannot resist the temptation. The temptation to try something different and to try something new. I get bored easily and I jump at opportunities to change. For the next few months, it is going to be fun swimming in work and more of them are heading my way. Well, lets see what is coming.
The title, hah, no, I am not going to get married. Someone is. Thats life. I remember us sitting on the floor getting all comfy, pouring all things out. My eyes were swollen from the previous day and she seem happy. While I'm asked to reconsider things, she was asked to live her life and not to look back again. Who knows, just a few weeks later, she head all out to go back to a relationship that she has walked out on. The next few weeks, she played Drama Mama and tadah, now they are back together again, all set out to walk hand in hand in life.
Me? Status quo, but so much happier and lighter. Now, I only have got crystals. I can only take camera and take pictures. I can only be kena arrowed by the hubby-to-be to be the emcee on that day and fear for my life because hubby-to-be's colleagues are from my competitor's firm. (Gasp!) Meanwhile, the happy bride-to-be continue to swim in happiness. It was the rainbow after the rain, it was the heaven after the hell, it was the happiness after all that pain she has been through. It was lost and found. Congrats my friend! =D I am happy for you although I am now alone in this boat that was built months ago. We're no longer in the same boat =( Hahaha...
Oh my! The sky seems dark, how am I going to go for blading later?
(Chants) Follow your heart, follow your heart... Its a Saturday, follow your heart. =)Labels: Random post
JOanne thought hard on 1:42:00 PM.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Work Work Work
I was supposed to work but I am so tired now, I am so dead. I have been out the whole day for the past 3 days so the paper work are all piling up. I dont know how I can have so many things to do. I was complaining to my friend, ok, let's give him a name, OPW, opps arrr, how come he has the same name as the long ear hare?! =x Errr, he also never ask if I have a blog, so whatever I said here, he wont be able to read it. =O HAHAHAH!!!
The point is I am busy and feeling lazy.
I realised someone is imitating Bro^5 and Bro^5 is imitating Liam Neeson =x HAHAHHA!!! Those lines were super sia, I mean who can have your daughter kidnapped and still stay so cool, its ridiculous lor BUT the actions were good. It's not like House of the flying daggers, you slash and slash and Zhang Ziyi goes dying but you wonder when is she ever dying. I actually laughed out so hard when the air con pipe broke and OPW said I have 职业病. I mean com' on, we know air con pipes do not break that easily. =x
Ok, I am going to reply one email and get one Minutes done before I go shower and chiong for the rest of the work. =( I is poor thing.
Meanwhile, some pictures for your viewing!
Ahha, my dress for the night. Yea, save the ironing. Mum was happily asking everyone to ask how much it cost. =x
Thats my Uncle. We missed out the youngest female cousin in the family, she is actually 10 (If I am not wrong). I was actually sitting in between my another uncle and his wife that day so that I can see the bride and groom. Well, ended up getting quite abit of a preaching from him. ea, you know the usual things about how you should open your eyes real big etc etc. Hur hur...remind me of KC. Oh ya, he has to talk about my previous relationship also. (-_-)'" Seriously, I never realised that people were thinking that way till things happened. I mean I did not even realised that people were actually noticing. Ok, you dont have to figure out what I am talking about. I was just eating and eating for the whole time he was talking. OK!!! I really got to get to work! TATA! Labels: emo elmo, Random post
JOanne thought hard on 8:45:00 PM.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
I have a wedding later in the night, my cousin is getting married and he is my age. Time and tide waits for no men, how true. I often tell people how I always fail to catch up with time and forget that I am actually no longer young. In fact, in survey groups, I have already fall into the next category.
Anyway, tried to play with crystals and this is the end product. Haha, the funny thing is I am thinking how to clear my nose, will the crystals be stucked inside? HAHAHHAA!!! Ok, I think I am disgusting!

The camera is a disaster! Heee...I will show it another time.
Speaking of characters, you know him...

He is sucha cutie although sometimes he said the wrong name sometimes but is ok, he is always forgiven. So loved... Hello, his name is OPW =x Someone is going to kill me...

I am shy.. And warmest welcome to someone who just joined my watch family! This has got to be the biggest other than my Fossil. =)
Lastly, this is KC. He always look like this and the person who gave me this also look like this =p I forced him to wear a red boxer.
He look nicer with the boxer =p Both are not hanging at my handphone anymore... Things have got to be simplified and so, he is being banished into the 冷宫. White has become black and he is being hung on my desktop now.
Sweeet sweeet desserts... =)
Got to go dressed up! Take care everyone.
Labels: emo elmo, happy happenings
JOanne thought hard on 3:57:00 PM.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Back to the Sunny Island
Its hot here but I am glad I am back. Seeing the news on TV last night while I was having massage really put us on our toes. Yeah, talk about the swine flu...Masks were all snapped up over there and the stores were having difficulties replenishing them. As a matter of fact, I heard from my friend that masks in Singapore were also snapped up when he went to get some for me before I left. Lets hope the thing blow over fast.
I spent the morning working. Haha, thats like so funny because I will never care about anything in the past. My friend was saying I should have just gotten half day instead of a full but I touched down at 5 this morning.
Anyhow, here is something for your viewing...
The colours are so matching aye? Thats after a very expensive lunch in Hang Zhou. =)
The famous West Lake. Matching colours again!
Super match!
=) This is the best buy! Actually its not a buy, its a free gift! Its a speaker that comes in a soft red teddy! =) Super cute and now, I just have to think of a place to put it. Ahhh, so happy... Heee...
After a river cruise in Suzhou, this river is so looooong...
Its matching colours again =p
The emperor visited this place 6 times. We were speculatingof course he will want to visit. The whole place is like a maze and its interesting. We suppose the emperor will play hide and seek with his concubines, yeah, god knows what he will do when he finds them. =p Lots of secluded places to errr hemmm... HAHAHHA!!! =o The guys were saying the chase is fun but not the kill (-_-)'"
I am not the emperor not the empress, and maybe a little old to be called a Princess but I found my fun toooo. HAHAHAHAH!!! He is from Korea. =p I dont know why he looked so glum here, it wasnt like that when he gave me that look =x
Actually, to laze around at home like today is good. Hee, maybe I should take a couple more days of leave and enjoy like now. Back to the issues, =) I think I have sorted them out. I have made things complicated and during the trip, I did some factorisation and simplification. Tsk tsk tsk, by next week, by next week the equation will be at its simplest form. =) Now, the best thing to do now is to head to the pool for a swim. Everyone, take care and ciao. Labels: monday blues, vacation
JOanne thought hard on 5:30:00 PM.
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Greetings from SuZhou
Wala! =) Weather here is great although it has been drizzling for the whole day. It got especially cold today with the wind coming. We are all freezing our arses off just now. We have just reached here today and yesterday, we were in Hang Zhou which was warmer, probably about 22? I am really enjoying the weather =D
Had abit of retail theraphy and it is really good. Lotsa of sleep, lotsa of rest...
=) Lotsa of things on my mind too. I left behind my boots in Istanbul, this time, I am going to leave more things behind. Some things are not meant to be kept. Some things are not meant to be. =) I just lost the little plane on my luggage today and I dont even know how it got lost. If only things that are meant to be lost can be lost the same way... Ok, I am talking too much on a strange land.
Tata and take care.Labels: vacation
JOanne thought hard on 12:12:00 AM.