Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Ringing through my mind...
It is my past that shapes the person I will like and its the future Joanne that I would like to spend my time with...Labels: happy happenings
JOanne thought hard on 3:12:00 PM.
Hi there May, April is going to be gone sooooon.
Well, I just finished some work and I thought I will drop by here. Not that there will be anyone following this anymore. In fact there's nothing much to follow and this has more or less become a desserted place.
Work has really been rather taxing and I think it will probably be for next few months to come. I have been making plans and oh yes, I am curently taking a specialist diploma course at Singapore polytechnic. Yea and I was so wrong to think that its cool to take some time off work because in school, basically, I am still working.
Check out my casing although I dont really errr... like it. It makes my phone bulky. I supposed the thing is it does offer good protection to my phone.
Otherwise, I really prefer this better! I just used the red cover for one week before I chucked it one side and used back this one!
Seeee. Mommy couldnt even tell if there is a cover attached to it. Hah, being hiao in school.
Its just a super random post. If you have my facebook, the pictures in school and Universal studios are all there. Magic of iphone again. :)
Right, I do sound a bit funny, dont I? :p I am talking to a friend in MSN and it sort of brought me back some things which hmmm... I dont know how to say. This brings back to the issue of me being a control freak. Hahaha. I guess I dont need to know and right, I dont need the answers to come ridiculing at me. :) Sometimes, time passes you so fast, you have no idea how fast it can get. Oh ya, I am taking yoga again! :D and belly dancing. HAHAHHA! Funny right? Yea, trying to be more feminine so that I wont be left on the shelf. Its fun. I have got Jay Chou's tickets at hand and its good seats! Its just right beside the catwalking stage. Cool! Hahaha, but I am comtemplating to sell the tickets away although my friend will really get disappointed. Oh no, its late! I am so looking forward to Oink oinking with my colleagues this Wed! :) Night world. Labels: emo elmo, monday blues
JOanne thought hard on 12:09:00 AM.