Sunday, February 28, 2010
The last day of CNY
Happy CNY! Today is the last day and it goes to show again how fast time files.
It has been a very eventful 15 days and I will upload those pictures in facebook soon. In fact, I have already uploaded the pictures for the dinner because everyone is doing it so fast.
I am still very obsessed with the camera. :p have since pasted more things in my diary and I am sourcing for cheaper films!
I also met up with my varsity mates during this period.
It was fun updating each other although the group has shrank a little. Well, as you aged, you get more busy and it is more difficult to get everyone together.
The first kid that my Mom takes care? He is as tall as me now! This is so so so scary!
Speaking of time, it was also our first annivarsary together. :) Monster and Me on the 14th of Feb!And I met up with my what I called my annual friend yesterday. Ha, we meet once a year, and King was asked to come along. It was so fun just yelling inside the KTV room and King was just dead stoned thinking why is he out with 2 siao kias who try to cheat him to come over to Yishun. :p
Errrr... this is my Boss and me. We are in the midst of something very serious and this is in Supreme Court so it is really serious. It has got to be the experience of my life and I even got chided for being out of the line by the Mediator. Damn it but well, experience learned.
This is a happy me preparing for the dinnnnner! Haaaa...
This year we have a theme for the dinner. There were many funny things for this dinner because Boss made one of my colleagues the chairman and I was not even appointed as the advisor because my Boss said he wants someone to control me. Yeah, speak about controlling, who do you want to control. Anyhow, I am so glad that everyone was so sporting.
I was voted as one of the Ms Shanghais. It was funny because I am one of the organisers and I have all the questions to the Q & A and I also set the winning criteria. :p I am fair de lah, how can I win right?
The cheong sum is very cheap, less than $10 and my shoes were 199baht (-_-)'"
The roses gang! We all have roses tattttooooo.
I got the fan that LBK drew on.
 The people who attended! Its such a nice view right? The ladies just made everything look so much nicer!
:) Time for dinner le. My sista sent me a weird email yesterday. The first paragraph starts like this:
一个苦者找到一个和尚倾诉他的心事。 他说:“我放不下一些事,放不下一些人。” 和尚说:“没有什么东西是放不下的。” 他说:“这些事和人我就偏偏放不下。” 和尚让他拿着一个茶杯,然后就往里面倒热水,一直倒到水溢出来。 苦者被烫到马上松开了手。 和尚说:“这个世界上没有什么事是放不下的,痛了,你自然就会放下。”
:) 难道不痛就放不下吗?世上没有东西是放不下的,拿久了,自然会累,自然会放手。时间就是最好的良药。有时候痛未必就会放下。
Labels: emo elmo, happy happenings, monday blues
JOanne thought hard on 6:27:00 PM.
Monday, February 22, 2010
HAHAHA, you get what I mean, I take pictures of my pictures. :p
 I told the kids to choose one of it because the other one is going to be on my office desk. (-_-)'" They each chose a different one. Is this some kind of scam to cheat me of my share?
:p I survived Monday and I am starting my day late tomorrow. Awww... the kids... a joy to have.
Tata.Labels: happy happenings
JOanne thought hard on 11:36:00 PM.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Tired and it is going to be a very busy week ahead. Yup, I will head to bed earlier tonight. On channel 5 is The Lost room, well, it looks interesting with ordinary objects having empowering people with special powers. Oh yes, I was supposed to say Happy New year! :)
My friend quitted and I wonder will it go through. Wow, the show is really interesting. Yeah, I have been watching Legend of the Seeker faithfully with the kids too. They will be here tomorrow and BB E is coming too. I kinda miss those noise that they make and BB T is on my wallpaper. :x Others mistaken that as my son. Oh, join the order and talk to God and Joe is looking for his daughter.
I finally watched The imaginarium of Dr Parnassus. Yes, its about choices and I often wonder who invented choices, who invented freewill? Just like Little Children, when do you get carried away? When do you start doing the right things, making right choices? When do you do wrong and then given the chance to make things right again? Or, will that even happen? :) Yeah, I would probably land myself on Dr Nick's side. I think I already have.
Check out my new toy!
Its a birthday gift and it really comes too early but nonetheless, I am touched by this gesture.
:) I had a fun time playing with it yesterday but the films are so expensive! I think I am really funny, I take a polaroid picture and I used my digital camera to take the picture I have just taken. (-_-)'" And if the picture was meant to be a gift, there is only one and only one can keep it so you will use your digital camera to take that picture! Ok, am I thinking too much or thats the way things are supposed to be? :p I realised something though. Its good for people with diary because I can take a picture and instantly, the picture comes out and voila, I stick it to on my diary and write my thoughts immediately! When I look back, there, the picture with the words! Having said that, this picture is now really in the diary and my diary will have faces, objects, colours and everything. :D There! I found a use for it.
Hee, I have gotten myself a laptop last year. What should I get myself this year?
Hmmm...ok, I am really really tired and I should get some rest gearing up for this week. Maybe I should do what M did. :x Alrighty, nights. Labels: emo elmo, monday blues
JOanne thought hard on 10:01:00 PM.