Thursday, October 29, 2009
Babies Birthdays
My dearest boy turns 5 today. =)

Time really files and I can still remember that face when you first came. =) And now he's five! =)
Plenty of birthdays. Gone is today and a minute later, its your birthday. The princess of this family, you know we love you, more than anything. Like I always tell you, I will always be here, we will always be here, by your side, if you need me, if you need us.
I hope you will have a great birthday.
Yes, my girl is turning 18 and I hope she will continue to strive for what she wants. Do us proud and stay happy. My dear, happy 18th birthday! =)Labels: birthday
JOanne thought hard on 11:53:00 PM.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Monday over...
There are still tinges of blue around and plenty of things I do not understand. Well, I dont think you can understand all the things. I know curiousity kills the cat so perhaps not understanding can be good in its own way.
Its Monday so there you go:
Long long time ago, at some hotel which I cannot remember the name. =) This was also one of the places which we frequent quite often for the next few months because someone needed counselling session. =)
Plenty of colleagues around at a company event which I have also forgotten the name. :p
This is the one and only photo taken on the bowling alley.
This is good place, the ambience is ooohlala. We have got the guitar man singing and the place is wonderful!!! Its one of the NUS guild houses.

Speaking of which, I will be paying a visit to NUS soon. Yeah, I wonder what it will feel like... Nights. Labels: emo elmo, monday blues
JOanne thought hard on 10:32:00 PM.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
ba long long day
I am on MC for 2 days with a rotting throat and a very bad nose. Last two nights has been a real torture. The medicine made me real tired but the nose got so stucked, I cannot sleep. The pain in my throat was horrible and I did not realise but I was gritting my teeth so much, now my teeth hurt. It is killing my appetite for food too. I was thinking Doc was so nice to give me 2 days but now I think he is the Doc, I am the patient. He is right and I am wrong. =) 3 tyes of medication for just the throat and I am playing the super nice patient by taking them all. Yes, it was that painful~ Hah, my colleague actually think I will dump all the medication in the dustbin. Yea, great guess but I do feel so much better now and I have been playing those mindless Facebook quizzes and mahjong since I woke this morning but now I have got no money. Sad. But that pretty much explains why I am here... =)
We met up after the last gathering in 2006 and I realised I worn the same shorts for that gathering too. Time files~
 I dont think I have mention but I met the girl who I used to give tuition to. yup, she's all grown up and that day I met her was the day she graduated from JC. Bad me but I forgot her name. =p Her question was funny, she asked if I got married. (-_-)'" I told her no and she automatically said oh, then it must be soon. You see, at situation like this, I seriously have no idea how to respond. I dont even remember telling her about my ex then but she was with all the details. Well done.
So in this gathering, someone also mentioned he heard that I am getting married. WOW! To who? In the first place, hear from who????
Anyhow, this girl is so cute eh?
My twister finally come to a good use!
It is not easy to manage a bunch of kids.
 Tired looking. The massage chair is shiokalalallalalala!!! I fell asleep! =)
 We will be setting of to BKK this Jan!!! So exciting!!!
Yea...plenty of hearsay. I hear this and I hear that but you have no idea which is true and which is not. Until you truly go and find out, hersay remain as hearsay but sometimes we got so gullible, we believe in hearsay, so much so, even if you found out the opposite, you choose to believe in the hersay. Sometimes, we can be diiotic creatures, especially women, we believe in instinct. My instinct tells me that and my instinct tells me this. Seriously, thats rather pathetic.
Yup, snap out of it. Before my ba long long day comes to an end, I will go watch some CSIs and catch up on some sleep.
=) Take care everyone, remember, nothing is more important than your health. If you get depressed, you will never get well. Drink plenty of water and take good care of yourself.Labels: Sick
JOanne thought hard on 2:03:00 PM.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
I said I was going to blog about this and so I am. I remembered it was 3 things yesterday but today I woke up only remembering 2. Not like I did many things today but I am feeling so tired now, I think I can go to bed again. (-_-)'" No, I did not wake at 8am today, I woke at 1pm but I dont feel satisfied at all, I just feel tired. So tired.
Back to the 2 things, I think I am mixing with the wrong crowd. Opps, I think I figured out this too late all the times.
First, my friend, who is married, said nothing matters, except for the errr hemmmm, sperms. (I think she meant it literally)
Secondly, another friend said, marriage is expensive because for now, the amount for alimony is expensive. You got to look at the girl and think is she worth $500 a month. (-_-)'" These two remarks were in response to the topic of "MARRIAGE". Tell me, I am in the wrong crowd, am I?
Yea, I am starting to think I am incorrigible. =) They look like loots here, dont they? My loots call themselves Kate Spade.
Loots uncovered and wow, they all come in difference sizes!
I said I am incorrigible and I am greedy so~~~~
HAHAHAHA!!! This is so cute right???? I is like those ling longs... =D
On an entirely different note,
  I was in East Caost again. Guess what, the times to East Coast to me, used to me countable. I dont know if I remember correctly but for the past 5 years, other than this year, I have never been to East Coast for more than 5 times, maybe not more than 3! This year alone, I have more than made up for it. =) The same errr.... hemmm... goes to alcohol, I never used to drink but this year, I think I also made up for it too. =p
Now, I am really tired, I wonder can I stay up till 10. I thought Flash Forward was interesting, when you see your future, those who see the bad things, try to steer around it, but those that see good things? You cannot wait. So fun.
=) I think the decadence has stopped, the withdrawal has kicked in.
Ooooohho!!!!! Time to eat grass lor!!!! My Nov plans has yet to materialise and I am going to morph into a siao kia again soooooon!!!! Yeah!!!!
So fun. Tomorrow is Monday. Riiight, I do not sound convincing at all. Right.Labels: emo elmo, monday blues, Random post
JOanne thought hard on 7:07:00 PM.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
And its almost 6~ which means my Sunday is almost ending!!! *pulls hair bites nails* I am getting kinda sleepy but I aim to sleep really early tonight so that like I always tell people, I turn violet instead of blue.
Weddings are like everywhere nowadays and I am attending one like almost every month.
I dont know if you remember but Sentose used to have this big 2-storey chalets which is really scary. They have those underpass just outside your chalet which the Japanese used long long time ago. Yes, in those childish times, those who kena the forfeits were asked to go down to the tunnels and it freaked me out. You can also do your BBQ-ing in the court yard but it is really ulu. Now? OMG!!! Its the new Amara hotel!!!
The court yard which you used to do your BBQ-ing has transformed!!!! Its now a lovely outdoor courtyard with Jacuzzi!!! So romantic~~~~ For some rooms, you even have your own individual pool!!!! Ok, I just realised the one I went to is a courtyard suite, the one with pools is a one room pool villa.=) Not very expensive, the courtyard suite is cheaper than Rasa Sentosa seaview room. Check out the types of rooms here: http://www.amarahotels.com/en/locations/sanctuary/rooms.html Heee and this is the lovely one who bought me there!!! =) 我们俩还真是浪漫!!! 
OK, time to go for a run. I have not moved for 3 weeks, and I am horrible, I cant run but I bought a new pair of running shoes and it has been sitting there for ermmm, =x 3 weeks. =) I acknowledge the fact but... how do I quit a habit which is obviously eating me? Guess what, I have a new favourite line these days! "adehiiiooutty" and I repeat it 3 times everytime I say it. Even in my love letters to Ms XJ, I wrote it like many many many many times. So much so, I qualify myself as a siao kia. Yeah, we will see how it goes. Take care everyone!!! =) Labels: emo elmo
JOanne thought hard on 5:38:00 PM.
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Tonnes and tonnes of pictures
I hope I will really write lesser. =p I am going to fill this post with tonnes and tonnes of pictures! My body is aching from yesterday's games. 3 sets of games in one row and I do not have the habit of doing warm-ups. I saw my colleague doing the warm ups and I was like duhz! Great. I wonder do people paste salonpas on their bum bum because I just did. =x Am I lousy of am I getting old?
This heart shaped thing has got a story. When a girl was turning 21, the both of them with a group of friends baked a heart shaped chocolate cake with chilli substituting as cream. Now that yours truly has turned 25 and more, Mr Yu decides to return the heart shaped mould to Ms Tan. I think they stay super far away from each other, maybe one in North pole, the other in South, which is why, it takes 4 years.
We were trying to be cheapskate and this was the ball I caught. I will spare you the story, I can be an idiot sometimes. Heee...
Together with the Bride and the other jie meis in Powerstation.

I am just being vain. =p That is also before I dye my hair.
The full team together with Miya!!! Her grey stockings is a killer!!! Pai Ka still must fight with the other jie meis for the bouquet. Heeee... Its funny nowadays, everybody siam the bouquet instead of catching it! Maybe when you get older, you will fight to get it?

Our rewards!
I have to gross everyone with my knee in the morning! =D I do not have the time to bandage it so I went with all the pus and blood which you cant really tell from the picture. Hiak Hiak Hiak.
The bride and the groom

The hosts for the night. It was getting so bad but I was equally vain so I had to manage with my heels and my knee. It was taking ages for the host to get up on stage and I was treated like a dowager. Limping host, how many weddings can you see one?

This was that fateful day after my fall. Yeah, I still can manage to go catch a movie after that although I really have difficulty walking. Once I go out of the camera, the frown automatically comes onto my face because it was hurting so badly!
Do you know what is wrong with this locker?
Yeah...where is the lock? We went for Forest Adventure at Bedok Reservoir. It was so fun!!!
It was fun just climbing around and flying!!! Well, next day, the whole body was aching but it was worth it!
 This chou loh kia pulled out everything. Super formidable right??? HAHAHAHAH!!! =) Can you believe it? You are taking the lock together with the key, so what is the point of locking when there is no lock?!?!?! We were laughing so happily because she asked how come the key is so big? (-_-)'"
That is us in Lory Loft. Ms XJ has got free pass to the Bird Park. We have wanted to bring the babies along but these days, BB X and BB T are so busy! They have classes during the weekends. In the end, we went ahead without them.
Ms Ng was called up as a volunteer!

The sign reads: The world's most dangerous creature Homo Sapiens
Yesterday. I hope no one has burn down anything. Mine was fire free and for the first time in my life, I finally hear my name in the LUCKY DRAW. Ya, great, 10 packets of I dont know what you call it. When my number was called, I wasnt even paying attention, luckily I told everyone my number =x
Thats my prize together with my team members. =)
It was German food after that. Pork knuckles, sausages and beer! =D I've got very brown hair now!
We know we will definitely not get anything so we spent some effort trying to get the "Best Dressed" award. Well, we almost won but because we did not wear the masks throughout, we were out. Anyhow, the prize wasnt too fantastic to start with. =x
Your very drowsy looking Owl. After the German beer, my face was really heating up and as usual, my eyes got really teary.
Pink panther, Fox, Lion and Owl.
We did not wear it in the competition but we wore it for pictures taking at night. =x The kids were so fascinated with us, I think they almost wanted to buy our masks.
Everyone was so worried that I will start to traumatise everyone inside the cinema. =) I did not, out of the 5 stories, I slept like a pig for the first 2 stories and woke up only during the third story. Yup, riiiiight, movie for the night was Phobia 2. i did not even watch Phobia 1. =p I am always watching the wrong show at the wrong time. It was mid autumn!!! Why the horror show? Hah...but then I have watched the others so there really isnt much to choose from. Surrogates is nice nice wor~ Go watch it!
Totally random but....
J is me and that is proof that I have gotten 137 points! =D That was not for yesterday but for a game we had in Genting. It was a miracle because my average score is always not worth mentioning. Yesterday, the highest point I have gotten was ermmm maybe 85? HAHAHA!!!
Ok, I am getting a little tired now, it has been very very long since I had such a long post with so many pictures!!! Anyhow, I have wanted to post my china pictures BUT I think you can just view it from here: www.picturelicious.shutterfly.com
=) That is long outstanding! The teams are heading over to Macau this October for business and I wonder is Team 4 (aka my team) joining them. Hmmmm... planning something in Nov as well, I hope it will materialise. =p
Take care everyone and have fun!!! =D Hmmm... I am thinking should I paste more salonpas and go for a run. =x It has been weeks since I ran or swim because of my rotting knee.
P.S. Tomorrow is Monday!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Labels: happy happenings, monday blues
JOanne thought hard on 1:24:00 PM.