Sunday, September 28, 2008
Yet another Monday coming.
Yup, its Sunday night and the F1 race is on.
Yes, that's me driving. Sis took that when I drove her, she happened to be the first person other than Mr. Ng, who sits in my car. No F1, just the normal road and that's her reaction below.
It was after this badminton game we had with Bro and his friends. Well, my driving is definitely not that scary and I assure you that she is just exaggerating.
Speaking of F1, I almost had a chance to be there be F1 today, booohooo, Mr. Ng had this friend who worked in Shell and she got this room at Level 21 at Pan Pac. Booohooooooooo, we cannot make it. And if you talk about driving, carrying babies can be quite scary for some too! Well...
Thats a little tiger in my arms. My friend's kiddo.
No, that kiddo has got nothing to do with food. There is this resturant, Eltoro restro bar, they serve spanish and traditional latin food and the ambience is not too bad. They have nice members cards too for ladies and gentlemen. Yeah, do frequent it if you want some nice music and food. Check it out at www.eltoro.com.sg. =)
It is totally irrelevant but that is my new phone. OMG, sometimes I cannot stand it, it is so pink and girly and haha, I suddenly remembered what a conversation I had with a colleague.
C: Oh, you've got a new phone. Gosh, so girly and PINK!!! I like!!! (She happened to have the black one.) Me: Yeah, I know. I am so totally not into pink. C: Yeah, I know. Me: Haha, how did you know??? Can you be a lil' less frank and pretend that I am actually into pink? C: you are not what, so, tell me the real reason, whats up with the pink? Who are you trying to kid? Me: No one. Pink was the latest colour and it was launched like last week. C: I knew it!
Not that I hate pink or what but it's just not my colour, I am either first choice, a red or second, a black. I hope the next few weeks it will not launch any red or I am so going to Argh! Hahahaha.
To make things worst, look what has it become now:
=) More girly.
Imagine me taking out the phone and I answered it and I start to $&%^*!&## the contractors, so weird hor? HAHAHAHA!!!
 Alright, its back to work tomorrow!!! I cannot wait for Dec to come so that I can go and see my Trojan horse but it's 2 more shitty months to go! Work has been busy busy and I am buzzing off like a bumble bee everyday! *Breathe in and Out* Tata everyone. Till the next time! Labels: monday blues, Random post
JOanne thought hard on 9:08:00 PM.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Third week of Sep Coming.
This is going to be another Monday blues entry. Haha, no, just some progress reported since I havent been writing.
Mr. Ng is just opposite me now and we are at some Coffee Bean outlets. Students in Singapore is really pathetic. We were at some library earlier on trying to find some seats and tadah, NO SEATS at all. There were just groups and groups of students burying their heads in piles and piles of books. Gosh! I have completed quite alot of things this week. For instance, I have tried parking in multi-storey carpark! I have also tried to drive on an expressway! =) More training to come!
And guess what the both of us is doing now, obviously I am blogging and Mr. Ng, is trying to do some marking. 3 minutes ago, we were sms-ing each other. =) My handphone bills is taken care of by the company but his is not. Yeah, both of us, siao kia.
Work has been busy. It is that time of the year where there are endless projects going on. I was in a war zone almost every day last week. Difficult client who screwed up and tried to push the blame. Fortunately, Boss was suporting enough and also ok, bonus was better than expected (haha). Oh, he was also nice enough to lend me his handphone. The other day, he was even nice enough to request for iphone from the company on his account so that I can use. Wahaha, a pity, I am M1 and we went through it and it was not feasible. Anyhow, quite a few of my colleagues bought the iphone at freaking $49 and some at $o. If you remember, phone bill is on company. =) I have saw a phone which I have taken a liking and well, we'll see how. Nope, not iphone, it has no video calls function and so not my type.

I am getting kinda tired hahaha and I forgot what I was going to say. So you know what happens what I am lazy to write. Its that special time of the year again. 4+ years ago, I met this guy at a camp who came and asked for my number. He already had it then, yeah, you dont know what is he thinking, he was repeating my numbers in his brain as he asked me for mine.

Yes, it has been 4 years already and there were tears and laughter. It was school then to work and I can still remember so vividly like it has all happened yesterday. Words cant describe everything and you know what I mean. =)Take care everyone. Labels: happy happenings, monday blues
JOanne thought hard on 4:11:00 PM.