Friday, May 16, 2008
momento mori
Yes, world of Sophie I am still in and thus the title.
Covering for someone today again. Covering is good because it gives me time to breathe and I realise wherever I go, there bound to be things happening. Things like hmmm flooding, you cannot imagine waddling pools where its not meant to be. I must be a jinx to my working place that is.
I was trying to do backup the other day and I saw tonnes of pictures in my hard disk. Of course, those were evidence of empty promises which I have made, yup, empty promises that says I will upload when I have time. =)
Those were the times, we always made it an effort to go down to the hotel lounge for some warmth and alcohol. I remember vividly, the most expensive drink should be in KL although the rest are not that cheap either. Now I remember the breakfast at Grand Hyatt Taiwan was the best ever. Haha, we spent the late nights in the late night markets though when we were in Taiwan and I tell you, at the mention of the food, it still make my saliva glands work. Yeah, guess where is that?

No, this is not photoshop-ed. We are there physically beside the structure itself though it is a miniature of the real deal! Some day, I am going to the real one and I will be inside admiring the structure and the architecture and be totally in awe of its age. We love the pyramids!
So beautiful eh... Thats a miniature of The Great Nigara Falls. Yes, the miniature is grand enough, I cannot imagine how gratifying the real one can be because one day I am going to set my foot there and experience the wind and the falls.
And I am going to set foot at where Democrates set his...
Guess what? Time to knock off!
I am so looking forward to the short-ta-little-shopping-girls-trip this Sunday! Enjoy your weekends!
Ta Ta.Labels: Hobby, Random post
JOanne thought hard on 5:02:00 PM.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Joanne's world
I've been immersed in the World of Sophie lately. Yes, FSM is past (hopefully) and I have more time for reading and stuff. Reading is good because it exposes me to different worlds. Mr. Ng had a great time laughing that day when I told him what I read because I could not pronounce Socrates properly, nor Plato, nor Aristotle... but duhz! I am sure he doesnt laugh at his students but HE LAUGHS AT ME and to irritate him, I purposely pronounce the words the way I like. I bet I am one of his more naughty students but of course how can I compare myself to them. After all, like I always tell him, I GRADUATED WITH A Bsc (Hons) from NUS horrrrr...although I dont look nor behave like one.
The other day we were talking about molestation. I dont know how we got to that but the conversation went something like this:
(I put my head on his shoulder and he shouted, "MOLEST!" Me : Piiiii lah, how can you call that molest? Him: If it is a girl and some guy did that to her, will it count as molest? Me : Yaaaaa, of course. Its a girl ley! Him: Why? Me : Because by putting your head on HER shoulder, you have to take note that you are quite close to her breast already. Him: *ROARS INTO THIS LOUD LAUGHTER* If you are telling me, in this society, the females predominantly is more protected and that it is more likely the girl will win in the suit because of this protection the females has, fine. BUT BABY, you are telling me, the head is nearer to the BREASTS?! *LAUGHS SUPER LOUD AGAIN*
Seriously, funny meh? I laughed like crazy too at that moment because he really LAUGH IT OUT LOUD LIKE HAHAHAHAHAHA, the same kind of laughing when I pronounced Socrates and Aristotle but funny meh? Boooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooo. Don't tell me you know how to pronounce the word "picturesque", I am sure not everyone does. But that's my adorable boy for you (and I suddenly remember the word "epitome"), I get amazed at the number of words and things he knows and I know to get into any discussion that is of any intellect with me makes him go mad. (I suddenly remember "taxidermist") HAHAHA!!!
Then I realised in one of my law tutorials, something similar happened in class too and everybody also laughed like mad. Tutor: Can you please explain why he will be charged in court although we know he is innocent? Me : Aiyaaa, please lah, you think the police will listen to his cock and bull story meh? They see the evidence and there you go, BYE BYE LIAO! Tutor: *kinda devastated* XXX, can you please explain why? XXX : In Act XX under Section blah blah blah, it says that blah blah blah blah blah blah... Me : *totally stunned*
Yeah so what? I got a B+ for that module and I wonder what XXX get, yeah, maybe an A+ but who knows?
I cannot remember what made me pen tonight and oh yah, I just remembered Baby Shaine. Yeah, she's the new girl in the house. See, I am disorganised in my thoughts and had I be my real real self, I could properly write like this:
Sophie's world is nice, I am going to name my child Aristotle but then if its a girl, it will fully contradict with his 'philosophy project' because I think he will kill himself if he knows a girl is assuming his name. Ya, he is the one GREAT philosopher who thinks females are incomplete MEN and they are made from Men's ribs. "Mountain" left today, oh no, oh shit, I do feel a lil' weird there and then because its seems like working at a 20% capacity seems to lose its excitement and I am losing mine and how about Greece or Turkey? Istanbul? Speaking of which, I am confused, did Renaissance spreads to Middle East? Or is it Middle Age? Hellenism, I love the Babylonians, I think they are soooo cooooool. Alberto Knag? Ooooh Hilde... Zeus Zeus Zeus...Millions? Projects? Presentation? Korea? Australia? Perth? Melboune? Koalas? SYDNEY and its ORANGES?
Time for bed. Do I sound alien to you?Labels: Random post
JOanne thought hard on 11:29:00 PM.