Thursday, February 28, 2008
The Leap Year
Guess what? Its the 29th of Feb and its Friday! I love Fridays, the fact that the weekends are so near make me happy. Its like my kind of caffeine! =) And today is an even happier day because I received an email notifying me that the time for my flight has changed! Gua Gua Gua, shiokalalala... A pity, Mr. BF can't join me else it could have been even better.
I am getting a lil' tired liao so...
 This is like one of the traditions, my cousins will come over and we will take photos at the same place. =)
And...my valentines?

Sweeeeeeets! Other than the fact that Pariss was charging exorbitant prices that night and let me tell you, the services sucks. You expect crowds so you raised the price but helluva, raised the service standard as well. At the price that they were charging that night, we could have went to somewhere even better. I blew my top and shouted at the manager that night, like whats new. HAHA! Kinda throw Mr. BF's face because his date was a shrew that night. =p
Otherwise, it was a great night.
I walked up to the car and found a bouquet sitting on the seat. SURPRISE! You see, I am way past that flowers stage. I dont know since when but flowers has become something I think it is a waste of money. Yeah, I know, this is like one leg into the auntie stage. Mr. BF said it is because I see his money as MY MONEY so when he gets me things, I get the heart pain. =D Anyway, I smiled to the flowers like an idiot for the whole journey and was super glad that the age of our relationship aint getting into us! =)
Walala, no more night lessons for me! Taking the exam before I fly, gonna study hard and start on my project (okie, I do speak with conviction, dont I?) So exciting!
=( Mr. BF barely has time for me these days. He is sleeping like a log now because the day tires him. I have been sleeping over pretty often ever since my course started because he stays like quite near to the school. His neighbourhood is a blessing. In the morning, it is so quiet and serene and you hear the dogs. It seems alot like Wisteria Lane with those ang mohs walking around.
Its late and I think I am crapping already. =) Guess what? I was born in the leap year and I know Mr. BF in the leap year too. So exciting and everything seems planned or was it coincidence? See! I am tired and the brain is playing 23.
=D nights everybody!Labels: happy happenings, vacation
JOanne thought hard on 11:52:00 PM.
Birthday (1)
Well, on MC and I am feeling super unwell. I am waiting for a stupid contractor's call though, else I would have just concuss and rest.
Oh well, some random photos for you to see and well, they are all super outdated and I realise Taiwan photos also not up yet, muahaha, yeah, dont even mention about HK and Shen Zhen which was last last year. Yeah, lazy bum. Check out my baby's graduation photos. I just received his call and he is on his way coming to "visit" me! =) He is supposed to be in reservist BUT, today he has got the night offf!!! That day he even drove me to work because it was a school holiday! He is nice de lor... HAHAHA!!!
And... the genting group photos! Found out the other day that my aunt actually READ BLOGS, I was SHOCKED hahahah, so hip lor!!! Hahaha, anyway my friends always say that I have a very cute pair of aunties hahaha after that fateful JB trip. =x
 And if you dont know, my birthday was actually on Saturday (15th of March). This birthday was super memorable in the wrong way because first I was sick and I had a BBQ and it was raining. (-_-)'" I will talk about it like soon soon. But for my pre-celebration, Baby Ng brought me to this:
Haha, if you have the chance to read his blog entry, you will not even think about taking it. We both agreed that it was this bad, it was another mechanism to squeeze and turn the tourists DRY.
Something is wrong with blogger today and I think maybe the virus in me has gotten into it. Anyway, I promise I will let you more into the Flyer but seriously, word of advice, do not attempt to try. HAHAHAHHA!!! If your boyfriend suddenly decides to be romantic to bring you up, object to it VIOLENTLY. HAHAHAH!!! I got to go, Baby Ng is here!!!! BYEBYE!!!Labels: birthday
JOanne thought hard on 11:52:00 PM.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Festive Seasons
Its abit late and I am a little tired. School is not tiring but to have lessons on Mon, Wed and Fri. It is taking my life away from me. I've got no time to do anything at all. No visitings during weekdays (Oh ya, happy new year!), no pak-tor-ing, yea, not like my busy BF has energy to meet me. He is snoring away now, his job is not that simple at all and I can understand why he is so tired with all those planning and marking to do. What to do?
He has to pamper his baby with this: Yup, my school is really at some super ulu place and from my workplace, it will take me 1hour and 45 minutes to get there! With most of the time on the train, Mr. BF bought me this to kill boredom. ANd you know what I meant by no time at all to do things? I just did a little there and then and it is 1am in the morning already! So isnt this sweet? Hahaha! I used my manicure ribbons, some leftover stickers and stick-ons!
Mr. BF said my name is so big! Hahahaha!!! Ya lah, the ribbons are crooked but hello, I am working in the day and by the time I get home, the creative juices hasnt got much left! Check out my smiles on Chu Yi:
I did not buy any new clothing at all for New year, except 1 dress. Its not this, I bought this at Taiwan, it costs me only NT350, super cheap lor.
CHeck out the back! It has silver ribbons as the straps so it is super cute! Oh, that gold 'Ah Ma' bag, I thought it is so cute and cina and perfect for CNY but my mommy and Mr. BF said it is so Ah Ma and ugly! =( Mr. BF even said that I looked 200 years older than my real age!!! Booohooo!!! Errhemmm, dont mind the slippers, I was in heels the whole day and when I meet up with Mr. BF, I just have to spare my feet from the misery! Oh no, I sound like some typical silly woman, do I? By the way, the dress had two little pockets which I really like! HAHAHA!!!
And what is CNY without dressing like a big ANG POW? I wore this last year. Muahaha!!! Not on the same day though, yeah, the consequences of being lazy. And there you go, my new dress!!!
Hahaha, nothing fantastic lor, not my favourite dress but Mommy was saying I should get something new cos its CNY. Yeah yeah...
Met up with the girls again on our hmmm annual, bi-annual or 10 years-once mahjong session, difference is this time round, we have got sweet boyfriends to pick up us after the session. Yeah, I should have taken photos of their sleepy faces since its a testimony of sweetness. Muahaha! Well well, I did a little something for my colleagues for Valentines'. That explains my definition of not enough time! I only did this, decorate my new toy, little something for Mr. BF and ta... ta... 1am liao!!! Just like now, I just wrote a little, uploaded a few pictures and online shopped...hmnmm a little and 11.30pm liao!!! Heng, I "pon ten" just now and one guy actually came up to me and said, "Ehhh, I see you everytime break then you go off."
Heee heee heeee... 被发现了! Mr. BF and I were talking about Maslow's hierarchy of needs just now and who are we to talk about it?!?!?! When can we move up the triangle when we dont have even enough sleeeeeep?! Anyhow! Happy Valentines' and Happy New Year. =) Labels: happy happenings
JOanne thought hard on 11:02:00 PM.