Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Sick and on MC
Wala! Kena food poisoning and here I am. The emails are horrifying and my colleagues have called a few times but still, although it is disturbed resting, it feels good not to be working. Mr. BF just reached my place and he said he can see me recovering VERY WELL. =D You see, this morning, the Doctor said I was dehydrating and it was seriously quite bad because I actually went to the toilet for more than 10 times yesterday. Somehow, I just feel better at the idea of not going to work. Muahaha, some employee.
I've started my course. Well, good thing was I get to go off early and bad thing is I cannot finish my work and they have to come home with me. Amazingly, I actually enjoy class. It reminds me of the days when I was in NUS where you have so much freedom to do whatever you want and at your own leisure. You get to choose who you want to work with and you get to put your emotions straight on your face. It makes me want to go back to school, not part time but full time. Anyway, we will see how it goes.
I am going to upload some of the photos in my handphone for you to see. Yes, I would love to show you the projects I have completed because those are my achievments but you know I cant. =) So I am going to show you something I bought using my first bonus:
Or... I can show myself...IN WORK
I was nominated for Ms Kampung's contest in my company's family day and this was what I was wearing that day. Muahaha, it is obviously a case of sabotage!
AND BEHOLD................ I show you my siao char bo dressing!
I was going to stay over at Baby Ng's house that night before my flight to Taiwan. The lazy me was lazy enough not to take out the slippers from my luggage and thus I was wearing my boooots. =D People at my void deck was staring at me. Oh no, Baby Ng drove me so the stares were momentarily. =)
And then there was this resturant at Taiwan which has really nice decorations!

Then do you remember the gathering that I have mentioned earlier on?
The girls with their beaus. Isnt this sweet? All thanks to WR for gathering but then other than her, I cant think of a better person to do it. (This is a BIG hint.) We should have this whenever Dr. Bryan comes back! Wahhh, I remember the names! =D Bryan, Herkzzzzzzzz, Ryan and Thomas! Arent these guys lucky? Muahaha!!!
Can you spot what is wrong with this picture? That's a starbucks Mocha being drank in the Coffee Bean Cafe. Muahaha, this is ridiculous. When I was in Genting, we wanted a comfortable spot to oversee the countdown stage so there was this Coffee Bean cafe just right beside.
Girl : Can I have 1 Mocha... blah blah? Waiter: Sorry Madam, we dont serve drinks tonight. Our water supply got cut off. Girl : %&@^$*(@&$@*(&$(
So we still need the caffeine and I headed downstairs to starbucks and got four of us what we wanted and bring it back to Coffee Bean. Seriously, I dont know what better ways are there. =D
The next morning, we were in Ah Yat resturant for breakfast. Muahaha, service was good as usual and pockets burnt a big hole.
 Tsk Tsk Tsk, my holiday plans shall not be shelved! Okie, time for my rest. Mr. BF is sleeping so soundly on my bed lor...
Take care everyone! Dont let the stomach flu get you. =)Labels: Sick
JOanne thought hard on 11:49:00 PM.
Boy: Baby, yay!!! My pay come liao! ## coming liao, you want anything? Girl: Mhmmmmm... There's this watch that caught my EYE! Boy: If it isnt too expensive, I buy for you! Girl: Mhhmmmmm, your expensive is what kind of "expensive"? $100? Boy: How many watches have I bought you?!! Girl: 2! Boy: I have bought you 2 watches and 1.5 Handphone liao hor! Why do you need so many watches?
...........talk talk talk talk
.....................talk talk talk
..................................talk talk ............................................talk talk
Girl replied its her hobby just like collecting stamps, she loves to collect watches. Boy replied, "Baby, then can you go back to collect stamps?" =X
But then again, I kept thinking about that watch!!! I think it is like a lil' cheaper than my most expensive watch and they happen to be the same brand but it is leather and I only got one leather watch, okay, maybe I have 2. When I started working, Baby Ng bought this for me. Muahaha, I havent buy any watches for MYSELF hor... Okay, I know, its just a temptation, it will go away. I already have X nos of watches... I only have 2 hands, those are extravagance... I just bought a new wallet last week... BOOHOOOOOOO!!! Don't buy, Don't buy lor........................ Labels: Hobby
JOanne thought hard on 11:49:00 PM.
I am seldom online and tonight, this conversation has make my night!
Boy (who happens to be a teacher): *suggesting some improvements he can make* Girl (who happens to be his girlfriend): *warns him of the things that might happen* Boy: Baby, Your pranks really can be graded A1 Girl: Of course man! Boy: I dont know you go school for what, luckily you turned out alright! Honours somemore! Girl: To go to NUS Girl: =) so that I can meet you Girl: (Yeah man! Score point!) Boy: *yada yada = only for the ears of the Girl* Girl: I studied very hard wan k... Boy: Draw a picture of the ARSE and said PIGU. (Some teacher!) Boy: Dont tell me your whole value added story, simi 32 points become 14 points. Girl: Its 34! Boy: Luckily you made it! Girl: How come not luckily you made it? Boy: BECAUSE I made it is NORMAL. HAHAHA! People just ask me how come I did not go overseas or get scholarships. Very few go NUS, all go other universities overseas and I tell you the universities name, you will ask me can eat wan anot. So is luckily you made it. Girl: !!!!!
Damn yaya hor this boy but still, he's so lovable lor... =)
And of course, the earlier conversation was about him providing for me because work, if not terrible, is bad. I am facing some problems with a client who fails to see the light. The funny thing is me, being the ME, cannot retaliate because there are people in the team who lets him win. According to my bldg manager, I am the child with the stick and I am continously poking the Lion and no one in the team likes me doing that because at the end of the day, they will have to be the ones pacifying him. I am not at fault yet I cannot retaliate, WHY? I've not replied any of his nasty emails because my Boss said we are supposed to help our client and bear all the things. Is it worth it? I replied his last email, not sent to him but to my Boss. I felt better justifying for the things were not accurate. Well, I supposed he is not worthy to stand a place here.
 So.....Taiwan was great! =) I've also met up with the girls and their boyfriends and it was a great outing. Oh ya, "Someone" has also officially become attached and I am so happy to hear that.
I am planning my next trip already.
Yuppie, photos up soon.
Cheerios! Labels: Random post
JOanne thought hard on 11:49:00 PM.