Sunday, December 02, 2007
Star chasers
Yup, I am such a responsible employee. I am checking my emails the last time to see if there are any matters. Great, another project in my pocket. Muahaha and this one really came as a surprise. This reminds me of the book I am currently reading. In one of the cases, it was talking about this incredible car dealer who always top the sales chart every week. He said treat every customer like they are going to be buyers. Muahaha. Its not bad a book and I actually like it. Go get it, its called "The Tipping Point". Otherwise, you can read "Blink", also written by Malcolm Gladwell.
Otherwise, hmmmm, look below.

It has been like years since I last did this kind of thing. Yup, I actually went down to Lido just to catch a glimpse of him. (-_-)'" Trust me, I am not the ultimate FANATIC. I was lucky enough to be part of the fan club yesterday and what I heard really amazes and shocks me. =)
Anyway, he's as handsome as ever and I am sorry the pictures did not do him justice and in case you dont know who he is. That's Andy Lau. I only managed to see his real face for a spilt second before the crowd suddenly had some miracle medicine that makes them tall.
The last time I did something like that was when he was here with Tony Leung for Wu Jian Dao. That time, I saw him like hmmm 8minutes? HAHAHHA! The most most "FAN" thing I did was to sit under the hot sun under 2pm, reading my Econs notes with Jing JIng waiting for him to come at 7pm. Hahaha, a GREAT experience because next day I was having my promos. =) I know, I am too old for this but if you look at the age group of the people who turned up yesterday, I am not too old. HAHAHAH!!! This sets me thinking the next question, "Will I be going to his concert if he is having one?" Baby said he'll definitely get the tickets for me. Haha, believe it anot, I actually forked out $100 for his concert when I was freaking 17. It was the second best tickets and $100 is only possible with the UOB card else it could have cost more. Now at 23, haha, will I do the same?
=) Anyway, the couple is going away...
Just what kind of girlfriend makes her boy wear such a tee? A lovely one. =) I am the Inamorata. It's such a cute tee, dont you agree? =D Muahaha!!!
Yeah, hot springs and night markets here I come!!!
Enjoy the holidays everyone!!! Tata!Labels: happy happenings, vacation
JOanne thought hard on 5:34:00 PM.
December must be the least productive month of all. People goes on long long leave, taking their children out and you can practically find someone in the office going away. I am so seriously counting down for that long break. We were going through some of the places that we can go, so excited! =) There is much travelling to be done this month. Yupz, I am so spoilt and used to getting away in Christmas and so Christmas, we're heading off for a little getaway. A big hole in my pocket but it was well spent because my family will be coming along. =) My first time in sponsoring my family for holidays!
I am down with flu and stuff and I am supposed to do some work. Baby Ng went jogging and I am waiting for dinner. =) Yeah, supposed to get some work done because I will be away for 10 days and more and blocking my calender makes me super hysterically elated.
3rd Day - Suzhou We are off to Suzhou for a lil' "business".
Met up with the Singaporean stationed there at the train station so my boss was introducing each and everyone of us and when it was my turn, Singaporean goes, "OH!! JOANNE *my surname*!!!" I was abit embarassed. We have been corresponding quite awhile since my boss puts me in charge of this whole lil' China operation and I supposed he was quite shocked to see Joanne in real person as that young. I suppose everyone is. Everytime I liaise with somebody and when we finally meet, they will be like in a shock that the person they have been talking to is this young. Not that I am young anymore but if you understand the industry well enough, there arent many young farts, especially females, as project managers. Not to mention the fact that I am FRESH, newly out in the society.
That is the difficult part because by the time somebody realised it is me handling the project, they think the monkeying game can start and BOMB! they realised I am so "NOT THAT FIERCE" and I am so "NOT THAT SARCASTIC". =D My Boss said my personality is suitable for my job, sometimes a lil' tooo much though. That reminds me that my probation period is over and I wonder how much increment I will get. HAHA! Woah! Totally irrelevant again!
We did a little touring and Suzhou is very scenic in nature. It was peaceful and very much unlike Shanghai. This is like fake lah, like a painting coming alive. Weather at Suzhou is cooler and very much appreciated. We were at this little boat and a woman rowed us through this meandering river and she sang for us. Serenity best spells everything.

Heading back to shanghai!
Well, we got trapped that night again because the stupid MTR there closes at 9.30pm! Heh, so we had to book a car again! My colleague was bargaining with this man on the fees and I cut in and pissed that guy off. =p The Bund. If you have never been to here, you have never been to shanghai! Shanghai Tan!
It was very super duper nice and esplanade view cannot compare to this. I thought it was a good idea for guys to propose there because it is so nice! But come to think of it, the place has become so populated with tourists that it is no longer romantic! hahaha.
Ok, 0% of work done. Great and I am going to have my dinner. =)
Have a great december everybody!
Cheerios!Labels: vacation
JOanne thought hard on 5:34:00 PM.