Saturday, November 24, 2007
The foreign land - Upper Sea
Well Well, I am back like last week? Shanghai was ok and it was not as bad as what I thought it will be like. Well, its a pity because much as the country is very developed physically, I feel that her people are so far far behind. They are rude and very agressive. Oh, and they like to spit like anywhere and everywhere! Their tranportation system is very developed but can you imagine what time is their last train? Freaking 9.30pm and they starts at 6.30am. We were stranded on the first night because we cant get the train nor a cab. *Rolls eyes*
Anyway, it was quite a pleasant trip and the only business thing we did was to visit our office there. It wsas very Singapore and nice. =) Also, not forgetting it is super expensive. Unlike what we do here in Singapore, CHina operation actually revolves just around residential unit. They are managing units where they are selling at on average about S$7,000/sqf. If you have no idea how expensive is that, let me give you a comparison. Condos around the orchard area or say in orchard itself is only selling at most $2,500/sqf and if you are eyeing the pent house, at most, for the market price now, maybe $4,ooo/sqf? At what the china operation is charging, it means getting a unit of about the size of a 3-room flat which is about 1000sqf will be freaking S$7,ooo,ooo!!! Scary eh? I'll show the pictures of the units next time, heh, tired... I'll start from the last day first...
4th Day We were at Cheng Huang Miao and it was super crowded! It is actually a tourist attraction and so there were quite alot of ang mohs. Apparently Qiu Xiang's house was here too, yah, you know about Tang Bo Hu? Yup, I went to their house ley..Hahaha!

Some things to fill our stomachs. We had xiao long bao but you know what? Their xiao long baos arent small at all! We had to use straw to drink the soup inside! I will show the pictures in the next post!
This is one of the ancient houses that I went into.
Muahahaha, I cannot remember what we are going to do here but we just did it anyway. =) I think it has to do with some yoga postures.
Another STunt...
Last stop of the day, we went to the museum to met all the famous people! I was greeted by HIM when i went in. =)
You've got to meet the most amazing flirter in the world. Al'right ya, he's quite charming.
One day this will be my car...
I also played with some smelly armpits. Heh heh...
I refuse to seek any advices from him since he looks like he was comptemplating his next move!
ANd...and... *shy*
Thats my dinner on the last night in Shanghai. Haha, my buddha jump over the wall! That is vegetarian though.=D But it is nice and abit ex! And beliebe it anot, I havent got a single cent with me at that moment. Haha =p
What is a trip without the things you buy there?
Yup, I actually bought that many pair of shoes. WHen I came back and open my luggage, my mummy's first response was are you going to change your line and become a shoe seller instead? Haha. Of course, thats not all but I am just simply too lazy to take the rest of my clothes and bags. And guess who I met, of all people? HIM!!!
OK, I am seriously tired. I think I will continue another time but overall SHanghai and SUzhou is worth going.
Oh btw, I went a play yesterday again! THe Pillowman, I think it will be on all the way till 25th Nov so if you like DARk plays, you might want to consider. Its nice exposure and there are many thought provoking issues about life and stuff. ADrian Pang is in it too and he's the only familiar face I know and some Shane thing which Baby Ng said he is the host of Spell Cast. Heh, they smoke alot n the play and I wonder will they become smokers after that or they are already smokers?
We've got really good seats like 5 rows from the stage and right in the middle! Shiok!
Work has beeeeen hmmmmmmmmm~~~~ I am preparing for a BIG presentation again like involving a huge sum of money. Amazingly, I actually enjoy it. Hahaha, must be the compliments that must be working for me. Oh well, lets hope everything goes smoothly although funnily the project is not under me and yet I am doing the slides.
Yay yay, we'll seee how... SHall we?Labels: vacation
JOanne thought hard on 3:30:00 PM.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Well, not really a bad weeek except that I got this played-out feeling.
Its too much really, the things people do. How can they? I lost a project after all that hard work I've put in. Call me childish or what but is that how business is supposed to be run? So used and exploited!!!
Hate them, hate them. Lets see how their project runs along...
Well, lets see what reaction NO-need-to-guesss has...
Tata everybody.Labels: not my day
JOanne thought hard on 3:19:00 PM.