Monday, October 29, 2007
Looking forward to UP and AWAY!!!
Again, time to reply some emails. I havent been to office the whole day but like whats new? I was on site today and I was thinking: Haha, Joanne, why are you here? Here in an area with 4 other men all crowding around the stupid as-built drawings and a group of banglas laying the cables. Exactly. Why? Hahaha...
Things have happened. Well, I flunked my driving test but haha, wont it be super duper amazing if I pass? Strangely, I coped well with my that colleague gone. Haha, got a new colleague who is suppose to assist me but after 1 week, he broke his arm and got 10 days MC so its just me again. HAHA! I heard there will be a new one coming in sooon...
Haha, been kinda auntie-ish with the kids around these days. Look what have I done!

 Arent all these birthday packages lovely? Today is Baby X's birthday! Haha, I actually went to buy his birthday package so that he can distribute. You know when you are young and you always look forward to your birthday? It is the same thing but now, the packaging are so much prettier and more convenient! And if there is this Auntie going from shop to shop to check out the best prices for the sweets and stuff, there will be the Uncle who is doing the packing!
 Got Baby X to do some so that he can appreciate the whole thing. He's one cutie!
Totally irrelevant but you can see I rarely get to win something so I am the only idiotic person around who put my name. =D
 Also totally irrelevant, thats my desk for you!!! My colleague said it makes people happy just by sitting down ay my seat with the comfy fakey Herman Miller. Haha and just by looking at my things, I know who has sat on it before! You know people has ITCHY hands.
 Okay and if you are smart enough to tell my title has got nothing to do with what I've written so far. Smart you.Thats my calender for November.
 Yes, I've got pretty much of a flying to do for these 2 months. When was my last holiday? It was in July, I was in KL for a little getaway with my colleagues. It was a quite tense trip for me because I just joined the company and I didnt know the people. I even gave up my varsity prom to go.
This time round, its a longer trip to Shanghai and Suzhou. =( Gonna miss the Babies (3 numbers-Baby Ng, Baby X and Baby T) and my family.
Otherwise, I am looking forward to flying in Dec with Baby Ng! =) Its helluva freaking 10 days without work! Muahahaha!!! So...so... Looking forward! Now this explains the title, innit? =D
So back to my question. Much to the fact that I sometimes question my existence in the working place, I actually think there is nothing much more that I could have enjoy more. Yes, unless you are talking about NOT WORKING else I cannot stand having to sit down at my desk nor do sales work NOR anything. I kinda like it-You whacked me, I'll go WHACKED him while I know he will be stepping on others as well. Bascially, I am crapping already.
HAHA! Have fun everybody and tata~ =D The holidays are coming! =DLabels: vacation
JOanne thought hard on 9:01:00 PM.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Oh Harrroooo!!!
Oh Hi, Harrroooo... Hahaha, watched Team America the other day. Yeah, its kinda dumb and stupid. If you've watched it, you know what I mean. Whats is me doing here? You see, my beloved Baby Ng now has this habit of updating his blog EVERYDAY! (Thats like Holy Sh*t! Who can afford to do that especially when you are a salaried employeeeeee?) Good question but com'on...Ahhh!! I see this lizard very blatantly walking past my living rooom floor, sorry to disappoint, but I AM NOT AFRAID OF LIZARDS NOR COCKROACHES NOR WHATEVER BUGS YOU CAN THINK OF. =) You know what I am afraid of, dont you? =)Ohhh, back to the topic of why I am here. I am trying to reply my client's email. =) Such a GOOOOOOOD employeeee eh? Muahaha, guess sounding politically correct is the EASIEST THING to do for Joanne because she is soooo good at it (like real) and the client will definitely be CONVINCED. Hola, we shall seeeeee... You see the reason why I am here was because my Baby Ng blogs everyday and I aint losing to him. (xx no. BULLSHIT)
Obviously, obviously, I am getting more than a lil cranky. And to win HIM, I must SHOW MY FACE!!! Muahaha!!!
 I was trying to show my new hair colour, obviously, the camera isnt doing any justice to my new hair colour!!! *Angry*
 Not even this...BUT I MUST WIN so I decided to let you seeee the SCARY ME!!!! Muahaha!!!
 Doesnt even looooook like me... Muahahah!!! IF that is not scary enough, check out this TOFU CHEESECAKE!!!
To make sure that I will WIN, I present FOIE GRAS (Yeah MAN, TOTALLY DIG IT, TOTALLY NO LINK!!!)
 Now, HUAI DAN BABY NG, this is just the beginning...
 =)So now just Say cheeeese because you are one of the languages that I speak of. =)
Totally IRRELEVANT P.S: I just visited my blog and I realised that it has beeen ACTIVE! AMAZING! AMAZING! Oh yes, I went to Zhang Zhen Yue's concert at NTU the other day. Ahhh haha, pictures for another day. And now you know why SOMEBODY (aka NO-NEED-TO-GUESS) cant take his eyes off me. (1) He's a friend of mine and he's playing a prank on me! (2) Like I said in this post, I AM SCARY ENOUGH!!! BOOOO!!!! (3) .... (Tired liao, next time bah) Whatever it is, take care and have fun!!! =)Labels: Random post
JOanne thought hard on 10:52:00 PM.