Saturday, July 09, 2011
This is a hot Saturday afternoon and I have neglected this space. There are so many places to update like the facebook and my diary. Well, I am getting a little sleepy so I will go catch some nap soon but here are some photos!
We sent WR off last night. Lucky her got married to a young doctor who cherishes and loves her. She's the envy! Where did all the sweet guys go? Bahz, attached and married, probably or maybe they just couldnt survive the majority. You know how the herds work.
This was her hens night.
It was fun seeing her evade the questions we asked. Of course, she was sporting enough to go on the stage and wear that horrendous top I made for her.
We were trying to get her dressed up in LP's car. That was fun and although I am not much of a marriage person, I love weddings. It is always heartening to see that albeit the fact that it is not easy for two worlds to merge, two people are trying to take that on, compromise and live side by side each other with hands firmly held. That is definitely not easy! Secretly, I believe I am a diehard escapist. I am totally useless in relationships and as much as possible, seek the easiest way out. For them, they have been apart most of the times so that was really hard to come. Well, you really need plenty of resilience and determination. Being abroad means you do not have much time to do anything else. Now in a LDR myself, although things have improve significantly, distance sometimes can really be a burden. The greater the distance the more skills and effort you require for effective communication. Ha! Easy said than done. I have been comfortable in school. Most of the time, I feel like the student. I am actively taking up courses on pedagogy. Oh my goodness, I am using that word! But yes, this is what it is all about in school now. I learnt more on various teaching methods and on communication. When I was in my previous job, it sort of eat into my personal life. Now I hope with all these skills, I would be able to be a better person. Oh yes, digress again. Look on for more photos!
This really is sweet! Both of them were really meant for each other!
A sweating me. I was running around trying to organise photographs, preparing the logistics. At the end, my hair all messed up and I was sweating like mad. I hope their life will get better and better in Australia and we are really planning a trip to visit them down there!
I am sure I mentioned that I have been to Greece. Athens, Mykonos and Santorini. That was before I started on this new job. It was a good break and it is really beautiful. Oh yes, that was before they started the rioting on the government. You know? The whole greek debt thing which runs on the Money page almost everyday? The people there are more liberal and they went about demonstrating their displeasure on the street.  The wild flowers on the road with the deep clean blue sea and the beautiful sky. I risked my life to take this photograph, there were many reptiles hiding inside the flowers! Ahhh, goes to show the risk in trying to get near to some wild flowers.  This is absolutely stunning! No castle there anymore but it serve as a wonderful place to catch the most talk-about sunset in the whole country. I have never seen a sunset nor sunrise in my entire life before. I remember this incident when I was at the Esplanade trying to catch the sunrise. It turned out I was facing the wrong direction and worse, I fell aslp and I woke up trying to find my slipper which I dreamt that was stolen by some sweeper. It was a joke. Subsequently, all sunsets nor sunrises never materialise, it was either because I was facing the wrong side or that I simply cannot wake up for it. I managed to catch sunsets in Mykonos and in Santorini which was really great. Oh, and I visited a volcano, steal some black sand and swam to a hot spring. All and all, it was a wonderful trip.  This was after scaling 260 steps. The sun was beaming and it was uber-ish bright. The weather was cooling but the sun just wasnt going to lose.  The track in Athens. The Olympic stadium just lost its glory after 2004 and now, its just a white elephant. It was unfortunate because the Greeks has invested heavily in the whole stadium. Oh well, bad planning and Singapore has its own side of the story with the YOG. Yea and it was only the YOG. Well, I guess lessons learnt.  Well, Athens is rich in history. This is Acropolis. This reminds me of Turkey and I have to say it is less preserved. But then, they have big statues which are really majestic and set you looking in awe. I love visiting such places. It always give me the feeling of being just immense in being part of being human and being smart because those historical people are SO smart.
I guess that is really quite a bit. I do really feel sleepy. My biological clock is getting used to the 6.30am thing. I woke up this morning at 7.10pm in a shock thinking there is school today. I was so glad that I managed to go back to sleep but something woke me up at 9. I guess it is a luxurious thing to be able to take some nap in the afternoon.
Have I told you how much I love things to be straight forward? Unfortunately, some people always tend to be too eager to please and they cannot handle having to say "no". That complicate things quite a fair bit. Some people call it lying, some calls it I-dont-want-to-hurt-you. Yea, me, myself is guilty of that. It always come with this inner struggle and it battles on with your heart and mind on what is to be done. People. Sometimes we forgot, much as the truth hurts, it is always the shortest pain you could have possibly endure. At least that is what I always believe. While you take the time to consider the pain you could have possibly cause to that person, why not break it out as soon as you can so that the recovery period can kickstart as soon as possible. Oh, I never can fully understand people. While opposites do attract, I guess sometimes you cannot take that too far and it will really be easier to live with people your own breed.
Goes to show how much I really need my nap. Yawn. Labels: emo elmo, happy happenings, new chapter
JOanne thought hard on 1:49:00 PM.