Monday, October 27, 2008
Its a Monday
Ok, just a short note before I go prepare myself. I will be attending my friend's wedding tonight, he's the second who has invited me and the first that I am going. I even asked my friend how much to give for ang pow. =)
Yup, its a MOnday and I have gotten myself a new hairstyle. Nah, not showing any pictures, I, myself hasnt got used to it yet! *gasp* Thats doesnt sound very promising riiight. Hahaha. I've also been trying to read The Shock Doctrine but I take forever, it is so diiiificult to read!!! Faint, so online shopping is easier. =0 You cannot believe how much I am spending because it is so fast, you see something, you emailed and then wala, TRANSFERED and done, wait for it to come! Anyway, shopping is good, I dont spend like that on a typical day but look!
Yes, I am going to Avenue Q! =) The sneakers and the tickets are sponsored by Mr. Ng. Yeah, it has to be else my pocket, wait, if all are by me, I wont have any pockets left, haha, pants also no more. =x
And for the first time (I think), that is my maternal grandmother. I think it was her birthday the previous week. I have a big family and when we wer young, we will just crowd around in that little house. Now you imagine that same space plus all the beaus, wooohooo, how spacious! Hahahaha...
We have such telepathic powers that night, we were all dressed in BLACK. Hahaha, my lovely cousins and me.
And that morning, I found this on my bed.
You think I love sweets so much that I will put them on my bed? This is so with kids, there was one time I had this ultraman sticker on my bag and Boss asked me why am I acting cute? The stickers are everywhere, you will have them sticking on your hair, on your butt, everywhere! Treveze loves to bring things into my room and hide them under my pillow! Imagine on a tired night and you just throw yourself back and OUCH!!! Your head hits the GUN! Yah, you think I am a hitman that hides the gun under my pillow because Zorro is coming after me? The gun is the smallest thing and the least painful, try the big train.
Talking about toys, Mr. Ng's mum bought a new HP the other day and she insisted to take a picture of me so that she can show her students how her son's gf look like. (-_-)'" Mr. Ng was napping so there is this BIG fat face in the HP now, she came so near!!! This is Mr. Ng and he just woke, haha, cannot escape her clutches too.
 Ok, gtg. Taking some course this week so it is a shorter week. Yipppee... I've checked on some enrolments last night, boooo! It seems like I still do not have enough working experience. Bleh! Ok Ok, really got to go prepare. =) Enjoy your week, Nov is coming. Tata. Labels: Random post
JOanne thought hard on 5:00:00 PM.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Tio Sabo
Name 20 people you can think of:(Not in order)
1. Mummy 2. Daddy 3. Jocelyn 4. Samuel 5. Treveze 6. Xzavier 7. Mr. Ng 8. Xiao Jing 9. Rebecca 10. Liping 11. Wen Rou 12. Louis 13. Chin Sun 14. Andy Lau (haha!) 15. Ruijing 16. Angeline 17. LBK 18. John 19. King Mun 20. Marilyn
How did you meet 14?[Andy Lau] HAHAHAH!!! On TV? Magazines? Newspapers?
What would you do if you have never met 1? [Mummy] I probably cannot do much 'cos I should be dead.
What if 9 and 20 are fated? [Rebecca and Marilyn] I dont know, fated fated lor!
Will 6 and 14 date? [Xzavier and Andy Lau] HAHAHA, I DONT THINK SO!
Describe 3. [Jocelyn] She is kind and young and she will always be loved! =)
Is 8 attractive? [Xiao Jing] Of course!!! She is sweet and just abit canky, just the right kind of attractiveness!!!
Describe 7. [Mr. Ng] He is smart and gifted in languages.
Do you know 12's family members? [Louis] Yes, we happened to be DISTANT cousins!
What if 18 confesses that he/she likes you? [John] HAHAHAH!!! I will laugh my arse offffff...
What language does 15 speak? [Ruijing] Her own language. Kua Kua
Who is going out with 9? [Rebecca] Marshmallow.
How old is 16? [Angeline] My Age.
When did you last speak to 13? [Chin SUn] I cannot remember. =p
Who's 2's favorite singer? [Daddy] Seriously, I have no idea. =0
Would you date 4? [Samuel] I might if he is not younger and not my bro.
Would you date 1? [Mummy] I might and might not. She is my mummy!
Is 19 single? [King Mun] Yes
What's 10 last name? [Liping] Lim
What is the school of 3? [Jocelyn] YSS.
Where does 6 live? [Xzavier] My house and his house.
What do you think of 5? [Treveze] I think he is kinda weird. He likes to kiss and hug me when he feels like it. SOmetimes he use force so that he can kiss me. When he strokes my hair, he is the sweetest guy ever. However, when he is angry, he always said he doesnt want me. Ohhhh, I miss him so much.
Have you seen 2 naked? [Daddy] NO!!!!
I was supposed to name 5 people who will do this stupid thing. Haha, nope! Aint going to do it. I am so bored now which is why I did this!!!

Haha, I dont know why I put my head out like the emu but yeah, I havent been taking photos of what I eat or anything anymore but Ms XJ said we should. =)

 I did not edit the pictures, she did! So nice ehhhh...
Ok, time to find something to do. I am having a bit of a rash now, haha, my body is abit slow, it takes one day for the rash to come . Orbi good lah!!!
=) I am going to say my line! Monday is COMING!!! HAHAHAHHA!!! Labels: Random post
JOanne thought hard on 4:41:00 PM.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
What do you do on a Sunday?
=) I am looking for new games for my DS, heee, getting bored with those existing games. Mr. Ng has been doing his marking and now, he is playing some fifa thing. I've also been "window-shopping" online, but nothing really caught my eye. Re-decorated my DS this week and I suddenly realised the next holiday is on the 27th.
A sunday filed with leisure for me and more marking for him. My mind automatically shuts down although I have tonnes of work to do.
Took the kids out on Hari Raya. They love it while Mr. Ng and I were dead beat after that.
I do look like a mommy here, dont I? They are so adorable yet can be quite a handful. Treveze loves Mr. Ng very much and that is something we can never figure out. We can never figure out what they are thinking.
I was exploring my career options the other day with Mr. Ng, like how I ended up doing Building in NUS and what are my options now. Yeah, was just thinking what if someday, I get sick of discussing about Fire safety requirements, about the material to be used for my ceiling, the green label carpet...Booo, they sound boring. Thats about it, Monday is coming. Take care. Labels: Random post
JOanne thought hard on 3:09:00 PM.