Wednesday, June 25, 2008
acute rhinitis
That was what they call that on my MC. I always think medical names are funny, but of course, I bet they are there for a reason (unknown to me).
My colleague just sms-ed me and said they wanna do dinner tonight in Melt and they asked if I can recover by tonight. Haha, duhz... and I just googled for it and DUHZ again, its $65-75 per pax. *shakes head* He is going to go so bankrupt and I think he will be super glad that I am not going. Hah...
Some time ago, the girls and I met up. It has been long since I saw some of them and looking at it, booohoooo, we are really getting old!!!
Then, some time ago, I was also kinda inspired by Bro^5 post and we also went to the TOY museum.
Nothing fantastic but seriouly what can you expect, we aint got much land. Keke, Felix the Cat, which looked quite hideous in the past. =)
Those were the days days days...
We are making ourselves comfortable... Heh...

Yup, you can tell how interesting the place is...

I look so fair fair here whereas in real life, I am actually quite tan. I bet it must be the contrasting at work. =)
This is so cute eh...
I know I sound damn boring and stuff but hey, I am sick. Haha, and also because this has been like long outdated. Thats my longer hair and undyed hair. Now, its slightly shorter with that bunch of awkward gold streaks on my fringe. =) Kua Kua, Boss told my pregnant client the other day that she is not supposed to look at me so frequently in case the baby turns out to have that kind of hair too. He's not really into my hair.
Now, tata.
 Labels: Sick
JOanne thought hard on 1:23:00 PM.
Monday, June 23, 2008
I am a certified FSM (Fire Safety Manager) now!!! Yeah, I actually pass my DUMB DUMB course after that cruise I went and all the lessons I have skipped! =D
Seriously, I am sooo sooo proud of myself. =) Results were better than what I have expected, heh, I expected myself to flunk the thing because I left alot of blanks and I actually left 45 mins after the paper started when it is actually a 3-hour paper. =p Bet you can imagine how many blanks I left!
My colleagues said they have doubts in the system because how can they allow me to passsssss... =) Muahaha! Amazingly, I am actually so so so happppy because of the fact that I do not have to go through the ordeal again *gasp gasp* rather than the pay increment I am going to get. KeKeKe...
Now, the next test which is on the 21st next month...*pull my hair and bite my nails* I hope I can pass it tooooo... Seriously, I dont want to go through it again and of course, I hope I can save some money. =) Yeah, I hope the luck continues... Smile at me, Lady Luck!!!
Adieus.Labels: happy happenings
JOanne thought hard on 6:18:00 PM.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Random Posts
Yup, here I am, at this empty building again. Apparently new guy is coming in on Monday and being the good boss, I let her off today by coming back today.
Some pictures to pass time...
Thats the dress that Mr. Ng has kindly sponsored:- Yeah, I dont know if you know about my missing teeth but yup, I have 2 missing. Dentist's suggestion was to have an x-ray so that I know if they have grown inside my gums or they are just missing. But then again, she said if it was in my gums, it would have affect my whole teeth formation so it might be more likely that I have missing teeth right from the start.
Most people do not realise it. That day at Mr. Ng's graduation (which is like 3 years after I know him), his mum suddenly realise my lower sets of teeth has holes. See?
The wedding dinner was like Teacher's dat dinner because both the bride and groom are Teachers. Looks like a elite dinner too because its almost like all the people I was introduced to were scholars. It was a funny thing that we were discussing why is it that ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends were never part of the history shown in wedding dinners. Yup, I was telling Mr. Ng's bro that in my wedding dinner, we are so going to have their picture and that they are going to be invited. What the girls will be having that night will be decided by me while the guy's menu can be decided by the groom. Hiak Hiak. So fun! And I dont know if you have realised, maybe not, since the photo does not show that much, but I have new hair colour. Thats not my skin, thats the gold streaks. Everyone has a shock because it was that GOLD. Everybody calls me the Ah Lian now, Boss calls me Monkey. Haha, trust me everyone has a shock, now its better... =) Well, that day straight out of the salon, there was this group of teenagers, perhaps 14-16, they saw me and they said I looked familiar and asked if I was from their school. (-_-)'" They all had gold streaks of hair like mine. I dont know but I am perhaps almost 10 years older than them! Ok, deep inside I am actually quite happy that they think I am that young, yah, its either that or they are blind.
Yeah, Mr. Ng and I had this really heated argment/debate on politics and everything. I won this bet about our ministers earning more than George Bush. We invited stares because we really put ourselves on The Arena. Yeah, damn intellectual thing we do sometimes. Sometimes, we do behave. =)That was real fun I bet the people sitting beside us learnt alot although they will be totally in awe and horrified.
yeah, outdated. Mother's Day at Soup Resturant.
Thats Cayden! Yeah, if the dad knows his photo is up here, he is so going to charge me. Thats Mr. Ng's freshly-out-of-the-oven nephew. Heh.
The set I had when I had the shopping trip with the girls. Pocket burnt a hole. The other day we had dinner and it was funny. We talked about feeling supressions and the past and etc etc. I only had beer and rash was in the other day. Damn.
And I am now the official appointed debt collector for my division because LOOK WHAT I HAVE DONE:-
Thats my boss's desk. =) He owe Ms Ah Long money and I put up pig heads. Hur Hur 1000HK.
He was in total shock when he came back from his meeting but I find it to be so fun and from then on, GM appoints me the debt collector. Kua kUa.
Thats another outdated full month party that we went to the other day. My friend's house is this entertainment centre. Full computerised karooooake set and a pool table smacked right in the center. The partition was even sound-insulated so that you can scream your lungs out. Sheeeesh. Lastly, me and the babies in the zooooo. =) Super duper duper outdated.
One more hour to go. Can't wait.
Enjoy your weekends! Cheerios.Labels: Random post
JOanne thought hard on 10:43:00 AM.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Joanne In wonderland
15 minutes more and I am all alone in the building. Yes, all alone. Who works on a tooooopid Saturday?
I have been posted to a site to cover till the new guy comes in. I hate this place till today. The clients are difficult and demanding (I am not saying other sites are not) and they are not exactly the reasonable type. Yes, and outside is like a place for pinic and it is so ulu that my IT guys do not know how to come in. zzzzzz....
 GSS has started and we went a lil' shopping yesterday because we have got a wedding dinner tonight and his mum was saying my dress is not appropriate for the occassion. Yeah, take the chance to shop also since I am not paying. Hiak. Well, I got my dress and stuff and heh a bag that I really like! Bad news is it is not affected by GSS AT ALL and there was no discount no nothing and it is not a conventional brand. So...BOMB! Mr. BF's pocket blew a hole. =) We both discussed about the different feelings we have when we buy things for each other.
Like when he got me those LEVIS jeans, my heart was also coming out because I am never someone who will spend that much on a piece of jeans but of course, if I decided to get it, I dont feel the pinch at all, its just card out and sign and BYE! Hahaha, but when he got me the bag yesterday, I was like feeling so guilty all over. Haha, just like when I got him his wallet. =)
I have a thing for unconventional brands recently. I dont know why. When my friend saw my FURLA wallet, she was like, "why dont you spend a few more 10 dollars and you can get your LV?" But I am like, "what for I buy things where I see everywhere on the street?" Moreover, I am this little poor girl who is not earning much! =) Haha, the thing with non-conventional brands are when people asked how much it costs because when you tell them they are like, "are you mad?"
Time's up. The technician (aka me) has to knock off. Mr. BF said I am the super disgustingly highly paid technician... MR BF JUST CALLED TO SAY HE GOT INTO AN ACCIDENT! SOME IDIOTS CRASHED INTO HIM. OH NO!Labels: Random post
JOanne thought hard on 12:15:00 PM.