Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Well, not that long since I last blogged, at least its like less than a month or so. Well, try to imagine this, you have been working for the whole day and when you reach home (lets say you do), sometimes all you wanna do is sit there and do nothing. At least, thats what for me. Otherwise I am out with my The Signigicant Other (SO), haha, you know in the construction industry, SO means Superintendent Officer, which other people call ASSHOLE. Ok, I know I am out of point but hey, I am in a construction industry so what do you expect?
Well for your information, SO only exist in government jobs. Ok great, I forgot what they call these kind of people in the private sector but heck and I dont think you mind either, I mean not like you care to know.
Heh, everybody was quite impressed with my designation and my namecard. Yah... Thats pretty funny.
 And you saw my companion at work. Thats taken in the first week. Fifth week to work and my table has become even more personalized. Heh, will show you guys some photos next time. Hmmm, now I am thinking who will read my blog. HAHA!
.jpg) This is so freaking pretttty lah! Well, I supposed the normal civilian beings cannot go there because you moved and the ninjas WILLLLL JUMP ON YOU and pull ALLLLL your hair OUTTT!!! MUahahaha!!! Security damn tight and shit! I think I am not supposed to show the picture but but... SHHHHHHHHHHH!
.jpg) And and...these are what Joanne did to please her BIG BOSS. HAHAHAHA, now the planes sit somewhere near the windows waiting for WW3. Heh... =)
As you can now tell, the evil corporate world has more or less make me a lil' (just a lil') cranky hence I am gonna stop. Oh yah, work has been exciting, imagine reaching office at 4pm and I was supposed to knock off at 6. Yeah, its all about meetings, thats what I mostly do and I kinda like it because I cannot stand sitting in the office. My butt will hurt.
Well, there's more interesting stuff but I supposed we can wait for other times. I am actually a PROJECT MANAGER, ya know, thats interesting enough, innit?????
Guess what, I am going to KL again, hur hur, a company trip, how EX~citing. I really sound excited, dont I? I heard the sales is going on that side, ;-) thats what keep me going on and I hope I will really have the time to bring back the whole KL. Some people were suggesting to bring some sleeping pills and drugged the BIG BOSS so that we can be at ease. HAPPENING?!
Take care everybody and tata.Labels: new chapter
JOanne thought hard on 8:25:00 PM.
Short note
Had my convo today.
Feeling before convo? Normal. Feeling during convo? Normal.
Before I go up to the stage? I cannot remember
Feeling after convo (which is now)? Normal.
Coming back and seeing 30 emails in my mailbox: Ohhh Sh****t Work is piling upppp.
Replying emails? Nah. I am off today, I havent started complaining anything about the calls I've gotten during my convo.
So where do we go from here?Labels: happy happenings
JOanne thought hard on 8:25:00 PM.