Sunday, January 28, 2007
Thesis Days
I reckon that you guys might just miss me a little. =)I have been kinda busy with my dissertation and in case you dont know what it is, its just a paper where you need to write 10 000 bloody words. I thought the words were going to pose as a problem because I didnt think I would have that much to say. I realised thats not true, its the time that is going to be a problem. Deadline has been extended to 28th next month. I wished it would have ended as usual so that my misery will come to an end and I will spend my chinese new year dissertation free. Duhz, its not going to come true.
Anyway, come say hello to my new BABY! Nope, not the white one but the black one!
 =) An additional member to my collection!!! Heh, new year gift from Mr. Ng. =D
Speaking of which, Mr Ng also got me another gift to motivate me to study harder =x

 And I planted some strawberries on my nails. Heh, they are long gone: plucked and eaten up. Hahaha! =D I did it myself, from the shaping to french manicure then drawing the strawberries, hoho, took me quite a while. =) Sometimes, I think the money spent letting others do it is more worthwhile. HAHAHA!!!
No, its not a jacket because I already have one. Its a BAG!!! Hohohoh, a second one. hahaha!

 Kua Kua kUa... I got to go,my tuition kid is here. I've started learning how to drive and I am one reckless driver to be. Tell you the next time. Tata and take care.
JOanne thought hard on 3:24:00 PM.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Holiday ONE
The clouds was nice and I spent half of the time looking out and the islands and ships that look like toys. Nature is such a fascinating thing and it never fails to wow me. I remember when I came back, I was watching You, Me and Dupree and I cannot remember what I watched on my way there, maybe because I was tooo preoccupied with the clouds and allll, haha. =)
I am seriously not a fan of plane food because I think they taste horrible haha, amazingly, on my return, the food was good. I had some baked fish with potato and appetizer was teriyaki yatori salad and it taste good. On the way there, I couldnt finish the food cos heh, noooooot nice wan... HAHAHAH!!!
 It was a bad bad bad landing, hahaha, and all of us felt the jerk which was bad bad bad. Nevertheless, its still good because we landed safely and BEHIND SCHEDULE. =x
  The HONG KONG Streets, very different from Singapore eh? The streets are very narrow, unlike Singapore's. They resembled Geyland though abit cleaner and all the people are very welll-dressed, even beggers were donned in suits! (fainted) Its nice to be in a different environment, haha, Singaporeans are quite casual in their dressing, yah, cos its hot and humid here. People are in shorts, slippers, Tees whereever they goooo and even me, I am guilty of this CASUAL DRESSING INDULGENCE. HAHAHA!!! All that matter is comfort mah...Heh, and I remembered someone who told me SIngaporeans are very lok kok. HAHAHA. =D
We were lucky enough to see some actors filming, you know, someone got bashed up in that narrow alley and the BIG BOSSES smoke and stare?
 My hotel is good because it is linked to one of the biggest shopping centres around, I dont know if it is true hahaha. Location wise is good because KCR and MTR (their MRTs) is just nearby, like 5mins walk, next time I might just stay there again! This picture kinds resembles Ngee Ann City except that there are RED taxis around. Mr. Boyfriend was saying because in movies, whenever the stars flag, a cab appears, it must mean that taxis are abundance, which is quite true. HAHA.
 We were wearing some Tees brought by his da-sao from Disneyland HK, hehe, our first time wearing a couple teee. So paiseh... *shy* HAHAHAHAHA!!! We cooled down a little, and take a little walk around the surrounding before attending the X'mas dinner.
hahaha, Sorry arrr, I got to go. HAHAHA!! Gonna call and ask about YOGA because I changed classs. Dumb Dumb, I hope they allow me to change since my school clashes with the yoga classs. HMPH.
Heh, will continue later. =D
JOanne thought hard on 12:35:00 PM.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Back and the Year 2007
Happy New Year Alll! =) I hope you have spent your last day in 2006 well, if not, its ok, because there is still 2007.
Fireworks was great and I realised I have seen many fireworks last year. Theres videos but oh well, I guess other days, I am tooo lazy to upload it. =x
Dinner was at The Indulgz, I must say it is yummilicious and I wonder what they did to the chicken to make it that tender and smooth. Time was running out else I would have tried their desserts too. =) Thats their prawn in garlic mayo wasabi sauce, apparently its their signature dish and its award-winning.
 Time was running out because we were catching "Night at the Museum". It was quite funny hahaha, hey you dum dum, give me my gum gum. And we waited for the fireworks while it drizzles a little. Waiting was not the unbearable part but putting up with the smokers is. Seriously, I hate smokers. For goodness's sake, you wanna smoke, you can rot in hell and I dont give a damn. BUT passive smoking is more deadly than smoking?! They just seriously dont get the point that if you wanna have your lungs degenerating, go ahead but leave the innocence alone. Yucks. Inconsiderate bunch. Yeah, some people just dont get it.

I was going to blog about my trip. Heh, not exactly in the mood to do so.
 Some clouds for you to seeee... =) Have a good day everyone and stay away from the bad people who spoil your day. Theres quite a few and some might be very near to you. =)
JOanne thought hard on 1:54:00 PM.