Friday, December 22, 2006
Fly away~
Hah, this is actually my 100th post! Numbers, Numbers, Numbers. I am just the normal adult beings illustrated in The Prince because I am fascinated with numbers too.
Oh, you do know that Xmas is coming, arent you? Just look at the Xmas decorations around, there is no way that you can miss it. So...were you on the naughty or nice list? ;)
I dont know which list my name will appear on but, well, I will be away till next week for a little short holiday to Hong Kong and Shen Zhen. Baby (My Mr. Boyfriend but for this post, he shall be named as Baby) has spoiled me rotten because last year, I spent my X'mas in Pattaya and Bangkok. This year, it will be Hong KOng and Shen Zhen! =D He promised me a white X'mas, hohoho, maybe next year!!! =D I tried to consider if it was worth paying extra to spend our Xmas overseas and he didnt let me and so, yeah, disneyland, Xmas!!! =D We contemplated for quite awhile, if it was Taiwan, Korea or HOng Kong. Korea was slightly out of our budget though I was quite excited to seeeee snow. HAHA! Baby find Taiwan boring. (-_-)'"
I hope the hotel will not disappoint this time. Hah, apparently its 5-stars and situated in the heart of the city. The last time round in Bangkok, we got a suite, maybe not a suite but it actually has a kitchen, a dining area, a living room, a balcony and a bedroom. I dont know what kind is that but it is too BIG for the both of us and we both idiots just ran around happily. Bad thing is the location of the hotel, it sucks big time and we were lost!!! #@$#!%#!&*@#&*!^ BAD Bad experience. Another story for another time. I hope this time we are really in the heart of the city!!! Can't wait...Can't wait...
I was packing and I really need long-sleeves because apparently the temperature there is 12-20. I took out all my long-sleeves and seeeeeee
 I must be crazy or something. Everything is MANGO and nothing else. All from different seasons. Yes, I love the fruit mango but huh? I know must be the sales and ManGo must be the cheapest of allll. I look further, huh, I got a couple more short sleeves, tank tops and skirts. (-_-)"' Not to mention my jackets. *Faint* But this season, I didnt get anything?! Time to repent.
We borrowed quite alot of stuff from Baby's Bro also. His Bro and da-sao just came back from Korea and Hong Kong and heard it was quite cold. Hoho. Funny thing was they didnt ski in Korea because they were too tired from walking. (-_-)'" If it was me, I would probably like to roll down, HOW CAN DONT WANT TO SKI?!?!?! Okay, I KPK can. Yesterday, his Da-sao was showing him a NASA brought ice cream chocolate bar. This chocolate bar was special because it was bought from NASA and although it is ice-cream, you dont need the fridge. When you opened it and savour it, it turned into ice-cream. Yah, NASA mah, for the astronauts mah, to bring to space mah. So I thought it was souvenior from Korea for us and I put it back into my bag and thought its for me. Alas! Wrong move, it cannot be brought from Korea because Korea no NASA!!! Booohoooo, it further established myself as KPK. To compound to it, they remember the mango freeze incident. Kua kua kua, another story for another time. I talked too much tonight.

And I am almost done. Hohoho, remember at Ying's birthday, Grace was telling me bloggers are all like that, while people carry on with their activities, they are by the side happily snapping. I dont know if its true but Joanne is like this. She takes almost EVERYTHING.
 (Sorry that you have to see some of my brrrraaaas HAHAHA!) So you can seeeeee, I am almost done. At least, I think I am. I remember everytime I am going away, my mum will pack for me. Hohoho, sometimes my lil Bro helped while I watch TV. Kua kUa Kua. Eh, now grow up liao.
And its Xmas!!! My lil' Sis has given us presents!!! =D
 I already know what it is =p and no, I havent open it yet. HAHAHA!!! =) I am the elder sister can. HAHAHA!!! No link! But aww...so sweet right? =)
I tried making cards. I used to have this thing for cards. I will make like 7-8 of them and pretend that they belong to a particular series (like fabric, toothpicks, chalk yada yada) and every year got different series. Siao. HAHAHA!!! Pretend that I am the designer. After which, then I put in the names and messages.
 I tried and after making two, I is tired. HAHAHAHAHAH!!! =p So, I am sorry but please make do with it and PRETEND that these cards are for you!!! Since I can pretend that I am a card designer, you can also try pretending that you are the recipients of the cards. WAHAHAHAHAH!!! =)
And you can also PReTEND that you own this!!! Oh you know, like Little Prince who got satisfied thinking his sheep is in a box, you can do the same!!! =D
 =) Self-coaxing works alot for me.
On a totally irrelevant note, aint this cute?
 Ermmm no, you cannot pretend this is yours. THIS IS MINE, JOANNE KOH'S! It's drawn for me!!!
holalalala~ Jingle Bells everyone! BUai Buai!!! ADieus~ =D
JOanne thought hard on 1:36:00 AM.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Busy Days
Mood now is:

Have been kinda busy with almost any other things other than my dissertation. Dr Benny has gone back to india, haha, and Joanne is having fun slacking away. Well, no more breathing down my neck 'cos he's just too far away to do so. Saw many many pictures which I was supposed to blog about. Hoho, simply toooo busy to do so. What have I been busy with? Firstly was my dissertation, then I have to poke my nose into some other's relationship, which I still dont know if I did the right thing. But oh well, someone hurled a string of vulgarities at me last night because of that, not to mention all the curses of which all spell venom. Well... *shrugged*
  And this was taken when I was mugging. So relaxed huh, with my roasted chicken and swiss chocolate, that was a real way to relaxe even before I start studying. Hahaha, and the greens, needless to say good. Its weird how exams make you appreciate that. Hahaha and I suddenly realised I am graduating soon. Another semster to go!
And I was at Settler's twice. Once at Katong and once at Clarke Quay.
  They look ghostly, arent they? HAHAHA! That reminds me of this picture.
 Settler's is fun. The one at Katong, we had fun laughing at Jack because we were playing some auction game and he held on the the money like they were real. Unbelievable. We were at Mac and we were thinking if they have student meals on weekends so I asked the Mac guy and he replied, "yes! We have vanilla, chocolate and strawberry." Ya, I guess he didnt get what I was saying. Maybe I speak too fast or something and he was very nervous. In the end, my student meal has got large fries. (-_-)'"
 We change so many games, so much so that, we did not remember all of them. HAHAHA! I think no one that night pressed the bell as many times as US!!! HAHAHA!!!
 HAHAHA!!! This game, XJ was so gungho. HAHAHA!! All of us managed to get forward because she was very brave. All of us was supposed to be in some ship and every turn, other than yours, you get to jump out of the ship and not follow the pillot. In the end, all of us knew the weakness of everyone and thus, all was very kaisee and we jumped off the ship very often!
 And he's so going to kill me for posting this up! HAHAHAHA!!! Its a bomb he's holding. HAHAHA!!! The bomb explodes everytime u fail to come up with a word. =D I won the game with 19 cards!!! Ermmm, needless to say, you know who lost the game. HIs face is up there. =P The ticking sound is melody to him. HAHAHA!!!
 Hahaha, XJ is very camera sensitive!!!
 First time, I saw a car where the driver is located on the left side. And this man, he was trying to get a cab in the middle of the road!!! The motorist looked at us and was trying to figure out is anything wrong. HAHAHA


Time to go for dinner then YOGA.

 Haha, I was the only one around in my class with a purple mat! Would prefer a red one instead but dont have. Aye. Got to go. Tatata. (Its monotone day, bear with it.)
JOanne thought hard on 5:11:00 PM.
Friday, December 08, 2006
The Children
Its scary, really, looking at all of them. Time and tide wait for no man. Boohooo, I'm old.
 This is YQ, he came to my house when he was just 15 months old and now? He is 9 years old already! He's the first kid my mum babysits and the start of my mummy's babysitting career. Haha.
 The sister of YQ. She came to my house when she was just TWO months old. She's now seven. Time files, eh?

 And we have TT, who came when she was 15 months old too after ZZ left. She's going home next year and she's six now. Mum claimed that she's the last however...
 BB X came along!!! First time we saw him, we couldnt take our eyes of him, he's just a pretty little thing. Nowadays, he's so naughty and there's no way he will let you take a picture of him! He was here when he was only two months old. He two+ now. Super chatty and cute!!! My ultimate source of happiness!!! Mum also declared that he will be the last.
 Of course, you see BB T and you know BB X was not the last. She claimed that BB T will be the last though. ;)

 So you see, my house became some sort of a nursery and I was Ann-zeh-zeh to 5 kids and a big sister to 7 children including my own siblings. When all gather...
 This is it. My mummy is the ultimate baby-sitter. The greatness of motherly love.
JOanne thought hard on 11:33:00 AM.