Thursday, November 30, 2006
Just tell me which supervisor uploads journal papers for you when, not to mention this student here isnt even the best student ever. Awwww...
Yes, I am supposed to be guilty about it which I am now.
I feel so lucky.
My luck just get exceptionally good sometimes especially when I have someone specifically coming down to accompany me for dinner and ferrying me around. Awwww...
Ahhhh yes, I hope the luck stays with me till when I get my results because my first paper sucks like hell.
Take care everyone. Tata.
JOanne thought hard on 6:15:00 PM.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Riiiight, holiday has come earlier!!! Its two weeks of reading before the exams comes knocking on me! Riiiiigght, I am very happy and chirpy except that for two consecutive weeks, I have been sick, down with a fever and a common flu and well and feverish again. My supervisor is away in Sydney and yes, finally I get a breather or my illness might just turn for the worst!!! *Gasp*
The last presentation I did was a choooo choooooooo train and all I ever wanted was to get out of there because my head was exploding and my throat was dying on me. Thankfully I survived that. =)
Last PP presentation I did, I was sick before that toooo and I almost couldn’t make it but well, how can I missed out the fun?
 It was no mercy that day, everyone got shoot down and he had fun pronouncing the word “maintability”. He even pinpointed a few to read it out for him which I don’t know why?! Since it was the last and he was having fun, I had fun tooooo, taking photo that is!!! Hahaha!!! =D
 Little Shop Of Horror

 And then it was finally time for us to visit Seymour and his evil orchid!!! I thought we should dressed abit nicer in case the evil orchid gets hungry and decides to have us for one of his meals!
 Before that, we were supposed to have high tea at some hotel. But oh well, we decided that if we are tooo well-fed, the Evil orchid might smell us so we gave it a miss. Heh~ So we took neoprints instead because you really never know if the Evil Orchid might eat us up.
The evening came and we were finally there!!! The last time I saw the Tim Sum Dollies was in 2004 when Bro^5 had a free ticket and he asked me along. Amazingly both of us went without knowing what it was! It was The Revenge of the Tim Sum Dollies and it was SUPER FUNNY!!! That time was at Esplanade and the deco was soooo nice and we enjoyed the show! That time Mr. Boyfriend was only my boy friend and it was quite a while later than he became Mr. Boyfriend. =D
This time round, The Little Shop of Horror is at Victoria. That was the place when my CO won SYF Gold and that earned us a trip to HOngKOng which is like a million years ago. =)

 It was finally time for us to go in and we went to the wrong seats! HAHAHA!!! This time round, I was just four rows away from the STAGE!!! *Gasp* There was a scene where The Boss was smoking and I can smellllll it. We were that near that I dont even have to zooooooom to take a shot!!!
 It was nice and everyone sang well. I love musicals except that the price is quite steep but like what Mr. Boyfriend said, once in a while is ok. Ever since we booked the tickets, my heart has been aching because I always think about the number of things that I can buy with it but oh well I must say that night is priceless! =) No...I did not pay for the tickets because it was a gift from Mr. Boyfriend but still I am not a materialistic girlfriend so I felt the pinch for him. So good eh me? =D
 I am sorry this photo turned out like this. It was alll my fault! I am so glad that Mr. Boyfriend didnt snapped at me. I felt so guilty and that was the only bad thing about the night. Haiz...All my fault! Anyway the camera is fine now after we sent it for repair.
Oh, Yah, we met up with a little accident. It created such a commotion that everyone was looking at us. Fortunately it was nothing although it could have been worse. The taxi drvier was quick enough or the damage could have been quite bad. The car had some paint scrapped while Mr Boyfriend and I were okay. It was kinda scary but I guess it taught us how to handle accidents, touch wood but its all part and parcel of growing up to becoming an adult. Riiiiiggght~
 Its time to recuperate before the exams come. I figured out I might take about two weeks and I realised I cannot take that long because two weeks later is my exam! *pulls hairs bites nails*
Actually it doesnt really matter, does it?
5 More weeeeeks~~~~ =o =D (H_K)
JOanne thought hard on 1:33:00 PM.
Monday, November 06, 2006
So busy lor~ *Smirk*
SMEBODY said I am not busy so I shall show some evidence that I am BUSY! Hohohoho!
  See!!! So many books to read because of my dissertation, I wonder who is the one who had this thing about writing a dissertation before you can graduate. My supervisor is breathing down my neck and I got a term test this week and a presentation next week!!! Arghghgh!!! (-_-)'"
For another project, I was in Biopolis. Seriously, I cannot wait for it to end. It was an eye-opener because when you look at all the systems it was pretty amazing. Well, it was noisy that I almost fainted inside there.
 =>  I was also down at some exhibition at Suntec for the same project!!! That was cool!!! There were many Japanese there and their technology was truly amazing!!! I collected many namecards and brochures. Wooohoooo! So worth it!!! HAHAHA!!! I tried the iSqueeze and it gave me BLUEBLACKS!!! WTH!!! Hahahaha!!! There, you have my proj mate who's in self denial that he's enjoying the massage when the MACHINE was not working at allll!!!
Anyway, I am a step closer to driving my Baby home because somehow in my first attempt in taking the FTT a few weeks ago, I actually passed. The wonders of hardworkingness. Mr. Boyfriend was smart enough to get me assessment!!! HAHAHAH!!!
 Yes, I am still far away from owning my own car.
 I was also preoccupied with birthdays. The babies in my family~
Now, how big can your eyes be knowing that I lead a hectic life?
  HAHAHAHA!!! I also went to many new eating places, like Botak Jones, who offer great food at hawker price, I think they hav another outlet in Ang Mo kio. I was down at Casurina Curry also for some pratas last night after after studying in NUS. Ohhh, I cannot remember anymore. Oh yes, I was at Fin's too for some inksquid pasta. That was truly unique. Kudos to Mr. Boyfriend 1)who treated all of us on my sis's birthday and taking the effort to celebrate Baby X's birthday tooo!!! =D
 2) who accompanied me when I am studying. 3) who get that Ferrari car model for Baby X 4) driving me to destinations 5) letting my Bro drive his car (somehow my Bro become a certified driver) 6) Accompanying to Buona Vista to swim although there's one pool that is downstairs. (That BUOna Vista swimming pool sucks!) 7) and I cannot remember what...There's so many things that I said I will blog about and I dont remember what. HAHAHA!
Ohhh yes, he has never been to a public pool his whole life except the one in NIE and he was soo yayaya about it! *pouts* I was the one who is always YAYA! HAHAHA
Okay, I spent one hour of my busy life doing this entry. Time to head down to SSDC. =D Seeeee...I am busy!
JOanne thought hard on 1:09:00 PM.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Busy Days
Oh yes, I am not supposed to be doing this right now but as you can see, I am not doing what I should be doing. COnfused? Its ok! =)
Stumbled upon this and well, you know whats it is like when you're asked to do work! (laughs)
Feel free to take it too! Know Yourself Test
Your view on yourself: You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties. Yes, this is so true for both sentences. Times when people tells me their problems I will always ask them to hear the other side and yes, you are soooo right, for my own problem, there is no BOTH sides, there is only Joanne's side. If you don't know, I am too straight-forward for my own good.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for: You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes. I guess 50% right. I caught notice of Mr. Boyfriend because of his appearance and no, he's rarely serious. Hmmm...I wonder is it because with a siao-char-bo girlfriend, it is difficult to keep up with your seriousness. Oh yes, he's a smart smart boy boy. =)
Your readiness to commit to a relationship: You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship. Yes, I prefer to COOK that person till he's thoroughly cooked and can be eaten before I commit. Sometimes, I do practise cannibalism. =)
The seriousness of your love: You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on education: Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can. Hahahahahahah!!! I agree, I want to study for the rest of my life! Now who is going to pay for my fees?
The right job for you: You have many goals and want to achieve as much as you can. The jobs you enjoy are those that let you burn off your considerable excess energy. Oh in case, you havent heard about my list of ambitions, I think it is best that you hear again. I've always wanted to be a teacher till I decided that I can be a dolphin trainer too. Sometime down the road, I decide that I should be a tour guide and then at the same time I also decided that I should maybe be a taxi drvier or a bus driver. Oh yes, at some point of my life I decide that I should be some career bitch that tekans contractors. THere was times when I had a serious fever and I think I can be a great mother and in a less serious case, I think I can manage as a tai-tai. And wait have I talked about my 101th ideal occupation?
How do you view success: Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working. Don't you think this doesn't go with the previous one? How can I not see career as important when I have so many things that I want to accomplish? But then I am easily satisfied, not having constipation is something worth to be happy for me everyday. =) Eeeew~ HAHAHAHA!!
What are you most afraid of: You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear. HAHAHAHAH!!! So not true, I have a serious case of felinophobia and by serious, I really SERIOUS. Sometimes, I might also decide that I have harlequinaphobia and acrophobia too. (laughs)
Who is your true self: You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve. No wonder my friend asked me what should he do because he has been bleeding for 3 hours. Hmmm...
Enjoy your weekends everyone while I get buried by tonnes of readings.
P.S. I can't wait to see the Evil Orchid and cuddle Micky Mouse and Minnie Mouse.
JOanne thought hard on 3:59:00 PM.