Monday, July 31, 2006
What I have been up to...
I seriously was thinking to edit my photos and start blogging but oh well, I guess better not, in fact I am getting kinda tired after trying to decide what modules I should take for this semster. Bidding? Heh, this is my last second semster in NUS and I still have no idea the purpose of bidding but oh well, let's hope it doesn't cock up this time since it always do...
I ended with this the other time round...

And surprise! This is what I have been up to!

Nah, I don't believe it either. Believe it or not, I am still trying to believe all this is real! No, no more specs for me, no, no more contact lenses and all the other related eye infections, I had enough.
I dont know what pushed me to it, heh, like the other patients in the room, they said they just woke up one day and pick up the phone and dialled the number. Well, the difference is that I did not wake up one day thinking I have to go for lasik. I just called to get more information and miraculously when the lady asked me if I wanted to book an appointment for assessment, I mouthed "yes".
Never in my life have I lose sleep over anything but the night before the surgery, I wouldn't sleep, I am not as brave as I thought I will be. Now that I have been through that laser stuff, haha, nothing is ever that fearful after all (well, except some animals that I still see around my neighbourhood). I was trembling after my surgery even though I was given time to rest after the whole thing was over. I think if you have saw SAW 2, remember the part where there was this guy right at the start of the movie? Jigsaw left the key for the gadget in his eye and he was asked to retrieve it himself? No, not as scary as that because the doctor was the one doing it for me and the problem is I can see him doing that to my eye. HAHA! =D No, I don't tremble now, in fact when he did my left eye, I was almost mentally prepared already. I am just glad that it is over and well, I am recovering, in fact, I am healing almost immediately after the surgery except that the trembling couldnt go away. I saw Kelly Poon, yap, that superstar, we happened to see the same doctor and we almost became friends. HAHAHAH!!! Not that it matters but we were supposed to have our surgery on the same day but I had an eye allergy so my surgery was postponed to the following week so Hazel was the one I know instead of Kelly. Heh...
I am glad that there's this someone who tells me I am trembling after the surgery because frankly speaking, I didnt know I was trembling. Com'on, Joanne trembling? The point is I did lah har...and I am glad that he held me throughout so that I will stop trembling.
 This someone also became my chauffeur for the next following two weeks, sometimes he also part-timed as my maid (ermmm, he did that most of the times even without me going to lasik, haha) . Once in a while, he upgraded to become my accomplice. No matter what roles he played (as a part-time naggy father, cheerleader or helper), I am thankful because he's been by my side for the whole of the process and I know he tried a great deal, missing out on his buddy's most important day so that he can keep me accompany. Heh, he has been so much fun throughout the whole process. =D Opps, I am not INSINUATING he usually is not fun.
Heh, of course, I have mummy to thank also, she forbids me to have any expression on my face in fear that I might squeeze my own eyeball, she forbid me to watch telly also and also took pains to look after my diet. I have caused my parents to worry unduly. *sniff*
Now, you can actually call Ms Koh if you want to know more about the whole process, like the cost blah blah blah, all kinds of information. =) No problem if you want to ask me out for tea also. =) The whole process is painless and very fast. Heh. Take care of your eyes everyone. =) tata
JOanne thought hard on 11:07:00 AM.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Heh, man proposes god disposes. I thought I will not be able to use the comp for about two weeks but turned out... haha, will tell you why later...

 This is as promised, the dinosaurs exhibition. I think it is over already? No? I dont know... Heh, but it is amazing isnt it? Well, there's alot of things we dont know and might never ever know...
 This is co cute!!! HAHA!!! It really look grouchy eh? HAHAHAH!!! It sure look like some old man!!!
 And this is so nice isn't it???? =) They are all different kinds of living forms put together!!
 They even have some kind of water facilities for the kids to play in, the kids were definitely enjoying it lots! So fun So fun... Too bad lah har, I can only stand there and watch them have fun...
 Then I was at the Night Safari. I cannot believe it is so crowded, we actually quened for like 1/2 hour??? Of course, we could have gotten our tickets faster if not for the wrong quene! Heh, I thought I was the only one who has the 50% vounchers but alas! Everyone other than the tourists have them!!! $#@^%$^%!! Heh and I met my friend who also happened to have the vounchers and he said his colleagues passed it to him. Bleh! All are KPKs (Kian Peng kia)!!

 It wasnt my first time there and I still can vividly remember that real christmas tree I saw during my first trip to the Night Safari. Just that this time round the animals werent sleeping as much and I got to walk around abit and watched their animal show which was quite interactive in a way. By the way, dont scold a person that sleeps alot pig the next time, scold them TIGER cos tigers sleep up to 20 hours a day! heh...
 Ta-dah!!! Zxavier's brother is out!!! If you think why Zxavier is so guai looking at the camera, the answer is CHOCOLATES. =)
That day we saw on the news about this group of people who is performing in the neighbourhood and we drove down to Chua Chu Kang to look at it!!!

 Before I saw the performance, heh, I think I made another enemy =x
Anyway, been seeing stars lately...

 Like this is Guo Fu Cheng (Aaron Kwok) Sorry, I am such a shortie so dont expect front view photos. =)
My dearest friend is back heh, but she's ging back this Sunday... Sianz...

Dating Strengths | Dating Weaknesses |
1. Confidence - 77.8% 2. Flirtiness - 75% 3. Adventurousness - 75% 4. Financial Situation - 69.2% 5. Varied Interests - 57.1%
| 1. Temper - 87.5% 2. Negative Reputation - 66.7% 3. Vanity - 66.7% 4. Arrogance - 62.5%
Dating Strengths Explained |
Confidence - You are sure of yourself and confident of your abilities. Displays of confidence go a long way when attracting a date. Flirtiness - Flirting is a good way to break the ice, and you are a pro at it. Being flirtatious will open up many dating opportunities. Adventurousness - You are willing to try new things and be spontaneous. You want to get out there and really live, and you will attract people with a similar love of life. Financial Situation - You've got your financial situation under control, which is a very desirable quality. Be careful to avoid guys who are only interested in your money. Varied Interests - You don't limit yourself, and that's a dating asset. Your varied interests make you available and interesting to a wider range of guys.
| Dating Weaknesses Explained |
Temper - You need to work on controlling your temper. Don't let your anger get the best of you. A calm and rational persona is important when dating. Negative Reputation - Your reputation may be working against you. Sometimes this is impossible to control, but try to counter-act it by presenting yourself in positive ways. Vanity - Learn to put a lower priority on looks. Appearance is, of course, important, but vanity is undesireable. The only people you will attract are the superficial. Arrogance - You are a bit full of yourself. You need to practice a little humility now and then, as arrogance can be a turn-off.
| Take the Dating Diversions Latest Online Dating Quiz | a Nah, not true.... =)
Before I give u a clue to what I am up to... Take a look at this:

 They are all real, taken with my handphone, can imagine how beautiful they are... =D Let me keep some suspense...
 Take care everyone... Haha, this is so loooooooooong....
JOanne thought hard on 4:13:00 PM.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Mr. Boyfriend officially graduated today!!
 Looks great huh? I lovw him so much!!! Next year this time, it will be my turn. =)
Tata now, at least for two weeks! =) Take care everyone and stay safe!
JOanne thought hard on 10:28:00 PM.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Hi there... I think this site will be down for quite some time. I have many photos to upload but time does not permit.
 Internship has ended and it really brought me thinking if this is what I really wanna do. We did stuff for the office people and they gave us a treat in Settler's cafe, well well, one of my colleagues happened to be the shareholder for that place. =)It was really fun!
Time for something big *Breathe in and breathe out* I am abit nervous though. =) See ya soon...
JOanne thought hard on 10:18:00 PM.