Sunday, May 28, 2006
Hi, 2.30a.m now. I rarely sleep that late these days, by 11p.m, I will be like so dead, sleeping soundly and waking on time the next day. Work is tiring and I've got no life at all after I started working! The interview with contractors went on fine, except the part that I have no namecards to exchange. HAHA! One of the contractors even did a presentation for us which I find quite impressive. He was also very cunning; he kept trying to cheat me into telling him who won the tender. How can?
 My first report was like what my Boss says. "Suay" I think I shall not say it, maybe after the tender is awarded, I will tell what happen. Afterall, the process of tender evaluation is confidential and I wouldnt want to risk calling a new tender again. I am kinda tired of formal wear too... When I get busy, I get real busy and with the WINDOW 98 (it says WINDOW 2000 but the technician says the computer bluffs us)system putting your report at risk of being corrupted, that is pretty exciting. That day I was counting and I realised, 200+ games of Solitaire, I think that is how much I play for the past 3 weeks! yeah, when I get free, I get very very slack!
 A view I see a couple of times everyday at work The previous week was a week meeting with friends after my work. Drained. It was good catching up with my varsity friends because hearing what others is doing in other companies can be very funny. I wonder what the bosses will do if they were there but then why would they be with us? And the next, we took neoprints! I would really want to show the neoprint taken because you will never believe all of us, age added together equals to 100 and more, do such things! =) We thought of the poses and I was like the MOther Hen, trying to organise my little chicks at times and at others, I was like the saleswoman selling neoprint machines. I promised, I will show another time! That was really fun, squeezing all 5 girls in a enclosed area equals to laughs and lots of laughs! =D
 We waited for Ms Seet, who never turned up because she was busy with work! I must say her job is very interesting. She's an image consultant! Cool right? It is a temporary work though, after all, she still has to go back studying in that lovely university of hers located in the heart of the city. The three of us talked (I mean as usual right) about people, boyfriends and work. Quite typical just that our stories are very interesting about boyfriends who were very rich but strayed using very creative methods. Dearest Ms LIm gave us a ride back after that in her new and BIG BMW, the ride was abit scary though 'cause I will never forget how Fifi vomited (Fifi is her dog) =D
 Tried this paper Japanese steamboat. Yup, real healthy and I was figuring why the paper never give way! to my disappointment, it supported the burning throughout! Okay, the paper is special, I know.
 Yeah, Mr Boyfriend bought this for me. Muahaha! =D He also treated me to Da Vinci Code and Xmen 3 (I mean he treated everytime! Muahaha!!!) Well, watch the movies yourself! I would say the book is a good read and the scenaries were definitely worth your ticket money! I accidentally saw this programme on Tv today about breaking the Da Vinci movie and I cannot believe this but these people really go bisect the book and treat the book like a body with parts to heal! I dont understand what's the phenomenon and the commotion about because it is just a novel? Why are people so uptight and quick to jump out and shout? Religion is too profound for me to understand and I am usually quite skeptical when it comes to religion. I will never be able to understand because I question alot and I need to be convinced. I guess when you try to convince me, you rather wish that I rot in hell. haha It's late so let's talk about babies instead because I am not only skeptical about RELIGION, I am also skeptical about alot of things which no one can convinced me of and ultimately I will have to tell myself I am too childish and I wish I grow up instead to accept the things around. Easier said than done. =)
I got back my results. =D So much better than the previous semsters, got an unexpected A+ and I havent got any C's this semster!!! I realised with an "A" comes a "C" also every semster,this is NOT TRUE THIS semster!! =D I have to admit, I have been taking things abit too lightly this semster and well, results show that I should do it this way because I have never done any better than this! =D Next time, I should go out on the eve of my exams to pak toh. Of course cannot tell Mr Boyfriend, he will not want to go out with me on the eve of my exam! Haha, I was just kidding, I am so going to work hard the next semster although it will not get me any higher. (By the way, if you have realised, I said it every semster after evaluating my results) =D
I am so sorry this is that long. =D
JOanne thought hard on 2:30:00 AM.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
(Photos below) 09/05/2006 – 5.06pm
I cannot believe it but they actually spell my name wrongly. (-_-)’” Was trying to find myself in the intranet and I cannot find! Bleh! OF course cannot find, wrong name mah!
And no…The staff here is not given internet access although they can access outlook. So I cant blog but have to write it in Words then using my here-email send to my personal email.
And yes, my work more or less goes into the got-kick phase today, can’t tell because it is confidential but I am attending a meeting tomorrow with my Boss in MOE. Wait…is that confidential too? I’m kinda nervous because I am told to learn to be independent and see myself as a real staff and not an intern, Boss says she will introduce me as her staff to her clients and contractors. Truth is I am an intern.
Okay, time to read the IM else tomorrow I will not know anything and want to be actress must also read your lines right? =) -End-

So my biological clock is abit siao siao now. I woke at 8 today although I do not have work and every night at 11, I'll start to feel sleepy and I will sleep. Days in NUS has no such thing for me because other than the outside module or the tutorials, most days I wake at 12 because lessons start at 4. Work is boring at times because when you get stressed and busy, it is really an ulitmate experience while when you have nothing to do, you just dozed off. About that meeting, it was great because I got to talk with Boss and learn more of course, I finally experienced the conflict between consultants and clients, next thursday, consultants, clients and contractors are all coming together! Cant wait... HAHAHA! That day a guy asked me when I join CPG and I was ... because actual fact was I AM JUST AN INTERN! Oh well, I said this Monday and he was in GREAT SHOCK! Boss told him I'll be assisting her and well, I guess shocking enough. =p
 Marilyn said I look happy enough. HAHAHA! =)
And yup, I cut my hair again! I dyed it also, black hair makes me look stupid. HAHAHA! Boss was saying image is very important and keep staring at me and says yellow and green hairs doesnt give you that image (not that I have yellow and green hair, gold though), on the day of meeting itself, I change my parting so that all the gold streaks is all behind! =) This hairstyle can allows me to come up with many different partings because it is super layered, they even layered my fringe! =( No hair liao!

hehehehe~ Cafe at Cinneleisure!
 Then we tried some indian crusine yesterday, first try!
 This resturant has got an Express counter and the prices sold is cheaper but well, I guess we paid for the seats and space. Space in Singapore is expensive! HAHA!
 The curry and Naan were deliciou and the curry wasnt spicy! We had a second Naan which is garlic in flavour and we discussed over why the Naan has to be cooked that way and another way. Hee Hee. Of course, I am still thinking that that ice-cream has curry in it because I think spices were added into the Ice-cream. Heh, weird taste. It was a day of shopping later for us and I bought a pair of heels which Hexiang claims I walked like a penguin in it! I havent wore any heels before, it is through work that I see heels as quite nice too! Anyway, wearing my that pair of shoes for so many days, yesterday when I wore my Papillio to shop, my feet was telling me it was heavenly! HAHAHA! Ya..till Hexiang forced me to walk in my new bought heels...
 When I was buying the heels, the Auntie was like, "Aiyo, your feet so small!" and every pair I try, she just get the smallest for me. I was thinking: @&^#&@^#@*! HAHAHA! ANd then it reminded me that if my feet is small, what is Miss Tan's feet? HAHAHAHAHAHAH! =p
Okay, gonna go gai gai with my mummy liao, today Mothers' Day! by the way, I also brought Xzavier to swim on Friday and it was soooo Funny but no pictures la, lazy. haha! He's so adorable!
Da Vinci Code and X-MEn 3!!! =D
Okay Okay, bye bye bye bye!
JOanne thought hard on 10:40:00 AM.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
after the exams
Long Long Post (NO worries, I've got plenty of pictures! =) ) Before Exams
 Thought I flew to somewhere after my exams? Nah, I've got internship starting on Monday. This is nice innit it? =)
 And I finally got a chance to eat the Jap ice-cream,well, it's not as nice as expected but well, we decided to become members so that we get to enjoy 10% hahaha...Tuesdays, all the cakes and mudpies are at 50% which is quite worth it! *winks* Oh yah, it is Changing Appetite @ Marina Sqaure. =)
During Exams Hee hee... Other than watching the many stupid tv programs, I still got life wan u know! =p
 So cute hor? =) heee..He's imitating my mum and he goes around imitating EVERYONE and thats kinda amazing to me! HAHAHA!
 Then I should not be biased also la. Thats Ting, her first time in Sakae. Kids nowadays so fortunate! HAHAHA! Sorry that I sound so dead now, after all I just finished my papers today. Yup, studying comes to the point when you know studying doesnt really help anymore and it is really by some super intelligence or experience that earns you the point. Yeah, answer this question: What happens when your sub-contractor do disappearing stunts? That was one of the questions today. *chuckles*
 And I was at the Istana Park on the eve of my Information Analysis Paper. Well, I have to admit I under-estimated her because she's really smart (I mean my lecturer, not that she is dumb in the first place) and her questions were ermmm yup...
There you have it, the garden is nice, the surrounding is nice and the garden is tip-toe condition. I was telling HX, it must be because that that day was the opening day that the place looked so well-kept but then again, it is supposed to be well-kept! Wonder how much does all that landscaping costs, okay, I'm not trying to be the QS here. I guess parents love to bring their kids there because I was really amazed by the number of babies there! I mean why would you bring babies there when they wont really appreciate what that is there and well I guess all the babies love the Staterooms because it was a hot day and the Stateroom's air-conditioned unit is powerful, that explains why many babies dozed off there.
Of course, I think you will miss seeing our pictures so there it is! HAHAHA! =) =p
 WE've been in love for more than 600 days. kekeke~ =p
After Exams AHAHAHA! MUAHAHA! Spoil the whole thing hor, shows how pervert I am, isnt it? HAHAHA!
 It was the end of my papers and I saw this and I was thinking why the hell do you wear such things to University, especially when it is NUS, damn AA can???? HAHAHA =x
Oh yah, did you guys watch Queen of the Damned on Wed, WAHAHA! I love vampires especially when it comes to Ann Rice, I think I am going to read the vampire chronicles, well although one book is like 800+ pages long with super tiny words! I was so tempted to buy the whole series of Dan Brown books that day also, I only read The Da Vinci Code (which is screening on the 18th May) and I heard the rest like Deception Point, Angels and Demons were nice...Hmmm... No time to spend on books this holiday, well, there's soemthing call Dissertation. *faint*
And then today is the VOTING DAY! I finally get to vote! HAHAHA! Ever wonder what it will be like becoming the MP? I was talking to a friend and he said I should never become one and we all kinda agree how we only get the MPs coming to talk to us before the elections. Nah...Politics~ Some people just totally swing into one side and some of course the other. *faint* This is so hard to say. That say I read TODAY and they call the opposition parties that is contesting our PM as the suicide squad. KEKEKE! My vote is confidential! Shhh! *winks*
NIghts everyone! =)
JOanne thought hard on 12:48:00 AM.