Thursday, April 20, 2006
It is exactly 15 minutes time before I have to leave the comp lab because it is closing. Yap, you dont see me around because my exams are round the corner. Yah right, truth is my computer is down. Long story... blood-vomiting experience...And ya, if I were any less civilised, I will start swearing and cursing like hell.
I've watched so much tv these days and not at all motivated to study. Yap, exam next week! =) Lets see... After which I will be with CPG to do my internship. Yeah cant wait because I think it'll be a whole load of fun working with your best buddy, yeah, be it slacking around or gossiping, I mean of course learning together too! Heee...I mean it.
I printed alot of stuff because I realised I havent been printing my notes faithfully, but then whats new? I even tried buying my textbook in one of the semsters 1 week before exams started. WAHAHAHA!
Okay, I'm pretty bored, whats new again? You know when exams are coming and you just are not willing to go and study... HAiz... So much so for climbing up the ladder.
Been really blessed these days (well, other than the fact that exams are coming, which I am not even stressed, I'm actually very happy) I slept till 12 everyday, watch tv including kids central, and just slack. With Xzavier around, more fun, because he will be playing with me. I'm also very much in love these days, not that I wasnt in the first place, but you know when relationship gets longer and time starts eroding the feelings you have each other, it is really a blessing to feel like what you felt before. =) haha... I guess it just takes more that two hands to clap. okay, closing in 5mins time..See ya then.. Meanwhile, stay happy everyone. To my best best buddy who is far far away from me, stay strong and remember I will always be here supporting you, well YOU CAN GIVE ME A CALL YOU KNOW! HAHAHA! BYEBYE!
JOanne thought hard on 5:15:00 PM.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Having a fever now, got presentation on next Thursday. Head hurts like mad but feel so guilty resting because I havent started on anything! So I edited the photos, Wah, editing those photographs I had is a chore. POsting all of them up will JAM the site haha, so must edit! Long post, PLEASE LOOK AT THE PICTURES!!! HAHAHA!
 I discovered that my Baby-G is 10 years old! *Gasp* Nope, I didnt change it because the models that were allowed to change sucks. HAHA! There pictures from my birthday, sorry that it came so late. hee~

 Met up with my best buddies
 Haha and I met up with Miss Tan go shopping! *gasp* It was a good retail theraphy because with all the work loading on me, I think I need to relieve stress haha, especially when I've got someone who flys me aeroplane everytime and never feels guilty about it. Okay, I disgressed. But I was thinking I used to fly people aeroplane quite alot in the past so much so that people might as well call me a pilot, yeah, I'm having retribution now.
 Heee, talking about de-stress, reminds me of the DA BAO!
 Hee.. We wondered what was inside and decided to buy it to see whats in it! It is vegetarian meat, we figured out that if one person was to eat it, it'll be too sick! HHAHA! Okay, so the BIG COM project is finally over and that day in the comp lab was so fun! Haha!Hanging out with the right people makes everything fun but well, this project has been getting on the nerves of everyone because it is something we have never attempt before. Well... haha..
 okay.. I'm tired and I really shouldnt stretch myself anymore. Time for bed. =) Nights everyone and stay healthy.
JOanne thought hard on 9:45:00 PM.