Monday, March 27, 2006
The cute one
Well, I've finished most of my presentations, this semster, I think I've presented too much that I've somehow go numb on presenting. I'm quite shy and no, I am sure I dont like pub;ic speaking. Before I continue, LOOK AT THIS!
 He was trying to wear as many tops as he can when I shot this. Mum was collecting the clothes and before she folds them, he has already move out of them out and trying them one by one. =)So cute isnt it? He's all grown up with 10 teeth!! HE can say lots of things too now and you can hear them more clearly.
"Mama", "Mummy", "mum mum", "Daddy", "Zeh-zeh", "bu yao bu yao bu yao bu yao" (I also dont know why his bu yao must say so many times. haha) "Tingting" (yes, the girl in my house) "ah mei" (my lil' sis and she's quite mad that he's not calling her zeh-zeh), "bear bear", "rabbit", "bu pa bu pa" (I think it must be the guo mei mei's song) "hello" (when he picked up the phone and then he will goes "huh" , "hmmm", "ahhhh") "bye~~", "see you", "hug hug" Isnt that lots? He talks non-stop everyday to mum and he likes to call her for fun! HAHAHAHA! You should have seen how he imitated my bro laughing and that arrogant smirk on his face when he escaped from his "cell" and he will turn and say bye~ to you! He's so cute! Sooooo SOOOOOOOO cute! Of course, that is minus the part when I am looking at my drawings and he came charging into the room and stepped on them and feel so proud of it that I am shouting for help. (-_-)'"
 Another shot, I bet you'll forgive him when he smiles at you. =)
JOanne thought hard on 12:42:00 AM.
Friday, March 17, 2006
HEllo there! There are many things I wanna blog, many photos I wanna show! Haha, I show you all and you'll just faint. Give me a while while I sort them out! Here is one first:
 Thank you everyone for your birthday wishes!! That was really sweet and I really appreciate it lots! Many many pictures, give me a while! =) Isnt this cute?
 And TAAA~ DAAAA~ Dearie bought this for me!! HAHA! The above also la~ Still got one more gift, show you guys next time! Heee Heee...So nice hor?
 Still got more, still got more!
 Joanne bought this for me at a very discounted price cos it was bought in the Vanity Fair in NUS. She just happened to bypass then she saw. Late liao...*Yawn* Haiz...Time to face the drawings again~ So sianz hor? Heee..Still got more more pictures!!! Coming liao~ coming liao!!!
JOanne thought hard on 2:03:00 AM.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Photos freeze that moment and seal that part of memory with it. Nah~ I'm not trying to be sentimental but see this!!
 HAHA! Same sky garden, standing at exactly the same place. People change, things change. Boyfriends have been changed, status have been changed, thinkings changed, you changed and I have changed. I guess nothing's really permanent except change.

Miss Tan's birthday was coming (it has already passed now) haha and we met for our mini gathering just to bitch and laugh around like we always do. Time files and sometimes all seem like yesterday. Like yesterday when our Miss Lim wanted to be our class REP when she so much hated that teacher (then why be right?) because she wanted to irritate him (-_-)"". When we had endless laugh over Miss Seet for being adorably blur and mixing up every thing and for Miss Tan who taught us Biology drawing all those R21 stuff on board. HAHAHAH! No...Miss Koh is very guai wan~~ *shakes head* If you think she did worse, no, you are so wrong! Wake up your idea! =P Okay, I think the most I did was to copy handwork and I think everyone do that, right? =) Food at The Rice Table was nice and I think I must be real suaku to have only make my way there only now but oh well, I am suaku, I have not even been to The New Marina Square lorrrrrr!!!
Sobs! I am the new generation mountain tortoise! Haha, the new Marina Square is really big now, heard from some insiders that Suntec will be having a mini revamp also, opps, have I leaked out some secrets? I hope not, all of you know right? Heee, still got many more upcoming shopping malls but I wont tell you where!! Hahaha, come SDE and join us! Heee~
There's so many resturants there and you are really spoilt for choices! I went to this asian resturant and I would say the service was quite good and their mango sago was oohlalala! Then I went Changing Appetites, I wanted their Japanese ice-cream, they claimed it is even better than the ones in Tokyo but it was SOLD OUT?!?!?! I know I went at 11pm but HOW CAN?!?!? In the end, I had Oreo bombardment which was not bad. Heee, forget to take pictures of that because once it came and it was GONE! HAHAHAHA! My speed of eating ice-cream is ehhh...haha very fast. Had one of the mud pie also, I think I prefer the traditional NYDC marshmallow ones, I mean they have the tradidional ones too but I wanted something new so I tried the Japanese one (since I couldnt have the japanese ice cream) which consists of soya bean and red bean which was okay. *Gasp* I have been eating alot lately, time for exercises liao because I think I have put on so much weight! HAHA!
I was supposed to be in Orchard with my brother today. =) He said he was going to get me a gift and we are going to shop for it together! *Gasp* I was too lazy and tired so in the end, I lazed at home and look at watches. In case you dont know, I have not many watches. I think less than 10. I wanted to change my old baby-G to a new one, they have this thing where you can trade in your old baby-G watches for new one. There are some really cute ones and some I really taken a fancy, Bro said next week! Heee~ This existing Baby-G has been with me since Pri 6, my first ever branded watch! I wonder what did I do to make Mummy buy for me! HAHAHAHA! Today she saw and she asked me who bought the watch for me! She buy for me while we were shopping at Orchard! Hmmm..maybe should just keep it? But it is so old already! Hmmmm~
In case you are thinking why my brother so good suddenly want to buy me a gift, my birthday is coming in 3 days' time. Dearie asked what I want, Bro also asked me what I want...Joanne also asked what I want... I dont really need anything. Bro initially wanted to get me adidas jacket but I have 2 MNG jackets already and I have one more that Dearie bought and another sweater so I dont need it. I dont know what I need. I have only one hand to wear watches so actually I dont need new ones too. How about bags? Hmmmmmm...I want to pass my BTT, hahaha, BUT I never go and take! MUAHAHA! I want a first class honours in my cert! MUAHAHAHAA! Who want to give me? The dean?
Heee~ Joanne already bought me something. I think Becky also bought me something but must sit aeroplane la so abit long.
hmmmmm~~~Happy Birthday EVERYONE! =) HAHAHAHAHA! Let's sing a song for Miss Koh!!!
JOanne thought hard on 11:44:00 PM.