Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Was catching smallville while waiting for Harry Potter yesterday. You probably cant imagine the amount of time I am spending on TV everyday. I dont go online as often because I feel kinda guilty (then what am I doing now? Believe me, I'll feel guilty in a while.) so I switch to watching TV again. This is the most relaxed exam ever in NUS, I've got 3 more papers to go and I'm not stress at all? hmmm...pringles is nice..and I have some in my mouth now...
Anyway this particular episode was about Clark's neighbour Sara who was in coma after a car accident. Clark has never met her before because she's only staying there with her uncle after the accident. This girl next door, Sara, was in a coma because the uncle dont want her to wake up so that her parents's money will be managed by him. She entered Clark's dreams to ask for help. Clark's gf, Laura, upon hearing that, did not find him insane but stay with him to find out the truth, but because she did not know about Clark's special ability, and Clark was thinking that having this special powers will harm the one beside him, he treated Laura coldly. Laura was also kinda jealous that somehow the girl-next-door who Clark never met keep appearing in his dreams.
Laura: I dont know what has happened, But I'll still stay in your orbit and see what happens. To cut the story short, Sara woke up and in the hospital.
Sara: I'm sorry for intruding into your privacy and I understand that dreams can be very private. Clark: *shy* (because in the first dream that Sara appears, he was skinny-dipping with Laura so he was wondering if Sara saw it.) Sara: I might be the girl in your dreams and I am sorry for that because I dont know how it all happen but I saw a girl in your dreams so why push her away? Being in a deep sleep for 6 years has taught me to cherish your loved ones. Clark: You dont understand. Back in the house, Laura: the girl next door finally stopped being the girl in your dreams Clark: yup...She was just a girl in distress, calling for help. Laura: Look, I think there's some things we need to talk. Clark: Laura, if I ever have the answer up here *points to his head*, I promised you will definitely be the first person I'll inform. Laura: okay, I guess I'll continue to wait then. I've got to get going. Clark: Hey Laura.. Laura: *turned* yup? Clark: ... ... ... Just wanna tell you, you'll always be my girl next door. Laura: *smiles* Thanks. Look, I think the house is getting pretty quite hot these days, you think you want to get down to the river tomorrow? Clark: no! I dont think skinny-dipping is a good thing. Laura: *laughs out loud* Clark, who talk about skinny-dipping? Clark: *shy* HAHA! and being the girl next door has mean that Laura was Clark's dream girl!!! He just couldnt bring himself to say all that and I wonder did Sara tell Laura about all his dreams. HAHA! It can be quite fun huh? To get into someone's dreamworld and see what dreams a person can come up with...
Hmmm..I really should get into studying already, not all 3 papers are open-book, only two are. =) There's really no reasons why I should not be studying, although I still have three more days to my next paper, of which I S/U it but then again, you can still get a U. S stands for satisfactory and U, unsatisfactory. It is just bahasa Indonesia level 2 and the paper is just 30%.
Yah, I know. I should get to studying or measuring because measurement is the last paper or I should get to reading the PSSCOC and SIA because law is just a weekend after Bahasa Indonesia. Yes, liburan mau datang. I know. Have fun everyone.
JOanne thought hard on 5:47:00 PM.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
 My sprained ankle for the first time in my life. =) I'm ok now, except that the ankle still abit tweeny swollen and after long distance of walking, I ca feel a strain acting on my ankle. My comp is okay too, it just came back today.
Was partying for the whole reading week, long story, tell u another time~ My first paper starts tomorrow. Haha, 4 papers in 3 weeks, out of 3 open-book exams. I take 6 modules. =) Envy me, dont be. Wait till my results come~
 Just to show that I am really partying. HAHA
 There you go, another one. HAHAHA!
I went to my friends's house for Hari Raya too although I was crippled. The food was GREAT, my friends's mums are great chef and I tell you the cookies is OMG, especially the cashew nuts ones, gonna ask them to teach me some days~ Slurp!
 I even got greeenbaos to take (haha chinese is angpao)...So fun and so nice and I was so full at the end of the day.
Dinner was at Swensen by my dearie...HAHAHA! He came to fetch me at Ang Mo kIo then we head off to swensen. Later that night, he did something that really touches me. ohhh~ exam is tomorrow...GOnna go and eat liao I mean study~ Have fun studying everyone!!! =) and best of luck while we wait for the holidays!!!!!! YEAH!!!
JOanne thought hard on 6:19:00 PM.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
sprained ankle
long time no see, just suddenly realised something i never do such a long time and went to do it and realised i got a lot of it to do. quite a mouthful, hopefully by now u read it can know who i am now. nice hair anyway, seems busy ya, am busy.. busy slacking that is, anyway happy to see u happy? haha rubbish, but really hope can see u more often too, i kinda realised i lost all my friends of a sudden, all my close friends i all never meet for more than 8 mths liao, and u beening the most recent 1, dunno the others die liao? sorry for being so naggy but for some 1 who never post comment for so long, yuan liang wo la. hp bill expensive nowadays never message.. ok ok really long liao .. i will contact u soon. u wait. haha
wonder whos that although i think i know... =) i Sprained my ankle and my comp came crashing... haha..yay..My lucky period..On the road to recovery soon...yay...on the road... and the exams are coming...yaya.. WTF... On my way to lesson now, checking my mails before i get flooded and there are alot of things i must do before some dates...ya ya..I hate it all but still getting a sprain the first time in my life...will upload the pictures soon if my comp recovers...
=) Everyone loves me...
Stay away from stairs everyone.
JOanne thought hard on 4:54:00 PM.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
 HIak Hiak~ In the Greek mythology, there's a god name Narcissi, he loved himself so much that he died because of his own reflection in the river. =) Since then anyone who loved himself soooo much sooo much is called a Narcissist. Now, what do you call me? Yes, right. Joanne. And I am so going to make Hexiang print this and paste it EVERYWHERE in his room!!! WAHAHAHAHAH!!! I'm sure he will do it!!!!!!! WAHAHAHAHA...
And the significant little one turns one year old! After my friday night lecture I rushed there with Hexiang and well, haha, and it is just Joanne to get lost and it is her duty to get her loved one lost too! It was very far and I never want to miss the little one blow off the candles and cut the cake so there I was at hougang after my lecture at NUS which finishes at 7.20pm.
The little one was amazed only when all of us sang him his birthday song and he was kinda stunned and happy. Otherwise the whole night he was quite irritated because people were passing him around like a little ball of which this little ball is very picky of who can hug him. Taking photographs too, whenever he took any photos, there will be 4-5 clowns around, trying to catch his attention. Tired night and Hexiang came over to stay because we were going to start on the term paper already and haha, we didnt start because mum and sis were talking and later dad woke up and join us and we just join in the fun too. Yeah, fun.
Shortly after, it was Sis's birthday. We got her what she wants and Hexiang was roped in too! She has been wanting this so since she did quite well this time round so we thought can reward her as well.
 Heee... Mum cooked a crab feast on that day and I tempted my dear friend who was in Aussie that I was having crabs. HAHA! heee heee... =)
Yeah, so bored now. Bahasa Indonesia test tomorrow? Oh, thats chicken~ Oh, universe term paper dued also tomorrow? I've got my precious one to help~ *yawn* What? Next week Tuesday got Universe Term Test? Oh, thats nothing too. What? Wednesday still got HR term test? They will stoop to anything to get me huh? WHAT WHAT WHAT? Thursday got bahasa Indonesia oral?
So bored yah? *yawn* FIne! I'll go get my universe term paper done. Good luck everyone and Study hard! *yawn*
JOanne thought hard on 1:58:00 PM.