Wednesday, October 26, 2005
ROTI prata day
Boys and girls, today is roti prata day, so before you go for lecture, remember to get your roti prata!
 Look at the couples behind, they are so excited about roti prata day!! and they are talking about it!! *Gasp*
And because it is Roti prata day (come, sing this song... ROti pRata roti prata, i oil you, you so chewy and cheesy...I must have you while having lecture) you must try to attempt to eat roti prata in the LT!
 LOOK, thats so easy right?!?!? Using a folk, you can have cheesy roti prata with curry!! First, remember to drain off the curry first and this can be done by installing an elaborate drainage system with invert level 50mm and internal size 10mm x 2mm and of course, the gulley must be 30mm thick and best shaped like a lunch box...Best is can get Marilyn's nasi ayam lunchbox, that will be the best! =)
And i just got a new haircut...Super worth the money and these are comments i can remember more...
While cutting, *Gasp* HAMBURGER!!! Moments later... You look so much younger!!! NOt bad Not bad... By my beloved mummy
*shocked face...shocked face...shocking face*
*gasp* You cut your hair!!! x 20 or more...
Eh, you cut your hair ar? Last time I see you the hair is not like that wan...PS give you $60 and you used it to cut hair right?!?!?
Aiyoh, you look so girl!
You look werid, I think you look nicer with the old hairstyle...
You cut hair? You look nicer.
You cut hair? You look fresher and younger
This hairstyle good... (I said yah, because I look stupid) Stupid then good, then boyfriend loves you more...
Stupid Head!! Idiot Head!!! Eh, why dont answer me??
*gasp and makes the cut hair sign* and I nodded.
Did you rebond your hair or you cut it cos the front kinda flatten now...and sorry, I cant differentiate between cutting and rebonding
haha.. not bad! i thot it was quite cute..
*looks at me lovingly and looks again and feel my hair* I LOVE your new hairstyle!!! (he means he love me) You look so nice!!!!!!! (still means he loves me) HAHAHAHA!
Enough of crapping, I havent even write one word for my BI which is due on Friday and I am here~~ KUA KUA!! take care everyone!!! NIghts~ nights nights nights~ ohhh..i better run!!! ohhhh... my roti prata~~~ ohhhh... aiyah...my hair block my sight.. HAHAHAHHAHA
JOanne thought hard on 11:05:00 PM.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
hari biasa
Bagaimana saya berkata bahasa indonesia? Saya harus belajar rajin-rajin sekali untuk tes dua karena bahasa indonesia saya tidak lancar. Ini pos untuk bahasa indonesia cultural malam.

wah...sudah malam malam~ Saya mau tidur...Sampai bertemu~ =)
*FAINTED* lame~
JOanne thought hard on 2:11:00 AM.
Friday, October 07, 2005
Jing probably having exams, must wait till Dec liao lor...HAHA...If not, weekends fine with me 2 week later~~ i do miss our outings together...HAHAHA!
Woke up early thinking to do some measurement...Is work work work and work now..Yesterday Marilyn and I were thinking about how we can camp in school on Tuesday. Yes, I feel like I am working already with all those BIG BIG drawings burying me and I dont understand why the RE people think we are PRO and that we really look like the REAl stuff~ Yah~ Try having the real stuff and it will kill you.
I've done nothing as you can see... I've got Law Term Paper and I havent really got a clue of how much I was going to cover, I mean duhz! Reading the 3 ACt is really diasters!! They are so bloody hell long and I really hate that! They've got no commas and fullstops whatsoever, now you know why lawyers speak that fast and they never seem to be breatheless?? And then I have some Project management stuff to do, yah, if you've got the misconceptions that I only managed banglas, WRONG! Associating myself with architects, contractors and engineers...I really dont know what to say and all of us just yesterday say of how we should go into retail and prove ourselves useful because the boss has hired a some construction lawyer to be, a contractor some kind of an architect and an engineer and that's really worth the money! My friend was telling me that she thinks I looked kinda aggressive and that I will probably venture out into the construction world and pit myself against the males there... Yah, thats flattering but I dont know how true it can be. We also joked about seeing our faces on newspaper for some mistakes we make in work and yah, in building you can get famous very fast by doing something good or bad and especially in Singapore when the industry is so small.
Just something you all might not know, the developers are actually going to build some real stuff in Orchard linking it to somerset so that the whole area becomes a REAL BIG SGOPPING mall..It is still in the planning stage now, dont think I'm not supposed to say that but this man was saying when we graduated, they will definitely need us and he did warn us that it is an interesting life we are having. Very Interesting indeed, I mean building shopping malls on top of the MRT, it is really very interesting, I was thinking it could be really nice if I can be part of it and it will prove useful to my career too but...HAHAHA! I ant do my measurement and I'm not sure if I can take that stress and all the sex discrimination in the industry, anyway it is too far for me to think.
=) On a more happy note, mum saw this pic that we took and she says we look more and more alike and because of this, Hexiang becomes less and less handsome...Okay, thats my mummy!!! Look like me BAD MEH?!?!?!?!??!?!
Got quite alot of pictures which I havent uploaded yet and I'm collecting a series of "BIG HEADS" because I've been seeing too much of them in letures and I'll probably write a blog about that with all the BIG HEADS THAT bother me, yah, if you are tall enough, you probably will not have such a problem but I always do...HAHA! I also went to Maojun's birthday and have a real nice chat with the girls and finally saw Tian cheng but it was definitely shocking! HAHA, I did realise something. Wanna talk abot something and you really got to make sure that someone is not particularly THERE!! HAHAHAHAH...We were talking about Tian cheng and he just suddenly APPEARED... There are other incidents too and Marilyn and I really had a GREAT laugh about it!! Okay, I really should go. THere's so much bitching I want to do but you know time just aint on my side and I've got a law paper to write, a Project on hand which requires some resource levelling, and some constructions projects which require me to draft out some schedules and oh yah, some one storey steel roof for me to measure. I do sound like Phua Chu Kang, dont I? You bet it, just that I am probably more sophiscated than him and I am a her. Cheers everyone and for those taking EXAMS, GOODY LUCK and hang in there!!!
JOanne thought hard on 11:18:00 AM.