Monday, August 29, 2005
random updates
I'm such a blur toad lor!! HAHAH! Today I went to class and I was thinking how come no one in the CLASS?? Then I realise I thought I was attending Module A BUT actually today is MoDule B and Module B will not start its tutorial until 2 week later!!! I woke up at 7am for NOTIHNG!!! I brought Zxavier for his very first swim and I got to video it down!! Too bad, I lost my SD card or I can take a 20 minutes VIDEO!! Anyway, just click below and you get to see it already.
ZXavier's first swim!!!
As you can see, he's really reluctant. He's quite scared and he dont wanna go down. You can see he really "ALAMAK! ALAMAK! ALAMAK! Can let me go back to land anot?" HaHa!!! But later on, when he's abit more familarised, he plays with the water and pat on the water. When we were about to go home, he was all ready and crawl about at the stairs and smiling at every aunties watching him. I bet he was the youngest kid in the pool. He's a friendly boy!!!
 And look at the food I am having!!! Hee Hee! Hexiang and I always have to reminds ourselves must take pictures first before we eat the food!! After which, we will chIOG ar to eat the food!! =)
 And school has been Fun!! HAHAH!! This is the donut Marilyn treated me. Peanut butter with strawberry jelly as fillings from Malaysia!!  The fillings were so rich that with every bite, the jelly will oozed out of the little hole at the other end of the donut! Even before the jelly oozed out, the back of the donut already look like a butt already and Jack was saying that look like a bleeding butt, I dirtied my hands with jelly and it was all over my seat too!! hahaha, but thats yummy!!
School is busy and I rarely can sneak a moment or two to rest, I mean with tuitions also... Heehee, though I went to the wrong class today (which happens every semster), I had a good rest!!! HAHAH!! I rarely can spend time with Hexiang now, so today was a great time all thanks to my blur-ness!!! WAHAHAH! HOr, QIN AI de???? hehhehe..I took some pictures with some of the girls in my faculty also, but I dont know they want their face here anot, so better dont post.. hehhee..Got to go and bathe!!! NIghts!!
JOanne thought hard on 9:30:00 PM.
Saturday, August 20, 2005

I took 30 minutes to draw this. HAHA! Lame...NOw that school has started, don't I have better things to do? HAHAHA!! But this is nice, isn't it? Maybe I should try to come up with this more often. I often do this in the little diary book I have. Just yesterday, the Ah Pek beside me was peeking into my drawings while I was drawing in the MRT about this particular movie I watched on tv.
Tutorials starting next week and I really have no head and tail on what's going on for measurement and I'm starting to feel that Dr Teo Ailing is a better measurement Teacher. Have I told you I was lucky then unlucky then lucky? =) I got all my CORE tutorial slots but I did not get my BI2 slots. I was trying to kill myself thinking that I have to wake up at 6am on two consequetive days, out of which one of the days I end at 9 (in fact 9.15pm always since that Chinese-medicine lawyer always have so much to say) and I was getting so frustrated, annoyed, DEmotivated and my thoughts were all about torching touching some place without getting caught. That was just so bad. BUT you know what? I did not manage to get the 8am class and to cut the long story short, I got my desired slot!!! So I was lucky after all!! =)
I can't wait for school to start on proper~ Meanwhile I am kinda tired and should catch up on my sleep *yawn* Nights people!
JOanne thought hard on 11:46:00 PM.
Monday, August 15, 2005
I just uploaded the pictures so…haha, here it is, I think the loading will be slightly slow since I really have a lot of pictures to show!
Lets start with something sweet!
 Hexiang surprised me with this when he came and picked me up after my tuition. He left this in the rear seat and sms-ed me! This was a sweet surprise for me and it definitely makes me feel cheered up after the chores I was doing.
We celebrated Sam's birthday a day later than the actual day since he was in camp the actual day. We had pizzas and then some chocolate rich cake and although it was kinda rush (because he has to book in), I think we still really have some sort of a decent celebration.
 Mum was asking how come the candles look like little light bulbs in the photo. HAHA! That same afternoon, we went to Causeway to have lunch and also to have Sam’s phone repaired. Sis wanted arcade so we went too. That’s Sam trying on a new game which was kinda fun.

Hmmm, then was National day. I think it is pretty good for to have kids dressed in white and red running around. I brought Ting to school and can really feel that some celebration is going on, and I bet if you were up high in the sky, it will be a more beautiful sight.

 Especially the young girls, they look so pretty that day. And remember the carnival I went to, it was so crowded and I said I had photos to show? Yup, this was it:
 They showed us how to save people too and it was quite interesting.
 There were skaters too and they seem really tired from the performing
 Of course and the beautiful fireworks, it was definitely more amazing when you are there in the picture rather than looking at the pictures.
 Too bad REbecca is in Australia or her house would be a good place to see the fireworks! Guowen was telling me yesterday from his house, he can actually see the fireworks...Isn't that nice, haha, you just sit in your own sofa and the fireworks is just outside.
 And then, I'm back in school. *yawn* =) With my new bag, new shoes, new water bottle! I havent really got the mood to really study now but I guess I'll probably adjust myself to in that mood pretty soon. With so many new things, I dont really see new faces. I mean I am in BLDG, what new faces will I see? And there, there's Marilyn outside the CJ Koh Library.
 Obviously she's not there to study, but hahaha, to take pictures. Ok, I was the one who suggested taking pictures. I went to Munchie Monkey for a good meal! The food was quite good and affordable and it was definitely well time spent before a boring lecture ahead.
 The lecture for the night was so boring!!! I cant believe it! The contents of the lecture are supposed to be interesting, but the lecturer is so boring!!! I cannot believe someone actually shows us the map of NUS and tells us exactly where the stupid Multi-purpose hall is! I can tell you she speaks so slowly that by the time she finishes one sentence, the snails already finished crossing the Singapore River!!! Okay, that’s exaggeration. We were supposed to go star-gazing but she took ages to get the equipment down and Hexiang and I went to think about how she will forget everything about star-gazing and head home instead, HAHA! Anyway, I hoped she gets more interesting in the following lectures. I know I should not get my hopes too high.
 This is what I saw while waiting for her. Ultimately, Hexiang and me decide that we should go dating instead of being there instead and so we went to Swensen and we walked out without spending more than $10 because that’s this offer going on during weekdays. Maybe I should bring Ting and Zxavier there some day. I went to the New National Library.
 I don’t exactly remember the last time I went to the old one. What I remember about that was some disgusting thing falling from the tree to my ice-cream cone and I felt so disgusted! I forgot who I went with, but must be the old people like Rebecca or Ruijing? I don’t remember. Oh, you all must have never see Ruijing before. This is her.
 Lovely isn’t it? She’s still single and if you want her number, please submit your forms and get me a decent gift, and I’ll introduce you to her provided you make the mark. This was taken after Shujuan’s birthday at the BLK 925 coffeeshop. I cant believe we have know each other that long already! It was a night taken on a ride back to the Secondary school times with Glen trying to prove how popular Jeff Chang was during that time. We went got KTV in civics plaza and the service was so bad!
 Mexin had a good time changing her voice from female to male and the photo I took before this looks scary! HAHA! Ruijing agreed it was scary and I deleted it. Where was I? I was saying something about going to the New National Library. I was there to support a fellow mentor and also to see what exhibit he has come up with the other mentors. There are many poor kids that really need our help and I guess all we can do is to make them feel better. Got to see some kind-hearted souls also, who took out money without a flinch to help and it was really heartwarming to see that. After the busy day, I went down to Shujuan’s birthday. It is like everyone is suddenly turning 21 (including me) and it is good to catch up once in a while. To see the people and get reminded of the stupid stuff you’ve done, and to see how people and relations are changing.
 Time really flies and sometimes you just cannot catch up with it and especially me, I just cant seem to figure out why time is going faster and faster. I got to check IVLE and see what the lecturers have for me. HAHA! Although my printer ran out of ink, I stupidly printed some confirmation letter and in the end, what came out was some NUS logo! I showed Marilyn and she was like (-_-)’” HAHAHA! And that day, we printed all the readings for our HR module and I remember us bring so proud of ourselves and also kinda afraid that people will kill us for jamming the printer. That set of notes was stashed away since I haven’t got files to keep them. I haven’t cleared the files and they still have my last sem notes. I’m going to be hardworking soon~ =)
JOanne thought hard on 10:10:00 PM.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
National Day
Happy Birthday Singapore~
Kinda sianz to hear this? Yah, hearing it the whole day on the TV. I'm so tired from the household chores I am doing these days. Mum and Daddy are back! They had a great time and they even went karaoke this time round, heard my uncle sings very well. I'm so glad that they are back now since Mum will be back to hear my grumbling and complaints. She came in just now and ask if I will be using that bag and told me that bag is too eye-catching. Eye-catching??? I told her, it is so expensive, people from 50000m away from me should be able to see my bag then my money will be worth and she said, "yah right!"
Well, school is starting officially for me today (later). Yeah, I am kinda looking forward to it (ok, I am lying) because I've ot a new bag!! (I'm not lying now) HAHA! Tomorrow will be one interesting day because it is a HR module and all the weird weird people are in my class. Anyway, these are the modules I am taking:
Construction Project Management (??????) Measurement 2 (!@@$!$#%@^!!!^!&) Construction Law 2 (o_0) Management and Human Relations (replica of ES2007D, diaoz~) Bahasa Indonesia 2 (. . . . . .) Understanding the Universe (hee..hee)
It is a 4-day/5-day week for me. First time in history if I dont remember wrongly. Sianz~~~
Was talking to CS and he was asking where did I go just now for national day and he asked if I went to Marina South. He was in Yishun and I was there too, perhaps a little bit late. It was very crowded (I got photos to prove) and it was quite a interesting fair with those soldiers doing some public awareness thingie. Actually, to be able to be there in the parade yourself was a good feeling. I remember that year when I went with my JC clicks to the preview, the atmosphere was so good and I felt so patriotic. I was sitting with 2 Indians and we sang and dance together and it was so fun! The funniest thing was Xiao JIng tattooing a upside down flag on Liping's face after my failed attempt. Without the fireworks tonight in Yishun, I really wouldn't probably have go down. I love Fireworks and I just dont know why, but I guess most of the people like it. It is so beautiful!! I remember last year, I was so close to it that I feel like I can almost touch it and it really was a good experience and feeling!
CS asked if I saw Twins singing and that they were really pretty. HAHA! I saw nothing on the stage man, I wasn't even close to the stage. I was walking inside for a while and because I bought my sis, and she hasnt had her dinner, we got to walk out and buy her food. The best part was the whole place was super crowded and there are quenes everywhere. I thought since we are out already, it doesnt matter how long the quene is but no, she didnt want to quene because it is long so it make me so pek cek. Guess I was hanging around with the wrong company or I might have see Twins instead! After she decides that she shall not get anything, we head back to the place because it was almost fireworks time. Funny right? I came out thinking sis need food and I dont mind sacrificing seeing the fireworks and I walked back without food and going back to see the fireworks. I could have been the one of the hundreds under the fireworks, screaming in excitement, but I WALKED AWAY AND walk back only to see a BLOODY TALL TREE blocking about 50% of the fireworks!
Nonetheless, I am still elated to have see the fireworks because afterall, it is not everyday you get to see fireworks (in actual fact, maybe once a year) and I felt better after that and I started to apologise to the tree in my heart that I should not have cursed it. Know why I did? I did so because I realised it was my own doing that I am standing there and that it is not its fault, IT IS INNOCENT. I shall wait for next year to see the fireworks since afterall IT IS JUST FIREWORKS, NO BIG DEAL HERE... =) Get what I mean? Next year got tickets, please bring me~~~~ *big grin*
I got to get up at 7am tomotrrow to register for my tutorial slots. TIme for bed~ Good Night
JOanne thought hard on 2:05:00 AM.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
My parents are playing with clouds now
Mum and Dad are out playing with clouds again and I bet they will definitely have a good time. It is kinda weird, having mum nagging at me to sleep early for the past few days (because Ms Koh is sick again), she's not here to nag at me to sleep early tonight and I can sleep at 5 in the morning or not sleep at all. Perhaps thats why I am not sleeping yet although frankly speaking, I'm really kinda tired here. The past few days at this same time, every cough I hear, my heart just beats faster, haha, because I thought thats when she'll pounce on me and lecture me on the harmful effects lacking of sleep will have on my body.
Many people have asked me why do I get sick that often, it is not as if I want to be sick... I joked to one of my friends that getting sick means getting the attention, love, care and concern and my friend jokingly replied if this is so, he shall stop offering me his concern. That was a joke, no one will want her nose running and throat hurting at night or when bidding for her rounds. Was complaining to my friend that that day while bidding in the most challenging round I ever had in NUS, my nose was running and my throat was hurting and burning and my head just feel like cracking YET the CORS just refuse to let me sign in! I was so frustrated and irritated that I think I mouthed the 'F' word a 1000 times and when I call the helpdesk, I was all ready to take my anger on whoever is on the line. TOO bad, their luck was good, I never get through. I jokingly say to my friend if I ever did, i would swear and curse in the name of HERS. WAHAHAAH! My friend say go ahead, that is if you can get through and I almost faINTED on the spot because I knew she was so right, I'm never going to get through. Anyway, I got the module I always wanted ever since I got admitted in NUS, haha, and HExiang is joining me for that course too, never been better and while I was checking the class list yesterday I saw the name of one of the JUE DUI SUPERSTAR semi-finalists, I wonder if they are the same person (-_-)?? I took Bahasa Indonesia Level 2 after I got outbidded for one of the geography module (#$#^%#%$%). I dont intend to do well in it, HAHA.
And because the Great cook is away, we have to settle our own dinner! People who have come to my house for dinner should know that the Great Cook really feed people as though they were PIGS (oinks, opps). I mean the servings were always big and etc, and so having to settle our own dinner, we've got to bring little Sis to somewhere where she will not pick on the food.
 This is her first time having sushi and her first time seeing the conveyor belt.
 I mean oh mine, she was real fussy with the food, complaining the Chawanmushi make her feel like puking??? The Great Cook really pamper our tastebuds. She finished the chawanmushi and refused to eat the tofu, saying they look the same and probably won't be tasting nice.
HAHAHAH!! Her idiotic pose!!! She was saying because it was her first time there, she got to really look like 'suaku' and pretend to imagine that the soy cause is COKE. (0_0)"' and she came out with this pose... DIAOZ!
 Thats her last pose with the plates... =) I'm sure she has a great time , with the compliment of Hexiang, haha, he treated us tonight. Tomorrow, we have pizzas on the menu since yesterday was Samuel's birthday but too bad, he was in camp...Thats kinda sad because he's only coming back later and booking in later at night. Poor thing~
Tingting's artwork got chosen to be displayed outside the classroom and out of a class, the teacher only chose 2, yah, imagine her yaya-papaya face~

And this is the cutie pie climbing his favourite tree:
 HAHAHAHAHHA!!! BOys are boys, they really learn how to climb =)
And on usual days when I do my tuition, this is the normal table:
 And being the Building uNdergrad of NUS, I would always remember what my lecturer say, about building illness and stuff and this was found in my tuition kid's room ceiling!!! I always complain to her that I feel for my safety whenever I'm there and she would always giggle and say she cannot do anything too.
 I told her if one day, I was to do a project on building defects, I would definitely bring her case to HDB and hopefully get her a new house or compensation. I'm dreaming~ AHAHAHA! But it is still dangerous, she lives in those HDB flats that has 2 storeys and this is the 2nd storey, kinda scary lor...
And this is one of the mentees and this was taken in one of the outings, we went to CCk to play Xbox.
 We comfortably packed all of us into a room and we 'stealed' a couple of sofa. I had a great time although I'm really lazy at the game and can you imagine we meddled with the thing for long before the car racing starts and everyone was like coming up with the "I'm not touching the remote thingie" because they were so irritated with people who dont know how to configure the thing yet trying to be a smart Alec
 School is starting soon. *YAWN* I'm still trying to catch up on some rest and sleep and adjust my mood to the study mode although it seldom is. I mean I'll have lesser time to laze around...
 To look after the cutie pie and see how he is growing everyday. I cant believe the holiday is ending, I mean I havent really do anything. SOme days I will just crawl around with the little one and see whats the thing that amazes him. I get amazed at how little little things amazes him and try to shift my paradigm to his (although difficult) and try to get extra amazed. These days, he either climbs or crawls around, and he's very inquisitive, he likes to touch the keyboard and attract attention. He's really best at getting the thing he want, like a hug or something. The other day, he say "BAO BAO" and my whole family jumped!! Dad's trying to teach him to say "daddy". HAHAHA! He already know how to call "Zeh-zeh" =P I guess I will miss him so much when school starts, now he's quite sticky to me. Maybe when school starts, that will not happen. *gasp*
And I finally read "5 People I meet in Heaven" HAHAA! with the help of Hexiang again. He borrowed it from his friend knowing that I wanted to raed it badly, so nice hor? =) Well, I think it is kinda boring and cliche but oh well, everyone has a different perceptions of heaven and I guess what was described in the book just wasn't my type. And Ohhh, it is 2.30am already. Mummy will be probably be cashman-ing there and she just told me the night before NOT TO SLEEP TOO LATE. HAHAHAHA.. OPPS! By the way, when is Poor Bear going to eat up NUS??? *yawn*
JOanne thought hard on 1:06:00 AM.
Monday, August 01, 2005
Well, the bidding has started and it is after with some kicks in it after I had a boring Round 1A, 1B...oh sorry, I wasn't even involved in 1B, I got my modules all in 1A with 1 point each for my 3 modules. Now that it is 2A, I can feel the frustration and annoyance because I can see like 3K points in one account of which I have no use for them and a miserable 600++ points for 2 modules. One of the modules I am getting seem like a hot favourite and I've been eyeing it since Sem1Year1 but ohhh~ whatver~ This year it seem more or less the same and Round 2A will only end on Wednesday. Dumb.
So meantime, I am doing this:
Your Career Type: Enterprising |  You are engertic, ambitious, and sociable. Your talents lie in politics, leading people, and selling things or ideas.
You would make an excellent:
Auctioneer - Bank President - Camp Director City Manager - Judge - Lawyer Recreation Leader - Real Estate Agent - Sales Person School Principal - Travel Agent - TV Newscaster The worst career options for your are investigative careers, like mathematician or architect. |
I don't think this is true. I mean me being an entrepreur? Haha~ So I try again:
You Were Actually Born Under: | You are quick witted, charming, and bring luck to all who know you. A bit greedy, you tend to go after what you want - with success. Clever, you seek out knowledge... and eventually use what you know to your advantage. You are very loyal, and you treat your real friends like they are family.
You are most compatible with a Dragon or Monkey. | You Should Have Been Born Under: |  You are totally loyal, faithful, and honest. However, you don't trust others to be as ethical as you are! Straight forward and direct, you really aren't one for small talk. You are a great listener - and an agreeable companion when you're in a good mood!
You are most compatible with a Tiger or Horse. |
HAHAHA! You know, just bored with the CORS~ I can't wait for it to be done and of course the best would be I get the 2 modules I desired. If not, I wish CORS be eaten up by teletubbies. ROARRRRRRRRR~
hi.. u mind making friends? i am looking for a female from 19 to 23 who can bring out and sing well for sentimental and qing kuai chinese songs.. has x factor in terms of hearing and vocal aspects.. acceptable looks for album.. and interested in trying out the vocal first.. if u have friend or uself in the criteria above you may want to ask and leave me a message thanks.. mike
hahaha~ What is the producer of Jue Dui SuperStar doing in Friendster? I think it is so lame to come up with such a thing to know people, but then again he might be really doing what he is saying but what are the chances? (-_-)'" WeiRd~ By the way, anyone want to give it a try, can message me and we can work out the probablity of him being real and decides whether we should give him the benefit of the doubt. Oh no, I am so evil. Looking at his profile, he might be a real one but then I am not someone aspiring to become a singer and I cannot sing so yah lah..whatever la har~
*Angelic Self* And oh, it is the August month already~ Stay happy everyone! =)WAHAHA!
JOanne thought hard on 12:00:00 PM.