Saturday, July 30, 2005
I am so tired and feeling a little bit cold now. Either I am too tired or I am too cold? See? I'm talking nonsense already. No pictures today although I do have some pictures to upload and to show, but then again, plain laziness just strikes me and I am just so lazy to upload them so I shall admire them on my own on my phone instead. =) Shall share when I upload them.
Went to play XBOX at Choa Chu Kang today with mentors, mentees and Hexiang. It was meant to be a birthday celebration for two of our more 'onz' mentees (speaking of which I realise my own mentee's birthday is coming too). It was supposed to be laserQuest and blah blah but the place was booked till 6 and we just couldn't wait so we head off to Choa Chu KAng instead. Eddy was saying how he cannot imagine why there are so many buttons to handle when there was only like button A and button B in his era. I never agree more BUT my era stopped at PlayStation 1. I remember the times when I spend my whole afternoon trying to solve a dice puzzle and getting so satisfied at myself when I break my own record again and again. It was a game called 'Devil Dice' and Bro got it for me thinking I might like it and indeed I simply love it just like how I love Hexiang. HAHA! No link but I really was into the game and I challenged myself and again and thats when I realised the greatest enemy is indeed yourself. HAHA! MOstly because no one challenges me too since BRO wasn't into puzzle games. Of course, I got influenced by him somehow and played some fighting games like KOF and yada yada but ultimately I will still go back to puzzle games at the end of the day. I completed only ONE RPG game out of the whole lifespan of my PLayStation which is 'Tales of Destiny'. (haha..Mum just said I look very tired and should go to bed now since she is going to Genting next week and she's not here to take care of me. She also said I've got this tendency to fall sick whenever she goes to Genting. Do I actually do that?!?!?) BUt ohhh, why was I?? Haha..I am tired and I am sprouting nonsense already.
I don't know how I can be that tired. If anyone haven't realised, I am actually someone who sleep alot. I can actually sleep at 12 at night, wake up at 1 in the afternoon, have my lunch and break for w while and sleep again at 2. I'll wake up for my dinner at about 6+ and head to bed again at 12 midnight and start the cycle of sleeping again. Or I can just sleep and sleep and sleep and sleep and sleep and sleep and sleep and sleep and sleep and sleep...
JOanne thought hard on 11:39:00 PM.
Monday, July 25, 2005
I'm all ready for school, look at my school bag and my water bottle, aren't they pretty??? I've been eyeing the bag for a while and couldn't really find it and when I saw it, I totally went mad and after considering for sooo long, I decided to get IT!!! I am so going to be very hardworking next semster!!!
*winks* I just notice that they are all white and has purple and orange stuff on them... Purely coincidence~
And you tell me got such thing anot??? Every semster I feel like I am a part-timer undergraduate and that I slogged in the day working at some bloody office and at night, I puff and I pant and I need to get to some university to listen to some people talk so that I can get my degree? And hello!!! I am an undergraduate now, a full-time undergraduate although I start my lessons at a later time of the day. If this is so, so be it! But you know what?? NUS still treats me like a full-timer!!! They had tutorials at 9 in the morning and lectures at 7pm in the night???? What is this?? If you think my timetable looks nice, I'm so sory but I got to slot in another 2 modules? You tell me, where got time??? WHERE GOT TIME? WHERE GOT POINTS?!?! Ohhh, did I just mention something about points? With 250 points each semster what am I supposed to bid for? Tamil???? It is so silly isn't it? While i have like 3K almost close to 4K of points in my thw other account of which I can only stare at them and basically have no use for them AT ALL, let me say this again, I'VE GOT NO USE FOR THEM AT ALL!!!! I guess I'll have them sort it out somehow, at most I'll hatch some evil plan and hope the Deans people at least listen ONCE. MAybe I'll check out their salary, perhaps that helps alot~ Like how Mr. Durai is out now...I mean com'on, I am just kidding...So relax and smile and don't say you wanna sue me or something. Thats a joke if you cannot catch it...Perhaps if you really want to sue, you can sue him <---Click on HIM to get access to his blog) first, hahaha, found his blog somewhere and he make himself famous by blogging on the NKF issue. Persoanlly, I think he is Ah beng-wanna-be, just look at the issues he is dealing with, which Ah Beng will go and care a fcuk thing about whats really going on between the government and the people. He would be a professional since he is always talking mostly about politics. Sorry for digressing, but I said I was ready for school, don't believe me? Lets ask POOH BEAR
That day I was on my way to the 8th cycle Mentors CAmp, when I saw this:
I think it is kinda heart-warming to see that our kids are able to run around in the MRT, not worrying about much stuff and parents are also more or less assured that it is safe. This kid was having all the fun he had by running around and just asking questions and he attracted all the people in the train to look at him and can't help but smile. Compared to other countries, I guess we are so much fortunate to feel so safe and assured, Especially when you look at the LOndon bombings, thats like kinda sad and life seem so fragile suddenly...
Mentor camp was nice, and I took this because the guy was really veri onz and he really acted well. It reminded me of how my fellow mentors too cracked their head over our garlic processor and how we came up with the dumb idea of mimicking The Matrix. Those were the days and time just files~ One of the mentors asked me how is it like, standing on this side and on that side. I replied, "it was both great, but of course, if you asked me to choose, I rather stand on this side." We were doing the SMP river crossing thingie and this time round playing the sharks was indeed so much nicer than being the mentor on the other side of the river. =) It just bought back so much memories and it just reminds me of how all that seem so like yesterday. We went abit nostalgia, recalling about what happened to us last year and indeed it was very nice. I remembered those sweats and the laughter we had..How time files~ Sorry, where was I? Yah, ready for school...
I dyed my hair again and it isn't very obvious in this photo because the colour happen to blend in with my face colour and you can't really see those antenna the salon lady gave me, anyway it got darker and I feel less like an Ah lian now... The cookie is nice, isn't it? It is a gift (if you can't see, no one buys that for herself) together with that water bottle you saw...By the way, was looking through at some stuff just now and I got so amazed when I saw that I actually signed up to be a dolphin trainer when I was 16...I bet I told no one this, as it was so secretly stashed away... I wasn't selected, perhaps thats why I did not tell anyone. But still, I think the young girl's courage needs to be applauded, for she dare to pursue her dreams... I still can't believe I actually signed up for it?!?!?! I was kinda shocked as I started to have recollections of what I did. I am amazed. Perhaps I'll try again after I build some dream houses of mine... But sigh~ Why did they reject me? Cos' I have not even one 'O' Level cert in my pocket? Thats kinda sad hor? The dolphins won't even know if you are a Master student or a PSLE holder. I hope I'll try again... =) But oh, where was I? yes~ about I am ready for school in 2 weeks time and I'm looking forward to it. Okay, dolphins can tell when you are lying, so thou shall not lie, and Oh Dog, please grant my wish, MAy the CORS get eaten up by POOH BEAR tomorroww... =)
JOanne thought hard on 8:27:00 PM.
Friday, July 15, 2005
Well, i guess this is going to be a long blog covering what I have been doing... Well, it is not boring since there are ALOT of picturs!!!
 This was taken on Rebecca's birthday and I was late and I missed the cake cutting...
all because of the cookies I was baking and I was doing the wordings of which they are hard to make...but then are they pretty? The heart was made by Hexiang and I made the "2" and the "1". The big lump below was also made by Hexiang. *shrugged, I dunno what it mean... HAHA!
And this is taken in Changi Airport, I went to send her off and again, I was late...HAHA! And it was definitely hard to part with her, I called her mother the next day and talked to her for quite a while and it reminded me of when Rebecca and I were much younger and we were always playing hide-and-seek with my mother and her mother~ Yeah, the younger days..How time files...
And this is the girl with the black ZARA top and her purple skirt, took this while she was changing, people was so busy lor!!! While in the changing room, her phone keep ringing~~~ KNS~~~ I shall call this photo of the trimuph since we took so long to get her this outfit!!! Again, her identity is SECRET!!!
 And I went to JB to spend the money i ought to have in GEnting. You cannot believe this but there was this CLEARANCE SALE in OP and everything is like so cheap!!! Hexiang bought a pair of scandals at only RM25!!!! CAn y0u believe this???And the yami yoghut there is sooo cheap also and for the first time I ad the largest cup ever..
And ohhhh~ Look at the cutie pie, isn’t he cute? HE's tyring to disturb my sister in this photo~
He’s learning how to chew and walk now, he’s also teething, and just last week, we all got so excited seeing his very first tooth emerging from the tender young gums of his… Mum also attempted to cut his hair for the very first time, of which, I shall let you decide if it is a successful attempt~
It is always hard to get him to open his mouth for us and he always need 2 or more people to feed him..
And then I try some superimpose programmes in my HP, this is the work of Hexiang...
While this is the work of mine!!! Quite obvious who has the better skill right? HAHA! So FUN!
And if you think I am such a slacker now, only taking pictures and eating sushi buffet and shopping..You are sooooo wrong!!! I am working (ermmm, finished working yesterday) as a surveyor. This must be the hardest job that I've ever worked and Marilyn was so right to say it is difficult!!! I am working for an employment agency to actually get graduates's details from mY SCHOOL!! It was NUS Convocation Period. I had a fun time taking photographs of others and because of this I slack in my work..HAHAH! And wanna guess how much i earned out of the 3 sessions of convocation?? For one person I get, i get $1...Go and guess and have fun guessing~
LOOk!!! So cool hor???? hehehehhe~ Wu Jian Dao~~ We tried taking neoprints and this has moveable screens which you can adjust yourselves. 21 shots are taken and out of which 6 best shots will be chosen~ We had a fun time posing and playing with the screens
Hello My name is jimmy @ jin. Care to be friends? Can i get to know more abt u? I got no motive...Making more friends... Tell u more abt myself, I may not good looking just average looking guy, 172cm n 60kg. I got a good heart n friendly personality. I m working as a excutive with SingTel Mobile. Still single, Havent got a girl to love me yet... haha... Care to sms or call me at 9*******... as i dun always come online often coz i m working in the sales line. Can we exchnage our hp tel? Care to tell me more abt u? Pls feel free to SMS or give me a call at 9******* coz i dun come online often. Care to leave me yr contact tel? Hope to hear from u soon. Pls reply... Cheers!
Jimmy (******@hotmail.com)......
And I wonder what kinds of guy will actually send me this kind of message in Friendster. On consecutive 2 days, I receive messages from 2 guys saying they wanna know me better and this is like one of the longest message I ever receive from and judging from how long it is, I bet he must have fully utilise it and send it tomany other girls too! Well, Friendster got alot of weird people..And I did put that I was in a relationship so why still messaged me? WeIRD~~~ HAHAHA! I once receive a message from a 45 year old caucasian saying he admired me for who I am and hope to share his inspirations with me, I was totally freaked out!!! And then I receive a mesage from one indian guy who said he was a mixed of indian blood and Aussie blood, saying he was damn good looking and was hoping that he can know me better~ But if he is sooo good looking, why din he flaunt his face in his profile? Anyway, my point is that there are weird people~~
And after all, my point is I am already satisfied with what I am having~
JOanne thought hard on 2:52:00 PM.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
My best friend is leaving me... for Australia
And I'm in her house now...Reading my mails while she transfer songs from her desktop to her laptop she's bringing to Australia. And this is what my friend send me about some horoscope stuff~~
Pisces Woman She likes to be in a dream world than to be in reality. She is weak and sensitive when it's come to "Love". She can cry if her best friend is breaking up, and she can be over excited when her friend gets a new boyfriend who is a good looking and rich even it is nothing concerned her at all. You might be surprise to see that she is shy just because she is in love. More or less it will be in Pisces woman. She loves small animal and gifted in training animals. JoAnne says: I told ya I'm going to be a dolphin trainer~
She has sixth senses and she can guess what will happen next, it's her nature.Even though she has good sixth senses, she can not pick or foresee her own choice of lover. She can not tell if she meet a sincere guy or a one night stand guy. JoAnne says: But i still can find my Mr Right =)
She likes to buy and pick her own cloths. She likes to dress cute and be cute. Pisces woman tend to be a good looking woman and she has a nice skin. Her hands and feet are small and soft. Pisces woman loves to shop for shoes as if she collects them. She is a hot lady that everyone wants her. Whether she has a man in her life or not , she will never try to over powered any man. It's not even in her thought. JoAnne says: ok lah, I don't really collect shoes... I collect slippers~~ HAHA! =p
She thinks man can handle things better, and she will make her man feel that way. She is an easy going person, so being with her is easy. She is a confident woman and likes to make people who stay with her happy. She knows how to please and how to comfort a man. If something is wrong, she will try to make other people believe that it's must be because of someone else, not because of her loved ones. She will not push her man to be ambition but to make him feel like he should be happy with the way he is now. She is happy with you for what you are now. JoAnne says: Yeah, I am happy for who you are now.. =)
A Pisces woman, if she has a bad childhood, she will always remember it and it will make her a very unhappy person. She will pity herself and feel sorry for herself. She tends to hurt herself with out knowing it and so vulnerable to drugs (real drugs or just sleeping pills). She has many choices and you can never tell which path she going to take. If you love her , then hold her tight because she never knows why she did what she did or what she will do next. JoAnne says: I have a very good childhood
A complex character. You may think she is a shy innocent type and can not hurt anyone, then you are wrong. You might think she is a fragile person who needs protection, wrong again. She has been through a lot, a tough cookie. She is a dreamer and love the word "Love", so she is the type who will buy gift for anyone for any occasion, especially if it is a gift for wedding or an anniversary even for someone who she does not know so well. JoAnne says: DOn't mess with me, I know how to bake cookies.
Be very careful if fall in love with Pisces woman. She can be a total different person before and after. She can be an angel before and later a witch, but everyone is not perfect, right? She will be soft and gentle most of the time, so not to worry. She is emotional and extremely sensitive when she frequently got hurt. She is the type who can cry her heart out. JoAnne says: =p
She can have a secret fear inside, when she says she does not need anyone. She badly needs someone to protect her, but sometimes she can hide that feeling by being stubborn. She likes to hide her shyness and her weakness from her enemy. She does not like to follow any fixed rules. She can be a good housewife if you know how to handle her. Many men will ask to marry her because she is a 100% woman. If she wants to be sweet, she is a real angel. JoAnne says: *whisper* I am scared of cats~ shhhhh...don't tell other people..
JOanne thought hard on 11:35:00 AM.
Sunday, July 03, 2005
and yes..I'm back from Genting..Ermmm, actually back long long ago..Well, it was nice to get away although it is rather near to Singapore but still it was nice experiencing a different weather. Just randomly show u guys some pic lah har...haha..
 Inside the Hotel..Nice hor? the hotel is quite big with a shopping Mall, casino and indoor theme park

Was just changing the channel randomly and I saw the girls playing tennis. HAHa! That day was watching some show and they mention something about the female tennis players shouting whenever they hit the ball and they read it from newspapers that some readers actually wrote in to complain that the sounds they make are too obscene..haha..just now while i was watching i was thinking yah...quite ermmm...provocative..HAHA! But then again, who will think like that when u are watching a tennis match???? HAHAHA!! Those people who are not really watching tennis match wan lor..I'm not saying I was not watchng the Tennis match, I was just noticing that those players have flabby arms too and when they shouted, i Just remmebered yah..they do sound like they were...ermmm...yah...
Haha..I actually just came back from my friend's 21st birthday party. The food is nice and the cake was nice too. The chalet was nice too, with 2 rooms and a living room and it is like a house with some space u can make with for putting ur food there if you are catering... I rather like the place, although not like Downtown east or what where u can walk around and explore abit.. But further down abit, the CDANS club got quite abit of things to play, one of which LAserQuest where you wear vest and carry heavy laser guns around shooting real people and when u "die", your vest vibrates. The more people u have the more fun it is cos the maze is really big!!! The birthday girl wore a purple dress and a black top from ZARA which we got for her on thursday. Well, despite wearing clothes of such girliness, the girl was shouting like hell and not behaving like what she ought to have but nonetheless, i think she look GIRL..HAHA! And if you wanna get skinnier or sth, try shopping with her!!! Thats really a good exercise to train your mind, your body, your voice and your patience. For 4 hours we shop, we got nothing except a ZARA top and the top was bought at the 4th hour!!! AMAZING hor?!?!?!?!?! I really have to admit defeat and this girl is simply inCORRIGIBLE and I shall withhold her name so as to hope that she will feel guilty and decide to change...And i saw the guy she was going out with, veri quiet and and like her..haha..but then haven really talk to him so that might not be the real him..
Yawn~ tired...before i go, let u see some pictures i took~ I actually still have many more but decided that I should not take my MMC out so often or my HP cover will be loose in times to come...
 Me being always submissive~~ HAHA!!!
 Quite hook on this recently..haha.. =P Just played it this afternoon...
 And you were talking about what?? MAngo Sale??? OMG, just look at those nice nice MAngo clothes at this stage...Haiz..i pity those clothes...And i abit gek sim cos i pay more buying the same clothes which is obviously much cheaper now but then...I think unless u wake up real early, it is better for you to pay more although the Jeans are really veri worth buying since after discount they onli cost about 39bucks but... whether they have ur size is a problem lah...yawn~~~ I am veri tired...nightz~
JOanne thought hard on 12:19:00 AM.