Sunday, June 19, 2005
 Gosh! Isn't this like OMG! I can assured you it is all real hair cos i seen it myself and I wonder whats the BIG occasion. Anyway, my phone come to good use again as I attempt to take a picture of this guy and haha, I think he did notice that I took his picture, but then again, isn't he hungry for attention for the matter of fact that he did such thing to his own hair?
It was actually my best friend's mini birthday celebration today. Yes, she has been with me since P4 (Quick say WOW!). Time files and it was like yesterday when I was in P6 and I made her a stalk of rose Today, I gave her real ones. She's actually leaving me to aussie in about 2 weeks time. This celebration was one that is very mast minute...till the last minute we still weren't sure where we are doing or where we are eating but well, that's my best friend anyway, I would be pretty shock if she come up with a very elaborate plan saying what time we r supposed to do what... HAHA! She's gooonnnna kill me... I got her a perfume (indirectly and I'll save the story for another time) and it smells exactly like the one I am using so that she will be reminded of me when she's there... Hiak hiak!! =) And I told her I'll be sending her a photo of myself every month.. WAHAHA! I AM A STALKER!!!! AHAHAHAHAH!!! (crazy!!)
Actually I should be shot for being here because I must wake up at 5.30am later because I am heading to Genting for 3D2N. And here I am, viewing the 80+ photos we took just now and blogging and hahaha, gal, wait till I come back then i send you the photos~ I'll be coming back on her birthday, and HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY!!!! *flying kisses~ FLY FLY FLY!!*
JOanne thought hard on 1:57:00 AM.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Some cOlour thingie
This is something my friend send me,http://www.colorgenics.com/sps/ (sorry, copy and paste it yourselfdon't know how true it is also...I guess it is hard to understand yourself sometimes...But here is what they say of me... =) u judge it yourself...
Much of the time you are preoccupied with things of an intensely exciting nature. You need stimulation and variation with all matters pertaining to your life. You want to be regarded as an exciting and interesting personality being able to charm and influence others. You use powerful strategies with predictable outcomes so as to avoid endangering your chances of success or undermining other people's confidence in you.
Your situation is such that at this time it is essential that you resolve your inherent problems immediately. You are not listening nor taking heed from your many friends and advisers, all of which believe it or not, 'wish you well'. Most of your colleagues feel that your attitude is out of context - an attitude of recklessness and desperation. It is imperative that some solution be found, but whatever you do, think before you act.
It is amazing that you yourself believe that old 'adage' that you are a misunderstood person - and you feel that because of this you are being left out in the cold. It is because of this lack of believed understanding that you feel the need to conform to society in general - but this situation leaves you 'cold' knowing that you are not appreciated for your true self. Any relationship that you are developing at this time does not seem to involve any true emotional commitment, you seem to be just playing along.
As of late, you have been experiencing untold stress and this is a result of continuous frustration. You haven't been taking care of all your physical needs and it's beginning to show. It would seem that you have a need to find someone to whom you can really relate - someone perhaps whose standards are as high as your own. You want to be different - to be individualistic - to stand out from the common herd. Your inherent control of your sensual instincts is restricting your ability to give yourself to open up freely but this being on your own, being lonely, often makes you feel the need to give up some of your strict standards to surrender to the general flow - to be like everyone else; a part of the herd. Deep down you regard such instincts as weaknesses to be overcome. You would like to be loved or admired for yourself alone. You demand recognition and tender loving care.
The fear that you may not be able to fulfill or realize all of your ambitions makes you work and play hard. The thought of being prevented from achieving the things you want leads you to play your part with frantic fervor.
JOanne thought hard on 11:58:00 PM.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
4 days in Holland Village
Back to work for LTA again and this time round was assigned the Holland Village Taxi Stand. This taxi stand is kinda 'happening', haha..almost everyday you can expect something to happen~ yay~ This taxi stand has not got much people compared to the previous taxi stands I have worked in. The passengers are mostly foreigners, mainly the caucasians and japanese.
 So there I was, holding some clip board and being a dedicated taxi-counter surveyor...and of course waiting for something to happen.
 I really thought some Osama-to-be was 100m away from me. These policemen really were the attention for the day with their big dog that threatens to rip u apart if you try to be funny. It turns out that they were just doing some routine patrolling, my god, I think I was too suaku because I saw it the very first time.
And then there was an accident, a chain one~ Car 2 did not hit Car 1 and Car 3 did not hit Car 2 but Car 4 hit Car 3. It happened because of an old man. This old man~
 I took this photo the second day because it turned out that everyday, this old man trys the same stunt! With his trolley, he will walk along this path with difficulty because I think his legs have abit of a problem and attempt to cross th road just about 30 steps away from the traffic light and because there is barrier, he will discover he will still need to walk to the traffic light there in order to get across.
 And he comes back with something everyday and for the 2nd day a sofa and a red cap. I dunno where he gets them but he will usually appear again after about 5 hrs later. First day, it turned out that he went to NTUC when cold storage was just right across the road and NTUC the other end. And there will always be good people around who will volunteer to help and I think this old man kinda take it that PEOPLE will help him. Just look at the second day, 3 people lead him to cross the road and on his way back, these kind souls helped.
 I wanted to stop him from crossing the road but I missed him maybe because I was busy with something else... =) Remembered I was supposed to be working, not taking pictures and minding other people's business? And then, I saw Denise Keller and Fiona Xie and they were fliming for some Kopi-show, they sure were pretty~
 Something good about having ur cameras with you... *winks* And then, there was this sad sad sad incident. To cut the story short, a Japanese 2 old month baby fell down from the pram due to the carelessness of the mother. He bruised his/her knees and hit his head on the tyre of the vehicle and I happened to witness it. No pictures taken because I was involved in it. I ran to the baby and carried the baby later when the mother just recklessly left the baby with the elder sister which is probably the age of Tingting. The elder sister has earlier indirectly cause the baby to fall and still was in a state of shock. So the baby was there bawling and the sister staring at the baby with a stunned look while the mother packed the grocery into the boot. I carried the baby and he/she was so fragile!!! and i stroked his/her chest and tell him/her is ok. Rubbed his head gently and then he stoppped crying. The mother was funny, she did not even attempt to rubbed the baby's head after I passed back to her. Maybe Japanese culture doesn't have this, but I guess you cannot stop accidents from happening. I hope the baby is alright. And guess what, after that I turned and I saw Fiona Xie right in the face and I was so near to her and I was sweating profusely after the trauma I was in earlier. I got so shocked I did not realise it her, probably I am too traumatised but I saw HX frantically pointing and mouthing Fiona Xie and that's when I realise ohhh.. Anyway, too late to take pictures and I wasn't in the mood anyway. Even after the whole work, my whole mind was still on the baby, thinking if she/he was ok.
 On a lighter note, I got a gift from HX. Heee... GUess what is it???
 It is a unique heart shape pendent from Tianpo. Hee, just beside us got this shopping centre and there is this Tianpo shop inside offering 50% discount for everything and He got me a pendent. =) And there is this nice shop that sells really nice and pretty fruits drinks. I had the mango float and it was soooo nice and I'm still thinking about it now.
 HAHA.And this is the Watermelon vanilla. It has jelly (as in those in Ice jelly) on the bottom and vanilla ice-cream on top with watermelon juice and some tapoles-like stuff which tastes real nice too although not as nice as the mango wan. And then I had some malt candy by some veri Old Ah Ma, so I guess the malt candy is very traditional wan. HAHAHA, IT tastes very nice and sweet...so is the persons in the photo. HAHAHAHA
 And minus all the photo-taking and Kpo-ing around, I am still doing my job...
 And there, get your camera phone quick! HAHAHA! And I will be off to Genting this Sunday and I will be back on Tuesday. =) A And July is coming~ Time files~ So long~ I will come up with more photos!!
JOanne thought hard on 5:49:00 PM.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Just look at what my phones have to offer~ The memory got too much and I have to upload the photos I took. =) Actually is because I was using it to video-taped some stuff and hahah, the memory got too much.
 This is the new friend my nokia3230 make. Basically, I use his limbs and butt to wipe the screen when it gets too dirty. But isn't he a cutie?? And notice the orange heart he has on his hands...Awww~ So cUte!
 And then I tried baking some cookies~ Ermmm~ not really that pleasant looking but they definitely taste better than they look. =) So much so for power of love~ lOOk at me~
 And then it was the first time I went out with Zxavier, this guy is deifintely growing fast~~ =) He can stand up by himself now and we are trying to teach him how to swallow his food. Runs pretty fast with his walker and he knows how to come to our rooms now~ =)
 And of course, with the new boy in the house, how can we forget the pretty little girl. Mum bought her a new phone and she was all hoo-ha-ing about it. "Send me the photo ley" "Let me take a picture of you" "I want to record your voice""Let me send you the photos I took just now, bring your phone over." Yes, thats what she said and thats what she did with her FAKE phone that has a "butterfly" ringing tone. Isn't that cute, I didn't know FAKE phone has got bluetooth as well... HAHA!
 And then...look at this cutie!!! No prize for guessing whether it is a real one or fake one. Haven't ask her whether she minds appearing on my site nor have I ask the owner if he minds. OpPs~ Lets hope he won't mind... Anyway, she's a real thing with blood pumping~ The setting is abit dark but she still look as stunning.
 Think I went on some holiday?? *shakes head* Nope,I wish I am... but no..I am not. But this place is lovely, with big pools and a very nice view. There are gyms, arcade room, indoor air rifle room, jackpot room and the list goes on~ And with my mini pocket, I guess this stands as a veri good subsitute for a get-away.
 Even the shower room was nice hahaha, although the doors has no lock on them but since it is a club, the people who visit must be fairly sophiscated (that includes me if you haven realised hehehe) so I doubt anyone will barge in and stare at you. I don't know who's the lady inside, she just happened to be inside my photo.
 And I attended my brother's POP yesterday. WOW!! I must say it is very imopressive!! The guys were practically hugging each other and there was so much between each and everyone of them. Well, after being together so 9 weeks, the feeling is really good. My mum and I have a problem finding my brother because we thinks practically everyone look alike!!! And every platoon that came out we went, "I think that is him." HE said he saw us the minute he came out.HAHHA..And the drill performance was impressive too!!! The recruits actually danced a little and the crowd laughed quite alot!!! It was a very memorable event and I guess those boys will always remember that. I was the camera woman for the day hahaha...you cannot believe but the boys were practically trying to appear in as many pictures as possible. They hugged and bade their sir goodbyes. I heard the night before, they locked their sir in and stripped him naked!!! WOW!!! I saw many segeants being threw high up in the sky though and it was good to bask in that kind of spirit.
 Other than that, I tried to do some editing using my phone and this is one of the simplest one that i came up with, I actually added a frame around it which I don't think is obvious. Anyway, it's nice, don't you think so?
And I went to CAshConverters yesterday for the first time. I didn't know there's so much things you can sell and buy. They practically offer to buy anything and resell them!!! It was an Eye-opener when I found a sieve inside, I wonder how much did the person sell it for... The place was quite crowded and now you know where you should go when you run out of cash. =)
Have fun guys~ tata~
JOanne thought hard on 11:10:00 AM.
Monday, June 06, 2005
Ugly People
Quite Ugly ONe evening
If you ever recall, I read a book last time titled "Quite Ugly One morning". I think it was named that because the story starts with a murder scene where a body was found with his index finger cut off and being placed the area where the nose was supposed to be (the nose got bite off), and obviously the body was lying in a pool of blood and there was a very foul-smell in the house that choked everyone and then they found one pile of sheet behind the area where the body lies.
I met my friends yesterday for dinner and to do some catching-up. It was a nice time talking minus the fact that there was this stupid incident that really make our blood boil. We were at this food court eating when there's this dumb ass who shouted at us.
. . .. . . . Words were exchanged and I can't really remember
DUMB ASS'S MUM: IS ok, YOU all have no tong qing xin at all, one day u will be old too. (can u imagine that that bitch still have the cheek to stand there and wait for our seat after screaming at us?) ME :HEY, PEOPLE SAY WE NO TONG QING XIN U KNOW. TAKE CARE OF THE SEATS, I AM GONNA LOOK SOME SOME LAOP AH MA to sit...I muST HAVE TONG QING XIN!!! (stand up) You should have see that bitch's face!!! Her face was twisted till the max and she stormed off!!! Well, her mum came back. OLG HAG with thick make-up and ugle purple eyeshadow: IT IS ME WHO SAID YOU GOT NO TONG QING XIN, one day u will get old too!!!
DUHZ!!! SOmeone tells me what did I do wrongly? The table beside us was so irritated with them earlier on that they purposely went to buy one bowl of dessert and the auntie tells the children to have it slowly. Why din she picked on someone her own size, her own age? So we looked kiddish? We looked like we are young kids waiting to be scolded? Or that she thinks after she screams at us, we will wagged our tails at her and apologise and kneel and beg for forgiveness?!?!?! She looked like those old OL speaking English and yayapapaya-ing. Isn't her a dumb ass?!?!?! She must be really disappointed when we both shoot back at her...She must be thinking that the whole worlD stands on her side because she is older. MY FOOT!!! TMD!!! PUI!!!!!!! So much so for ugly??? Yeah, it is quite ugle one evening, nope~ is it UGLY ONE EVENING. I blamed myself for not remembering her face but well, I remmeber her mum's face...
JOanne thought hard on 1:00:00 PM.