Friday, April 29, 2005
KNS~ KIds New society
Yeah~ Welcome to Kids New Society! Great, the MSN got abit problem, maybe going to re-install again... Kids New Society~ Using Window Messenger now and cannot figure out why..To BU2181, Thanks Joanne hates you, if i can i will take off your everything and throw you down the river and hope the sharks eat you up and make sure that you never appear again..and now lalalalalala is asking me if my papers are over already..please~ I'm not entitled to such good life~
la la la la la la la la la says: bao tou bao wei
Thats very encouraging~ (-_-)'" Achievements today is NIL! I never touch anything and I never get anything inside~ I basically watch TV for th whole night because got to help mummy babysit Zxavier. After Measurement, is as if I've finished my paper already..HAHAHA! I can't wait for everything to end!!!!! http://www.nearlygood.com/audio/chinesefood.html (Turn your volume up~ http://www.nearlygood.com/video/touch.html i dun usually see this kind of things hahahah... *shy* I am innocent wan~~ REALLY!! hahaha...I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SIANZ~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!! hehhee..don't study still here right...hahaha... but I really very bored mah...and my stupid MSN 7.0 is still trying to sign me in!!! Kids New Society~ Ohhh, talking about this Kids New Society, it is not like Computer Society nor like the what chickee club or whatsoever, it is just a new club I found~ Hee~ I am still trying to sign in the stupid thing, I dun believe it will not let me sign in..idiotic thing... And haha~ Just today, police authorities from some countries saved 4000 frogs from the fate of being blended!!! It was damn gross~ They actually skin the frog alive and then drop it into the blender trying to make frog ice blended..hehehe, disgusting hor? Yeah man! You should have seen it, it was super gross!!! Then the police went in and raided the whole place and dang dang, they saved the frogs!!!! HAHA, I am on the verge of madness already... *start singing teletubbies song...den the never-ending song* HAHAHAH~ =p IDIOT, i signed in liao hor den they boot me out again!!!!!!! IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *pulls hair* EVEN MSN 7.0 wanna bully me!!!! *Where's the blender????* STUPID MSN 7.0!!!!! It is going to be put into Kids New Society!!!!!! hmph!!!!!
Bernado Corradi says: wah kao Bernado Corradi says: u damn irritating!!! JoAnne says: hahaha Bernado Corradi says: can don log in and out anot!! Bernado Corradi says: im a control freak Bernado Corradi says: now bend down for me! Bernado Corradi says: 8-| JoAnne says: this is a democratic society!!!!! JoAnne says: wait long long JoAnne says: hahaha JoAnne says: i will continue to sign in and out Bernado Corradi says: i block u!! JoAnne says: block lor~ JoAnne says: hahahaha
ANd hahahah!!! I am irritating others!!!!!! HAHAHA.. =( That Becky, talking to her halfway then my MSN got problem mah!!! So fast logged off~~~~~~ *Where's the blender???* I bet I am irritating others also *booohoooooo* All is MSN 7.0 fault!!! *boooohoooo* I don;t sign in liao, i off the computer and go and cry *booooohoooooo* HMPH!!!
JOanne thought hard on 1:14:00 AM.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
2 down
HELLO!!! =) I am very tired now..Haha..so much so for wanting to study, all parts of my body tell me not to...Yes, after today's devastating paper, I thought I can give myself a break and yes, I've got 4 papers more. Heard about the some toads in a pond in Germany? They died horribly with their intestines seen. Scientists predicted that they die from a bloated stomach, just like cartoons? Ohhh, son of the mask~ The baby blew his own head like a balloon. In this case, the toads blew their stomachs and it burst like a balloon and they DIE~ yOU KNOW why they did that? Because they were doing Measurement and they were probably trying to take-off for the Pyramid in Egypt, probably trying to give their lecturers the BQ for that, they cannot take it and so they blew their own stomachs. Anyway, the paper cleared are Cultures in Contemporary World and Measurement LEVEL ONE. Cultures was okay and I think I read too much things. Measurement? *try to blow up my stomach now. oh, sorry, can't..I'm Joanne* The structure I take-off was a stupid 2-storey canteen with a step in the foundation. HAHAHAH! The ants probably find climbing on normal strip foundations too boring so our dearest Prof Teo decides to do them a favour and have steps for them. WAH~ What a NICE lady she is~~~ =) (Damn those ants!) I really pray hard that the rest will do what I do..HAHA..This taking-off for your information is not like taking-off your clothes (Larry always sing the Alex's song tou diao), is measuring the quantities needed for a building structures. So you see, you need concrete, bricks, reinforcement bars and finishes yada yada~ And yeah~ 2 papers now... and yeah 4 more to go...and I really don't know if I can hang in there but then again, this is my 4th semsters in NUS so whats so difficult? And then it is only half way there,I still got 4 more semsters...and yay~ I'm loving it! Good night, I'm really tired, I bet I am going to sleep 3 days 3 nights after the paper. Good night!
JOanne thought hard on 11:53:00 PM.
Monday, April 18, 2005
Tutition Kids
Girl: Shit~ I missed you~ Boy : =) The Next day... Boy : Can you be my girlfriend? Girl: .... (walked away) (Moments before Shit~ I missed you~) Girl: I want to throw this in his face!!! *throw the thing but missed* (see the boy walk towards her) Girl: Shit~ I missed you~ Boy : =) The Next day... Boy : Can you be my girlfriend? Girl: .... (walked away) hahaha~ =) A story sponsored by one of my tuition kids. I've got 3 tuition kids, if i haven said this before. 3 girls. Very cute girls~ 2 Sec2 girls and one P6 girl. Yeah~ Teenagers~ Our relationship ogt so much better recently, it was like SMP on my own. Lets call the girls S, J (S's younger sister) and X(S's best friend and a new kid i just started teaching this year) S was a rude rude pampered spoilt brat when i taught her next year, she even said about how she can get rid of me so easily by just asking the mum to fire me and of course knowing me, you should know how I'll torture her after that... =) This year (rather end of last year), she was different. She starts to tell me things and show respect for me. Just the day before she make a blunder and called me in school immediately to tell me and her teacher punished her because she was talking so much in class.. HAHA! J is omg~~ I am on the verge of giving her up...Really~ X is nice, she is in the school band and last week, the instructor pulled her out of the SYF team and she got so sad, she sms-ed me...I did my part to console her and just yesterday night she went over to stay at S's house and they called me at around 12+ just to laugh and say hihi~ hahaha...teenagers~ I am no longer just the tuition teacher. hahaha and just today i was teaching sexual reproduction in human beings. HAHAHAH! And my kid just realised (sorry, this is disgusting BUT hahaha!) that the mensturation blood and the urine do not come out from the same place and she was like oMG! I thought they come out from the same place. HAHAHHAHAH! And i OMG too!!! Anyway, I learnt the Lim Kim San was the first chairman of HDB who built 53,777 units of flats in the first 5 year scheme after SIT (Singapore Improvement Trust), who built only 2100 units bewteen 1927-1941 while teaching my kid Sec2 history. hahaha... So fun~ Exams will officially start on Friday and I am still not done with the readings. Readings done today? ZERO! I spent the whole day teaching tuition. Great! =) Jiayou bah~
JOanne thought hard on 10:44:00 PM.
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Film Festival
CAtched a movie today My Jealous Barber (from film festival) never really heard about it in the past... Anyway it was quite nice. The starting of the film showed this barber with this guy cutting his hair. The whole movie super budget because there are only 4 characters. We've got Frank (the barber), Bent (one of Frank's customers, in fact the last customer that stayed with Frank) and Bent's father who died shortly after a dinner scene and then Susie (aroma therapist. From Frank's shop, on the left is Susie's shop and on the right 2nd level, you will see Bent's house. Basically if you draw a triangle, each of them will be situated at each of the point. This barber Frank inherited customers and shop from his ancestors. He loves boxing yet gave it up to become a barber. All his customers left him one by one till only Bent is left. Bent has been cutting his hair in Frank's shop for 10 years already. Frank is very dedicated to his customers, he kept all his customers's hairs and know all of them well, too well that is abit hard to accept. Bent is a nurse that never changes his hairstyle for 10 years. Just as the 11th year is going to start, Susia, the aroma therapist who never fails to forget everything moved into the neighbourhood. She notes down everything she does and draw portraits of everyone who deserved to be remembered. If you've watched 50 First Dates, she is someone like Lucy. So Bent's father passed away and he met this girl and out of a sudden, he decides to give himself a new haircut. The haircut works miracles because he get the confidence and the girl but offend and hurt the loyal barber in the process. The barber though is around 70 already still went ahead to prove his worth in the national competition participated by hungry young men and of course his model is his only customer Bent. HIs fingers shook and there, no more. The ending was good with Bent and Frank on Susie's car throwing away all the hairs Frank has kept. there~ your 90 minutes story. Joanne feels that this 3 character represents the 3 different kinds of attitude you adopt for life. Bent obviously takes life as a chore and he don't seem to care about anything everything. The father said this of him when they talked about his driving licence. He has been going to the same barber because he cannot be bothered to think of what he really wants. He just couldn't be bothered and obviously loses the passion for life already. He leads a mandate life because is either lamb or chicken that he will be bringing to his father's house. He is too predictable and he doesn't even bothher to do anything about it. Frank is one who never lets go. Judging from how he keep his customers's hairs in his home and remmebering each and everyone's first time there. His life is a duty, a duty to keep the barber shop going because his father and grandfather and great grand father did it. If you have read Little Prince, he reminds me of that lamp lighter, who does nothing but light up the lamp of a tiny planet when the night arrives. Little Prince thinks only his life is of meaning out of the many planets he visit because he serves a purpose. yah~ a duty... Like some parents live for their children, and how someone just live for the sake of another one, sometimes it is all a duty. Then we have Susie who start everyday new because she has no memories of yesterday and although she has, she can't really feel the sadness or happiness she wrote in her book. She live everyday as a brand new day. No "once bitten twice shy" thingie, no experience, no nothing, everyday is new. Bent need to give himself a new haircut to start afresh, Susie dun have to...Everyday she wakes up, is new. Frank and Bent envy her as she lives everyday passionately because everyday is new and interesting to her. Of course, human are never satisfied. She wish she can remember more. Who are you? More of Frank, Bent or Susie? I guess it all boils down to letting go. Susie never has problem with letting go because she has nothing to let go. Frank never lets go, he tries to keep everything... When the day he throws away all the hairs, he never felt happier than ever. Bent finally go to Frank asking him to cut his hair according to his instructions. Frank replied, "I could have done that if you have asked many many years ago." Sometimes, you cannot be too relaxed about things (like Bent), not caring about anything, but you cannot be like Frank too, too mindful and uptight about everything. I am not trying to talk like a great philosopher, I know I sucks at my essay, but I guess is all about moderation and learning how to let go when there really is a need. hahaha..Time for Joanne's story. If you have a monkey coming in to your garden to steal things, what can you do? Cut a hole in the tree just the right size for the monkey's palm to be put in but not the clenched fist, put some sweets chocolates, whatever inside...Trust me, you've already got your monkey. The monkey will not learn to let go of the stuff in his clenched fist, he is stucked there especially since he is panicking. Don't be that monkey, don't be Frank... =) This blog is boring right? Perhaps we should start talking about multi-racism in Singapore, you know about the CMIO model in Singapore? When did the race thingie started? It started proper in 1980 that everyone needs to fall in a race. Or how about Sun tze theory of using the beauty trick? hahaha...these days Joanne knows so much right? =) Sorry, but I don't know how basement constrution is being caried out and if I were to measure reinforcement bars, do i need to look up the CP?? hahahha...yay man, the exams are coming, so eXciting~~~~!!!!!! By the way, if you have read this far, thanks for bearing with me, there are definitely more to come... =) Have a great week ahead~ Drop me a comment or tag if you have really come this far because I am amazed myself. =)
JOanne thought hard on 1:13:00 AM.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
I am having my first paper next Friday, how exciting? =) First paper on the list is Cultures in Comtemporary world. Yeah, things going fine~ VERY FINE =) I haven't read the readings yet, read a few though, maybe 3 or 4? hehehe..impressive huh? Yeah! And today, for the whole day, I was reading one reading and yes for THE WHOLE DAY, I read ONE READING. =)
Woman, Culture and Society (peep at the title just only) hehehe~ Michelle Zimbalist Rosaldo (yay, I got it right!!!!) (Lets see how much my memory can take) The paper attempts to give an explanation to why there is this female subordination occuring in the world. Why is it that the males dominate against the females in most society? I learn a new word today, "anomalous". In the paper, it was say that women are perceived as anomalous in many society by men. Rosaldo said that women and men are physically different and that this might has to do with female subordination. (hahaha, what has this got to do with me right?) Anyway, Rosaldo tied back to the fact that because women are given the noble task of child-bearing, women are often tied down to child-caring and taking too. That probably explains why women are seen as figure who are more benevolent and that they are more willing to cherish children compared to men.
Then again, there are variations. Variations in the sense that there are society where the males are not the one controlling economic activities and that the men are doing things out of the norm. I think one of the readings that I have skim through was saying because man usually are connected to economic activity, there are deem to be the "first sex". And during warfare, males are much more valued due to their strenght. The males in New Guinea Arapesh actually behaved flirtatiously and it is the women who will initiate the courtship. haha.. and in some society (cannot remember what), the women are very much feared. It has got something to do with their physical body too. Women is both very sought after and feared in society and that they are name accordingly to the man they bed. Like witches in some society, they are defined as woman who have slept with the devils and the nuns, they married their whole life to God. They are also often closely related to the devils and "pollution" in some society. Like the New Guinea man, who will never try to offend a woman for fear that the women will feed them food cooked while they are menstruating and omg~ there is even one menstruating hut for the women!!! The menstruating blood is often associated to polluting the society. Therefore much as the men might sought after the women, they are also keeping themselves away from the women to prevent themselves from being polluted. Because women are much desired for and feared of, there is this "power" that arises. Often, it is out of choice that women are submissive to men.
Men possess more authority over women and that the activities they carried out are much more valued. Like the New Guinea people again, the men grow yams and the women other stuff, yet only the yams are seen as valuable. Like hunting, though the women grow the staple food rice, meat is much often considered as the only food in the community itself. Rosaldo was saying this has got to do with the way how man attained their manhood and how women attained theirs. Women gradually just take on their roles as they grow, meaning the whole process is being taken for granted that the girl will become a woman when the age comes. Yet for man, there are always competition from the peers, and there forms this aggression, and that in the gatherers community, a boy will need to go through many trials to become a man. Just like how the Masai boys, who were sent to the elders in the community, to go through rituals and trials to become man. In the process, they actually stole the women of their elders and sleep with them. In a sense the women there are not of value at all, that they are only allow to participate in the most minimal way had if there are rituals. For some countries, simple activities like milking the cow can only be done by this chosen male who is said to be sacred.
There are many more. Conclusion was that in a egalitarian society, the roles of women is more to complement the males, like again the New Guinea males who will spend the day with their children while their wife is garndening. As for rituals, the wife is still suppose to play the submissive role by acting ignorant. He suggested to change the whole thing will require the male to spend more time with their children and as such the male will lose his authority which is diferent from the females where she still can establish her own circle and withhold some power on her own within her own sphere.
phew~ My memory is fantastic not bad, dun u think so? hahahha.. and yes, this is what i study nowadays other than those structures that I am looking at. And of course there is still IT1003 where FedEx is a E-business and Amazon belongs to E-commerce. Like how EDS failed to integrate all the IT systems in GM. Minus all this, I am still studying my law, where to establish or fight a case of construction accident, one need to establish three things which are (1) Occupier's Liability (2) Breach of Statutory duty (3) Neglience and of course there are still contributory neglience and vicaricious liability. And there is so much like the Amus case and the Wong Jin Fah case where the next friend (his brother-in-law) sued the 4 companies for everything and only the plantiff's employer managed to get away due to lack of degree of control. I said my memory is not bad and i typed all that without referring. I am all ready for exams!!!! (minus the fact that these are ALL that i know) =) As for Contech, i just realised, I know nuts and there are Contech 3 somemore... =) and of course there is still something call Measurement and talking about which if you do well, there will be a sponsorship. HAHAHAHAHHA!!!! The greatest joke I have ever heard. TIme to rest before exams start~~~ and yah, i did realised I only finished one reading today. =) No need to remind me and thanks for bearing with me, which I think only me, myself is entertaining myself but hey, this is my blog and don't you think you've learn alot? =) tata~
JOanne thought hard on 10:26:00 PM.
Monday, April 11, 2005
had a super high intake of calories on saturday and so decided to go for a swim today...hahaha, the main thing is i got company, I've been saying i am going for a swim since like a few months back when i got myself new swimsuit but did not...haha..anyway, yes..with the company of my mum and my auntie and my cousins, we went for a swim. a swim? more like soaking in the water instead..i swam about 7-8 laps and start lazing around. The weather was great and i did not have any tan lines on mi now, isn't that kind of like amazing? haha.. anyway thot i was getting fairer since last year when i was like completely burnt in smp. the pool was super duper the super the duper the crowded...yeah...(tt probably explains y i am soaking in the water instead) and there was like 1005 chinaman in the pool...no offence but i really think they lack basic courtesy. thot it was like nice to give way, oh no, i dun think they even noe the meaning of that...they just swim to you right on and hope pray u will just vanish...and yes, being a girl, i give way... i dun want them to touch mi anywhere or kick mi in the stomach..i can just imagine what happens if i got kicked, i would probably take my towel and drown them there and then =)and then i dun see any bikini babes which i usually will see in if i go to the pool during wkdays. Ohhh, bikini babes are smart, they noe when they should go swimming... and yes, all i saw was those , disgusting chinaman ermmm..nothing... so we just chatted in the pool...haha..fun~ den head home for dinner...dinner was at 8.30... haha..was so hungry!!! mum cooked some fish steamboat thingie and it was nice..we ate so much of it tt mum had to refill the soup frequently...too bad samuel's not home, he is having tekong food now... kinda missed seeing him...hahha...is weird how no one sits in front of the comp now mapling...anyway, is another 2 wks time before i see him and i just received his sms just now...guess he misses us too... =) is someone's birthday today... i think he had a great time on saturday with the food fest put up...haha...yeah...high calories... with yummy cheesecake, a table full of local food, chocolate fondue and ice cream cake...hahah...it was a day called food.hahaha...i am tired... exams are coming... haha..great!!!
JOanne thought hard on 1:12:00 AM.
Thursday, April 07, 2005
=) =) yay!!! is over!!!!!! and i'm in the midst of the class now...I'm the first group t0 present...cool... lets interview marilyn,i think she got things to say, Marilyn: !@#$% Ah neh was yawning away when i was presenting.gave a bored look when i was presenting. !@#$%^& Joanne said he gave 3 crosses when i paused 3 times.!@#$% strangle him!!!!! *grumblegrumble* Wah~ Marilyn really have alot to say doesn't she? we are typing so softly u noe...so exciting~~~~~ lets hear what joanne wanna say, Joanne: !@#$#@!@%^&%$##!!!!!!! i show him the demonstration, he go and ask mi the real thing..idiot!!!! and i asked him whats lacking and he laugh and laugh and just missed saying "u have gone out of point!!" (Dr teo ailing said our idea is great!!!) joanne has alot to say too...yay, always~ hehehehhe I shall forgive him since no more projects already!!!! wahahahahhah~ =p but i dun like him still!!! detestable!!! yuccks!!! pui!!!! hahahha (marilyn nodding her head till the head want to come out liao.) wanted to interview cheng yow, but dunno where he go... anyway...it is over over over!! ohhhh ace ptd ltd is next.... so excitiing... =) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * idiot, i tried to search for "yeah pictures" and all the porn pictures came out...kns! anyway..yay!! holidays liao marilyn said cannot said holidays *sobsob* is studying time!!!! =p starting from next tuesday!!!! yaya~ tata~ blah blah.. ytd was zxavier's first day out!!!! hehee =p dun tok liao~
JOanne thought hard on 12:58:00 PM.
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Anada raja (my Gek1005 tutor) says the term is going so fast~ Yeah man...The term is coming to an end soon and just yesterday i finished my contech presentation...Yeah..i think is a complete thrash... We are going by the textbook while the other groups really went down to the companies to find out things...yay, we went down too and the idiotic manager of some company (decides to keep it secret) refuse to provide us anything. the tutor asked, why did we insist in doing it in the first place when is so hard to retrieve information... I think in my mind, yeah..we should have changed at the very beginning...Anyway, is over and not worth mentioning..Tomorrow, there is another one and thursday another one..and there..i've finished all and should get ready for the exams...talking about exams...not that my cap points is veri high and yes, i know it cannot afford to drop..but this sem..every modules i took seem like omg to mi!! 1. IT1003-the tutor says want to give us the grades but hey!!! i dun see it still...and i guess ok...hopefully this turns out well. And whats new right, for every module i took outside my fac, i just get a "C" for everything, the best i got was a "c+" last sem for BI. 2. GEK1005-i got back my kinship essay and i think i was out of point..Grade was B- and yes the rest get A or A- or A+ hahaha...best iszzit it?????? yeah man My own modules 1. Measurement- i am still trying to figure out how di i differentiate between addition and multiplication in the dimension paper...and yes...no more tutorials already and the tutor now i got...hahaha..bird b says he's an ass!!! and guess what? i never agree more... k.p.s is a kind of paint when it is supposed to be a process..tells alot about him, dun u think so? 2. Contech-presentation is 40% and is already gone...i couldn't say anything other than life is beautiful 3. Building service-i like the lecturer...but i duno how i am going to fare 4. con law- best. best. best. i dunno...ahahahha i guess i like joseph chun more... And there~ how to i stop my cap points from dropping? =) On a more lighter note, i am looking forward to thurs so that everything is proof! done... my brother gonna get enlisted on fri...time files...it was like yesterday he was looking at the comp and trying to figure out where he is going after his "o" and someone's birthday is coming...i am nervous which hahaha u all might say what has that got to do with mi being nervous...hahhaha... =) time to bathe... (0_0)'" my eyes dazed liao........... someone?! by the way, i did something out of my busy days.. dang dang

JOanne thought hard on 7:38:00 PM.
Friday, April 01, 2005
basically when the projects deadlines are here, you (1) can go crazy (2) try to stay calm (3) wait to open champange (4) gives a stupid face (5) and be grumpy about the whole thing. hahaha..I am all the above. someone just asked mi qn about the project. i replied, how would i noe? i thot tt was ur part and u supposed to go find out?and she said i thot u noe... hahaha..how come i will noe? i noe my part is easy and perhaps i am doing the least for the whole thing but hers isn't as difficult too. i tried to tell her again what she is supposed to do and she ok ok ok ok and guess what the minute i stopped typing she went offline. someone tells her what is the basic courtesy????? Obviously singapore's courtesy campaign doesn't work for her!!!! i guess the authority just have to try harder...can't she at least tell mi tt she is busy? that she needs to go off? will die doing so? *pulls my hair* soooo is my fault? nope, i wun blame her cos is not worth it. and probably after i finished blogging i will get back my mood already. was thinking No wonder i dun like her in the first place. yay, i admitted. i dun like her and i have to be super frank that i am nv friendly to her. and just yesterday she apologised for not doing anything becos she was sick. at least u can inform mi rite? at least i think i have the right to noe. Great the bell is ringing again. have i ever tell u guys tt the church in my area sounds this veri nice bell every first day of the month at 12pm exactly. yes, time files~ i got fooled twice this year but perhaps more cos is onli 12 now. april fool onli reminds mi of the time my chinese teacher cried cos someone said her underwear has dropped or sth. she get so upset just cos of a joke.but she said the joke was too far...*shrugged* i dunno... it has to depends ur jokes play on what. playing on the concern of others? or really just a joke? like u noe tt person care about u and u goes "oh no, i met with an accident, HELP!!!" den ppl go to you and u go "april fool!!" i think i would probably take one rope and hang u upside down and make u write april's fool 10000000 times. People said my tone changes immediately when my mood changes...that's how i am.. bet u can sense my mood now, can u? well, happy april's fool day and lets hope the day gets better because the first half is bad...bad....bad...bad...someone tells mi whats the right thing to do? one hours after the above, he make mi day...what did i say? kids are adorable.
JOanne thought hard on 12:00:00 PM.