Thursday, March 31, 2005
TWo hundred
 The REVIEW 200 is an annual readership survey that ranks which companies in Asia best exemplify selected qualities of corporate leadership. Established in 1993, the survey gauges respondents' perceptions of more than 500 Asian and non-Asian companies, or multinationals, with respect to customer service, product quality, financial soundness, long-term vision and innovativeness.
(-_-)??? What is that exactly? *shrugged* I guess is not really my business... The number 200 just caught my eye. Thats all. =) Speaking about 200, what about 200? As I've said, is it a swan with 2 donuts?
 isn't that lovely? 200 tells mi happy times fly like nobody business. 200 reminds me of laughters and tears, sweetness and bitterness... Mayb $200 can buy you one MP3 or something... There is so much 200 can means, dun u think so? =) What do u think it means? =) I'm as busy as a bee~ *gives a stupid face* That is because i got 3 presentations and 3 reports to hand in next wk..Isn't that fulfilling? I just finished my measurement ppt. =) Sense of satisfaction after struggling to float in the sea for the past 3 hours. I hope the ppt shows it all, that it is the work of many many hours spent. Great, I am gonna open champage after next friday!!! Lets count down together!!! meanwhile...lets continue counting~ *winks* starting from 200... =)
JOanne thought hard on 1:42:00 AM.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
JIng-zehzeh, I am not fat ok... I am just abit too muscular..See my face..Where got fat? I'm just abit chubby..abit onli..rj-zehzeh said this is her fav photo cos i look so chubby and i look so nice to pinch. I am adorable but please dun harbour any ill intentions towards mi *cover my face* especially dun even think about pinching mi... *preparing to run*
 Aiyah, i post this pic, ann-zehzeh said dun post cos i look like an old man in this pic.. iszzit? (-_-)???
JOanne thought hard on 11:06:00 AM.
Monday, March 28, 2005
I am still busy
Yes, Still busy...very busy...but i dunno whats so busy..Seem like I still plenty of time to get my work done, but that is becos i dunno what i am suppposed to do? I am supposed to get work done now, and yes i am blogging here!!!
Next week due: 1. Contech presentation (monday) 2. Contech report (dunno when) THis project is heading nowhere. My grp mates are all preoccupied with other projects and as the leader, i felt guilty for not taking the initiative. I've uploaded my part and the rest is just not up yet. Mayb cos the part that i am taking in relatively easier compared to the rest but.... nvm~ We are meeting this wed, hopefully i will get it over and done with. That stupid lecturer wants us to excite him...hahhaa..thanks... 3. Building Services Presentation (wednesday) This is another one i dunno where we are heading, we went for the site visit at coasta rhu with a stupid helpful manager explaining things in a bullet-train manner. Thanks. haha..and also all my project mates are busy with their own projects like contech and stuff (yah, while my contech mates are busy with building services). i think larry is doing most of the work and he got things under control but i dunno whats going on..i think he will get back to us after he finished his contech. but he has already done alot. saying about having onli a guy in a gals grp? yeah man~ 4. Measurement Presentation (thursday) 5. Measurement Report (friday)T This is the only one on track and i think we are doing great. i just finished the demo part yesterday for the presentation and i myself think is cool fine (got to be humble). I did up parts of the imaginary program to show that the program really exists and trust mi, thats so hard and after figuring all the shiu shiu shiu (aka animation), i stopped and think again, is all this necessary? (bird B, what do u think?) Cos we are supposed to sell our program and tt's it. But without a demo, our program loses the credibility right? (-_-)"" anyway, the thing is done already, die die also must show teo ailing prof teo cos i really spend alot of time on it (not counting the time sacrificed for this when i could have gave my pie quality time on satutrday) haha..his mother asked me why i came over so late that evening and said i could have come over at 8am. I told her i got tuition in the morning and she say i should have come over straight after my tuition so that i can do my work there and keep pie company at the same time.i haven told him this, just suddenly remember...and i was like ermmm ermmm ermmm...hahaha... And later in the night, when i was going home, she said i stay too far and she dun mind renting the spare room in their house to mi for 50 bucks and food is included!!!! hahahahhaha =) heng, i no need say anything cos pie was like explaining that i will not want it. =) very happy that she welcomes my company hehehhe...hahaha hehhehe... =)and is not that i dun want it but i also got my own family and i wanna spend time with them too and i thot is only right that i stay with my family till i get married. Mum said she will not yang mi anymore when i get married and she ask mi to faster get married so she no need yang mi. i noe she dun mean it, so i say i 30 den get married cos i wanna stay by her side. she ask mi to shoo shoo *sobs sobs* hahaha..craps lah... went to ktv again the other time and had sushi with pie's friends...had a wonderful time.. wah...so many things i have done!!! =) time to start on work.. *yawn* oops... yah..time to start for work *yawns* oh no!!! i cannot control..lets try again: time to start for work *yawns* =) have a great day all!!
JOanne thought hard on 11:10:00 AM.
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Dang dang~ I know someone misses him terribly, so this is another one... Haha... Jing sounds like a big fat wolf, dun u think so?? Ohhh, by the way, I kisses him everyday...Envy mi???
 Isn't him cute?? =P When u free, u can come and see him lah..I think he wun resist u yet.. =) Nightz~ I am busy. haha..
JOanne thought hard on 11:48:00 PM.
Thursday, March 24, 2005
ANother post on kids~
Scene: In the MRt
Girl: (Walk away sulking) Dad : Girl, come here~ Girl: (ignore and sulk) Dad : Come here~ come here~ come and sit with daddy~ Girl: (reluctantly walk over to her dad) Dad : (sms-ing) haiya, Vina is sleeping and this makes messaging so difficult~ Girl: . . . . . . (takjes her bag and lean her head on it) Dad : You are upset at daddy? Come, lean against daddy~ Girl: . . . . . . Dad : ohhh..you see, Vina is drooling~~ Girl: (turns her head and see) . . . . Girl: You did not sit with me just now, you were supposed to sit between me and Vina!!! Dad : I see~ mY girl is jealous of her cousin Girl: (pouting) Dad : She was sleeping, i have to let her lean on me Girl: I dun like~~~ She lean, i cannot lean!!! Dad : Daddy will carry her because she's asleep... Girl: If both of us fall asleep, who will you carry? Dad : I will carry both Girl: (upset) hmph!!! Dad : So i leave her alone here??? and dun care about her?? Girl: Cannot!!! Dad : then?? Girl: tickle her and she will wake up!!! dad : (try waking Vina up but that girl simply just zzzZZZ) Girl: (upset upset upset) And then they left the train. This touches me.. =) Kids~ Aren't they cute?? Just yesterday, mummy and daddy were arguing about something...Guess what Zxavier did??? He just laid there gaggling...boo-ing and playing with his saliva!!! =)
 One of his typical bochup look~ what did i say??? kids...they are so adorable~~
JOanne thought hard on 11:28:00 PM.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
I had the last mentoring contact time yesterday. How time files~ and it is the last already. Melissa was saying we start off with ice-breakers and we should end with sth also..Haha..She got us all entangled using a wool and AL and I were thinking omg, dun tell mi we are supposed to un-entangle ourselves because tt what we started off...Well, she didn't want us to do that...It was kind of haertwarming. SCSS had 4 female mentors down yesterday and we were combined with the JSS mentors for the small grp discussion. I think we kinda dominated the discussion because JSS students are relatively okay other than AL wan... =) AL was ultra high which i dunno why...hahah..She was tt high even when i was doing project with her in sem 1. Haha...I think we are kinda of noisy. BUt i really had great fun and the food was great!!! =) Hx was real nice later to drive us home later and i guess that was the first time we went down to sth together and went home together happily and tt's worth to be happy... =)
I have many many things to do and the first on the list is Measurement. many many many many things to do and i wonder how am i going to upload by tmr. Anyway i finished my It1003 ppt today. Never ever talked to the ppl in the class as i always stick to the BRE people. I had fun today. haha..the people in the class were like smiling at mi and as i was the last one to present, i was the one clicking the mouse. I knocked myself accidentally and was slow to click the mousse at times. Not that was nervous or what, haha..All of us had fun laughing although one of us is presenting. Later on, one of the guys actually came and tok to mi, saying our presentation was nice and we all seem very confident as all of us had no papers in our hands. haha..cos just crapping mah!!! hahaha.. I was going to yih to collect my mug and i took the bus with them. Then the other guy (which i nv get his name) asked where I am from, what year am i and etc... Before i alight, he asked for my name. hahaha...and guess what the tutorials are ending and guess what this guy actually know pkpcg!!! hahah..the world is small...anyway as i was saying, the semester is coming to an end liao and every time is like tt wan...Going to end liao den we start toking. =) Busy days ahead~~ and i am gonna start on my work. Tingting just apologised to my sis for accidentally sitting on her spec. I told ya, kids learn new things everyday.
JOanne thought hard on 8:28:00 PM.
Monday, March 21, 2005
I'm in the comp lab. Got tonnes of things to do and readings to finish yet I am here looking at babies photos. =) One is Marve (my cousin's daughter) and the other is Zxavier (the new kid in my house). You should be amazed how kids grow. One day they are lying and the next they flipped over and start gaggling things you dun understand. They make you happy and they amazes you. Just thot I can share their smiles with you and hope it will makes your day just like how they make mine.

I just finished my COn Tech lab. Haha..Luckily I wore pants today because I was supposed to climb those scaffoldings. We were supposed to construct our own scaffolds and climb on top of it to a one storey formwork. Fun~ HAha..But while Michael Chew was explaining, my mind wandered to how I got into this course...Haha, in the first place, those metals thingie are too heavy for mi to carry, and yah..all i did was to act as a support to those metal thingies and watch the guys carry it like they are carrying packets of chips. CY was real nice to be the support most of the times while the other guy (duno his name) was with al his sound effects (swooosh~ Shiu~~~ Shinnnn~~) and imitating how banglas do their work on top of their platform. Yeah~ It was great fun coming down using that staircase that wobbles~~~~ Haha...It just shows how CONFIDENT we are climbing on the things we build ourselves... =) I had great fun. Haha..dunno why but while the tutor is talking,I was suddenly reminded of how YW used to drool over CY in year 1, asking me if he is handsome whenever she catch him coming in. HAha... =X This shows how INTERESTING the tutor was~ Haiz~ Later got law tutorial...Sianz~~~~ HAha...I think the tutor himself is so slack..Rather he is very busy with his own things outside, afterall he is still practising as a lawyer. Life interesting~ sooooo interesting~~ And I'm loving it~ =) Take care guys...I think i better start doing something..rather I THINK I will start doing soemthing real soon before the deadlines all start killing me~ =) Cheers~
Before I forget, i met up with my 2 musketeers ytd for a post celebration for CS. Not really celebration, just some catching up to do. Haha..It is so strange how the human's brain works..One never knows what the other is thinking and some times people's actions cannot even be explained. It is like so ridiculous at times. (There are this stupid 2 girls loking at me for dunnno whatsoever reasons now.) Haha..My year ppl who has just read the email are freting over the issue aboout PTS (Practical Training Scheme aka internship). It is good to start early but what I understand is that in year 3, there will be more offers (local and overseas). Kelvin was asking if I am going and we briefly discuss the pros and cons if we go this year... Hmmmm (-_-)?? There are only 20 vancancies..Should I go?
JOanne thought hard on 1:03:00 PM.
Saturday, March 19, 2005
Hi there~ Everything is finally OK!!! Must say 1000000 thanks to my beloved best friend for taking time to edit the thing for mi...As i have said, i need the help of the experts... It is so funny how all my friends are more or less experts at computers while computers just kill mi off. I am taking Information System Application now, yes, u got it another Cmputing module. No idea about the IS part though..I am deadmeat since i dun go to lectures and i rarely pay attention during tutorials. =)
I just turn 21 u noe??? =) I am blessed...and I am lucky... =) See ya~ I got stuff to do...I bet i will update this more often....
JOanne thought hard on 10:53:00 PM.
Thursday, March 17, 2005
I have try
haha...I have tried making it ok...think this needs the work of an expert...haha...cos it just refuses to be ok....
JOanne thought hard on 5:09:00 PM.